Page 48 - Canine-Terminology
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president Kim Dae-jung. In return, Kim Dae-jung gave two Jindo Ragged: Muscles appear ragged rather than smooth.
dogs (associated with the South) to Kim Jong-il.
Rajapalayam (dog): Is an Indian Sighthound. It was the companion
Punishing mouth: Strong, powerful mouth. of the royalty and aristocracy in Southern India, particularly in its
namesake town of Rajapalayam in the Virudhunagar district of
Punishing: Strong (e.g. Kerry Blue Terrier). Chennai. The Rajapalayam was used predominantly for hunting
wild boar and as a formidable guard dog. They are sight hounds by
Punishment: Use of aversive stimuli to decrease or change a nature but it was proved that by a little training they can be also a
behavior. scent hound. They do not usually like to be touched or handled by
strangers and are known to be one-person dogs.
Puppy mills: Term used to describe a facility that breeds purebred
dogs for profit with no regard for the breed standard, temperament, Rampur Greyhound: Is a breed of dog native to the Rampur
genetically linked defects, socialization or the dog’s overall health region of Northern India, which lies between Delhi and Bareilly.
and welfare. The Rampur hound is a large member of the sighthound family. It
was the favored hound of the Maharajahs for jackal control, but
Puppy: A dog under 12 months of age. was also used to hunt lions, tigers, leopards, and panthers. It was
considered a test of courage for a single hound to take down a
Purebred: A dog whose sire and dam belong to the same breed golden jackal. The Rampur is built to cover great distances at high
and who are themselves of unmixed descent since recognition of speed but is also capable of great endurance.
the breed.
Rangy: Dog of long, thin build, often lacking maturity.
Put down: 1. To prepare a dog for the show ring. 2. A dog unplaced
in competition. 3. To euthanize a dog. Rat tail: The root thick and covered with soft curls; at the tip
devoid of hair, or having the appearance of being clipped.
Pyrenean Mastiff: Is a large breed of dog originally from the
Aragonese Pyrenees in Spain. It should not be confused with the Rat Terrier: Is an American dog breed with a background as a
Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Its main function is to guard and protect farm dog and hunting companion. Traditionally more of a type
the herds and its masters from the attacks of wolves, bears and than a breed, they share much ancestry with the small hunting
thieves. This strong, rustic breed is self-reliant and calm. It is dogs known as feists. The social sensitivity of Rat Terriers makes
even-tempered and docile at home and is protective with children. them very trainable and easier to live with for the average pet
owner, but it also means that extensive socialization from an early
Q age is critical.
Rate of reinforcement: The frequency with which the dog is
Quality: Excellence of type and bearing giving close adherence to rewarded.
the Breed Standard, the indefinable attribute denoting refinement
and nobility. Also, the absence of coarseness giving strength to a Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz: Is a Spanish breed of dog of the
dog and refinement to a bitch without weakness. terrier type. Its name reflects its main occupation: hunting rats and
mice hidden between barrels in the wineries of Andalusia in Spain.
Quarantine: Enforced isolation or restriction of free movement The breed is lively and brave with strong hunting instincts.
imposed to prevent the spread of contagious disease.
Ratonero Murciano de Huerta: Is a Spanish breed of dog
Quarters: The upper portion of the hindquarters - the pelvic and originating from Region of Murcia. A local ratter has existed in
thigh regions. the region of Murcia since the 16th or 17th century. Today, the
Murcian Ratter is more popular as a pet than a ratter or hunter.
Queen Anne front (Chippendale front): Forelegs bowed and out However, it is still nowadays used also as hunter and protector in
at elbows, pasterns close and feet turned out. several places in Murcia.
Quick: The vein running through a dog’s claw. Ratonero Valenciano: Is a breed of dog that originates in Spain.
The dogs continue to be used in hunting, specifically for rabbits.
R Reach of front: Length of forward stride taken by forelegs.
Reach: Distance covered in a forward stride.
Racy: Tall, of comparatively slight build.
Reactive: Acting out in order to ward off or escape a stimulus, for
Radius: One of the two bones of the forearm. example, other dogs or people.