Page 45 - Canine-Terminology
P. 45

elongated build. The difference between the sexes is in the head,  breed standard for the definitive color description.
        the circumference is greater in dogs than in bitches. This is an
        intelligent dog who needs an owner who can understand and handle  Pied: Unequally proportioned patches of white and another colour.
        it. Owners should work  with their Perro de Presa Mallorquin
        from puppy hood to teach obedience and manners in as positive a  Pig Eyes: Eyes set too close.
        way as possible but correcting any unwanted behaviour from the
        beginning.                                             Pig jaw: See Overshot

        Peruvian  Hairless  Dog: Is a breed of dog with its origins in  Pigeon-breast: A narrow chest with a protruding breastbone.
        Peruvian pre-Inca cultures. It is one of several breeds of hairless
        dog.  Peruvian  Hairless  dogs  are  affectionate  with  family  but  Pigeon-chest: Chest with a short protruding breastbone.
        wary of strangers. They tend to be very protective of women and
        children in the family. They are agile and fast, and many of them  Pigeon-toed: Toes pointing in toward the mid line.
        enjoy sight-hunting small rodents.
                                                               Pile: Dense undercoat of soft hair.
        Phalène: Is a toy dog breed, the drop eared variety of the Papillon
        (“butterfly [-eared]”) dog. Both varieties can occur in the same  Pin bones: Upper bony protuberances of pelvis.
        litter.  The Phalène  is the earliest  form of the Papillon;  the
        appearance of the erect-eared variety was not documented until  Pincer bite: See Level Bite
        the 16th century.
                                                               Pinking up: In a pregnant bitch, the changing of the color of the
        Pharaoh Hound: Is a Maltese breed of dog and the national dog of  nipples to pink. Typically occurs 18 to 20 days after mating and is
        Malta. In Maltese it is called Kelb tal-Fenek, which means “rabbit  useful in determining if a dog is pregnant.
        dog”. It is traditionally  used for hunting rabbit in the Maltese
        Islands. The breed has no link with Ancient Egypt. However, a  Pinna: The part of the ear that outside the head; flap or leather.
        popular myth holds that the breed is descended from the Tesem,
        one of the ancient Egyptian hunting dogs.              Pinning: Forefeet pointing in when moving.

        Phenotype: The observable physical or biochemical characteristics  Pinto: Distinct, dark markings on light background (e.g. Akita).
        of an organism, as determined by both genetic  makeup  and
        environmental influences.                              Plaiting: Walking or trotting crossing the front legs.

        Pheromones: A chemical  secreted  by an  animal,  especially  an  Plott Hound: Is a large scent hound, originally bred for hunting
        insect that influences the behavior or development of others of  bear. The Plott Hound is one of the least known breeds of dog in
        the same species, often functioning as an attractant of the opposite  the United States, even though it is the state dog of North Carolina.
        sex.                                                   Chosen for their tracking and hunting abilities, two Plott Hound
                                                               puppies have been trained as K9 deputies for the Guilford County
        Phu Quoc Ridgeback: Is a breed of dog from Phú Quốc Island  Sherriff’s Department.
        in  Vietnam’s southern  Kiên  Giang  Province.  The  Phu Quoc
        Ridgeback is one of only three breeds that has a ridge of hair that  Plume: 1. A long fringe of hair on the tail. 2. Carrying the tail
        runs along its back in the opposite direction from the rest of the  plume-like over the back.
        coat (the others are Rhodesian Ridgeback and Thai Ridgeback).
        The Phu Quoc is the smallest of the three ridgeback breeds. The  Plummer Terrier: Is a working terrier, and like all  working
        Phu Quoc Ridgeback is best known for its ability to jump higher  terriers, it is a composite animal. The Plummer Terrier was created
        and run and swim faster than most other breeds.        by Dr. David Brian Plummer who began his type with a hard strain
                                                               of Jack Russell terrier from his home in Wales.
        Picardy Spaniel: Is a breed of dog developed in France for use
        as a gundog. It is related to the Blue Picardy Spaniel, and still  Podenco Canario: Is a breed of dog originally from the Canary
        has many similarities, but the Picardy Spaniel is the older of the  Islands. The Podenco Canario is still used in the Canary Islands
        two breeds. In France, the breed is used for hunting in wooded  today in packs as a hunting dog, primarily used for rabbit hunting.
        areas for Pheasants, and in swamps for Snipes. However it can  The word “podenco” is Spanish for “hound”. “Canario” means
        also be used for hunting ducks, hares and rabbits. The breed excels  “Canarian” or “of the Canaries”. Rabbit hunting with the Podenco
        at hunting in marshes and will not hesitate to jump into water. The  Canario is a very popular sport, and a necessary pest control.
        Picardy Spaniel is a docile breed of dog and is fond of playing
        with children and bonds well with their master.        Point of buttock: Rearmost projection of the upper thigh at the
                                                               point of the ischium.
        Piebald: Covered with patches  of two colors, especially  black
        and white. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always check the  Point of shoulder: The front of the joint where upper arm and

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