Page 50 - Canine-Terminology
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Ruddy: A dark ginger red color.                        dog breed from Colombia, the hunting dog of Colombian peasants,
                                                                distributed throughout the country with a traceable history for over
         Ruff: Dense, harsh  hair around neck which frames face (e.g.  200 years. These hunting dogs have been used in Colombia to find
         Keeshond, Norwich Terrier).                            their prey and they are equally adapted to the diverse geographical
                                                                areas and climates of the country. Stubborn and obstinate while
         Russian Spaniel: Is a type of spaniel first standardised in 1951  hunting,  at  home  he  is  affectionate  with  children  and  makes  a
         in the Soviet Union after World War II by cross breeding English  wonderful companion.
         Cocker  Spaniels,  English  Springer  Spaniels  and  other  spaniel
         breeds. It is an energetic,  free-spirited  breed. Even though it  Sacrum: The region of the vertebral column that consists of three
         is a gundog, it is also kept as a companion dog because of its  fused vertebrae that articulate the pelvic girdle.
         easy-going  nature and devotion to the  cause.  Russian Spaniels
         are trainable, can make a good watchdog, and are amiable with  Saddle back: Overlong back, with a dip behind the withers.
                                                                Saddle: 1. Variation in colour over back (e.g. German Shepherd
         Russo-European Laika: Is the name of a breed of hunting dog  Dog). 2. Area of shorter coat over back (e.g. Afghan Hound).
         that  originated  in  the  forested  region  of northern  Europe  and
         Russia, one of several breeds developed from landrace Laika dogs  Saint-Usuge  Spaniel: Is a breed of Spaniel  originating in the
         of very ancient  Spitz type. The Russo-European Laika  uses its  Bresse region of France. Described by its French breed club as
         voice to alert the hunter to the treed prey (typically a raccoon or  easy to train, it is an obedient, passionate and affectionate breed.
         squirrel). It may use its voice freely in the house as well because it  In the field it is suited to a variety of terrains, including swamps,
         is easily excited about things going on around it.     water and thickets; quarry that the breed specialises in includes
                                                                waterfowl and woodcock.
         Russell Terrier: Is a predominantly white working terrier with
         an instinct to hunt prey underground. The breed was derived from  Saline: A saline solution, especially one that is isotonic with blood
         Jack Russell’s working terrier strains that were used in the 19th  and is used in medicine and surgery.
         century for fox hunting. The Russell Terrier originated in England,
         but the country of development was Australia.          Saluki: Is a dog originally bred in Arabia the Fertile Crescent.
                                                                Historically, salukis were used for hunting by nomadic tribes.
         Rust: Used to describe several breeds, this color is a medium-  Typical  quarry  included  the  gazelle,  hare,  fox,  and  jackal. The
         brilliant  reddish  brown.  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed.  modern saluki has retained qualities of hunting hounds and may
         Always  check  the  breed  standard  for  the  definitive  color  seem reserved to strangers. The often independent and aloof breed
         description.                                           may be difficult to train, and they generally cannot be trusted to
                                                                return to their owner when off leash. Given its hunting instincts,
                                  S                             the dog is prone to chasing moving objects, such as cats, birds,
                                                                squirrels, and bugs.

         Saarloos  Wolfdog: Is an established breed of dog originating   Samoyed: Is a breed of large herding dog which takes its name
         from wolfdog hybrid crosses in Netherlands.  This breed needs   from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadic reindeer
         thorough socialization before the twelfth week of age to ensure   herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with the herding, and
         prosocial behavior.                                    to pull sleds when they moved. Samoyeds’ friendly disposition
                                                                makes them poor guard dogs; an aggressive Samoyed is rare. The
         Sable: Commonly used description of coat colour. Definition varies   breed is characterized by an alert and happy expression which has
         with breed. Black-tipped hairs overlaid on a background of gold,   earned the nicknames “Sammie smile” and “smiley dog”.
         silver, grey, fawn or tan basic coat (e.g. German Shepherd Dog),
         or each hair shaded with three or more colours (e.g. Pomeranian).  Sandy: Used to describe  several breeds, this color is a dull,
                                                                yellowish gray of medium saturation. Color definitions may vary
         Sabre tail: Tail carried in a slightly curved fashion either upwards   by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive color
         (e.g. Basset Hound) or downwards (e.g. German Shepherd Dog).  description.

         Sabueso Español: Is a scent hound breed with its origin in the   Sapsali: Also known as Sapsaree, is a shaggy Korean breed of dog.
         far north of Iberian Peninsula. This breed has been used in this   Traditionally, these dogs were believed to dispel ghosts and evil
         mountainous region since hundreds of years ago for all kind of   spirits. The Sapsaree, just like the Korean Jindo, was designated
         game: wild boar, hare, brown bear, wolf, red deer, fox, roe deer   as a National Treasure in 1992 by the Korean Government. The
         and  chamois.  They  have  a  very  affectionate,  calm,  amenable   Sapsaree’s friendly outer appearance is matched  by its innate
         character and would do well with an active family in a rural home.  patience  and  congeniality  towards other  animals  and  human
         Sabueso fino Colombiano (Colombian fino hound): Is a typical
                                                                Šarplaninac: Is a dog breed of the livestock guardian type named

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