Page 46 - Canine-Terminology
P. 46
shoulder blade meet. bark at anything that is suspicious, as they are trying to protect
their family.
Point: The intense, stylized stance of the hunting dog, taken to
indicate the presence and position of game. Pomeranian: Is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that is named for
the Pomerania region in north-west Poland and north-east Germany
Pointer: Often called the English Pointer, is a medium to large- in Central Europe. Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small
sized breed of dog (a Mastiff), developed in England as a gun dog. size, the Pomeranian is descended from the larger Spitz-type dogs,
It is one of several pointing breeds. Pointers are even-tempered, specifically the German Spitz. Pomeranians are typically friendly,
congenial dogs, and despite their large size, make good house playful and lively; but they can be aggressive with other dogs to try
pets so long as they get sufficient exercise due to their extremely to prove themselves. Pomeranians are alert and aware of changes
high energy levels. Pointers are intelligent, affectionate, clean and in their environment, and barking at new stimuli can develop into
intensely loyal. a habit of barking excessively in any situation.
Pointing breeds: Term commonly applied to those sporting breeds Pompon: A rounded tuft of hair left on the end of the tail when the
that typically point game. coat is clipped.
Points: 1. Color on face, ears, legs, and tail when correlated; usually Pont-Audemer Spaniel: Is a rare breed of French gundog
white, black, or tan. 2. In events, credits toward championship developed in the Pont-Audemer region of France. It originated
status. in the nineteenth century from different breeds of water spaniels,
and took more of a setter role in hunting than that of a traditional
Poitevin Hound: Known as the Chien de Haut-Poitou until 1957, spaniel. The breed has the typical spaniel traits of being easy to
is a breed of dog used in hunting as a scent hound, from the train, gentle, and affectionate. The dogs are known to have a fun-
province of Poitou, France. This predominantly pack hound was loving quality and in France are said to be le petit clown des marais
created in the 17th century specifically to hunt wolves. Today the (the little clown of the marshes).
Poitevin is used to hunt boar and deer; the breed is renounced for its
extraordinary nose, melodious voice, athleticism and endurance, Poodle: Is a group of formal dog breeds, the Standard Poodle,
its extraordinary speed has given rise to the nickname “Greyhound Miniature Poodle and Toy Poodle. The origin of the breed is still
among the French hounds”. discussed, with a prominent dispute over whether the poodle
descends from Germany as a type of water dog, or from the French
Poke: To carry the neck stretched forward in an abnormally low, Barbet. Poodles are known as a highly intelligent, energetic, and
ungainly position, usually when moving. sociable breed. Poodles are highly trainable dogs that typically
excel in obedience training. They are likely to bite out of fear and
Polish Greyhound: Is a Polish sighthound breed. It is known as thus are better suited to homes with teenagers or older children.
the Polish Greyhound, although it is not a direct relative of the
Greyhound dog. Porcelaine (dog): Is a breed of dog originating from France. It is
believed to be the oldest of the French scent hounds. Its alternate
Polish Hound: Commonly known as Ogar Polski, is a breed of name is the Chien de Franche-Comté, named after a French region
hunting dog indigenous to Poland. The Polish Hound has a keen bordering Switzerland. The Porcelaine is a hunting dog usually
sense of smell. This heightened sense combined with the endurance used to hunt hare, roe deer, and in the north wild boar. Porcelaines
needed to hunt in harsh environments led to its use in hunting, are fierce hunters but they are gentle and relatively easy to handle.
while its stature made it popular with Polish nobility.
Portuguese Podengo: Is an ancient multi-sensory hound (sight
Polish Hunting Dog: Is a breed of scent hound originating and scent) breed of dog from Portugal. As a breed, the Podengo
in Poland. Stable and gentle, this dog is courageous and has is divided into three size categories that are not interbred: small
demonstrated proof of bravery. The breed is intelligent and easy (Pequeno), medium (Médio) and large (Grande). Keen hunting
to educate. Whilst being unaggressive, the dog is wary towards dogs, the Podengo has an affinity for game regardless of size.
strangers. Each size category traditionally hunts game appropriate to their
size and temperament. (Pequeno: rabbits; Medio: rabbits and
Polish Lowland Sheepdog: Is a medium-sized, shaggy-coated, wild boar; Grande: deer and wild boar). They are very active and
sheep dog breed native to Poland. Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are usually good with children and other animals, including livestock,
stable and self-confident. They have an excellent memory and can especially when socialized from an early age.
be well trained, but may dominate a weak-willed owner.
Portuguese Pointer: Is a breed of dog developed as a gun dog. It
Polish Tatra Sheepdog: Is a breed of dog introduced into the Tatra is one of several pointing breeds and is mainly used in red-legged
Mountains of Southern Poland by Vlachian (Romanian) shepherds. partridge hunting. The Portuguese pointer (perdigueiro Português)
Tatras are primarily considered livestock guardian dogs. They are arose from the ancient Iberian hunting dogs with its presence in
territorial, loyal and protective of their owners, and are very good Portugal traceable to the early twelfth century.
watchdogs for this reason. They have a very loud bark and will