Page 42 - Canine-Terminology
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is the smallest of the retrievers, and is often mistaken for a small
         Norrbottenspets: Is a breed of dog of the spitz type. The breed  Golden Retriever.  Tollers are known to be intelligent,  easy to
         originated in Norrbotten, Sweden and it is an ancient breed whose  please, alert, and high-energy dogs. The name “toller” is derived
         original purpose was  a farm and hunting dog but has recently  from  their  ability  to  lure  waterfowl  within  gunshot range.  The
         become more popular as a companion dog. The Norrbottenspets  breed originated in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Nova
         is used to hunt wood grouse, black grouse, capercaillie and hazel  Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are known to be very intelligent,
         grouse, but also fox, marten and raccoon. Some individuals are  curious, alert, outgoing, and high-energy dogs.
         also effective with mammals as large as moose and grizzly bear.
         Norrbottenspets was formerly  used in hunting squirrels, when
         squirrel fur was valuable in the beginning of the 20th century and             O
                                                                Obedience trial: An event held under AKC rules at which a leg
         Northern  Inuit  Dog:  Is a  crossbred dog that  originated  in  the   toward an obedience degree can be earned.
         late 1980s,  in an attempt  to create a domestic dog breed more
         closely  resembling  the  wolf.  The  dog originates  from crosses   Oblique shoulders: Shoulders well laid back (e.g. English Setter).
         among German Shepherd Dogs, Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds and
         a variety of Inuit breeds. Although the original stock is Canadian   Obliquely set eyes: Eyes where the outer corners are higher in the
         in origin, the breed was developed in the UK. The Northern Inuit   skull than the inner corners (e.g. Japanese Spitz).
         dog is not for the novice owner as they can be very stubborn and
         are very quick-witted.                                 Occipital  protuberance:  A  prominently  raised  occiput
                                                                characteristic of some sporting and hound breeds.
         Norwegian  Buhund:  Is a  breed  of dog of the  spitz  type.  The
         Buhund is used as an all-purpose farm and herding dog, as well as   Occiput: Dorsal, posterior point of the skull. The occiput in dog
         watch dog and a nanny dog. The name Buhund is derived from the   terms is the bump or protuberance clearly seen at the back of the
         Norwegian word “bu”, which means homestead, a simple building   skull in some breeds like the English Setter and Bloodhound.
         or mountain hut (where the shepherd lived while looking after his   However, in other breeds it is barely perceptible.
         herd in the summer) but can also mean stock, as in livestock, and
         “hund” which means dog.  The Norwegian Buhund is a highly   Odd-eyed: Eyes of different color, such as one brown eye and one
         cheerful and active breed.                             blue eye.

         Norwegian Elkhound: Is one of the ancient Northern Spitz-type   Old  Croatian  Sighthound: Regionally  known  as the hrti, is a
         breed of dog and is the National Dog of Norway. The Elkhound   breed of dog from Croatia. Originally developed as a sighthound,
         has served as a hunter, guardian, herder, and defender. It is known   the greyhound-like breed was almost exterminated during Croatia’s
         for its courage in tracking and hunting moose (or elk) and other   time as part of Yugoslavia; however, its continued existence was
         large game, such as bears or wolves. Although the breed is strong   confirmed in December 2008.
         and hardy, the dogs typically have an inseparable bond with their
         masters and are quite loyal. All Elkhounds have a sharp loud bark   Old Danish Pointer: Is a medium-sized breed of dog, white with
         which makes them suitable as watchdogs.                brown markings, originally used as a pointing dog in Denmark.
                                                                During  the  hunt,  the  dog  progresses rather  slowly,  always
         Norwegian Lundehund: Is a small dog breed of the Spitz type that   maintaining  contact  with  the  hunter  and  accomplishing  its  task
         originates from Norway. Its name is a compound noun composed   as a pointing dog without creating unnecessary disturbance of
         of the elements Lunde, meaning puffin, and hund, meaning dog.   the ground. The breed is suited for small as well as large hunting
         The breed was originally developed for the hunting of puffins and   grounds.
         their eggs. They are the most ancient of the Nordic dog breeds,
         scientific research indicates that the breed has been in existence   Old  English  Sheepdog: Is a large breed of dog which was
         since before the last Ice Age, surviving by eating fish and sea birds.  developed in England from early herding types of dog. The Old
                                                                English Sheepdog can grow a very long coat, with fur covering the
         Norwich  Terrier: Is a breed of dog originating  in the United   face and eyes. It is still nicknamed Bob-tail (or Bobtail) because
         Kingdom, and was bred to hunt small vermin or rodents. With   historically, the tail was traditionally docked in this breed. The
         a friendly personality, Norwich  Terriers are today mostly a   breed standards describe the ideal Old English Sheepdog as never
         companion  dog breed.  These small  but hardy dogs can be   being nervous or aggressive.
         courageous, intelligent and affectionate. They can be assertive but
         it is not typical for them to be aggressive, quarrelsome or shy.   Old English Terrier: Is a dog breed of the terrier type. By the 18th
         They are energetic and thrive on an active life. They are also quite   century the Old English Terrier also known as the Black Terrier
         hungry all the time and will eat anything edible.      had been developed into two types, the rough-coated Black Terrier
                                                                and the smooth-coated Black Terrier. The Old English is a working
         Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever: Is a medium-sized gundog   and sporting terrier that is, in general, an exceptional athlete with a
         bred primarily for hunting. It is often referred to as a “toller”. It

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