Page 49 - Canine-Terminology
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Rear  pastern:  The  metatarsus;  the  region  of the  hindquarters  from the rest of its coat. It consists of a fan-like area formed by
        between the hock and the foot.                         two whorls of hair (called “crowns”) and tapers from immediately
                                                               behind  the  shoulders down to the  level  of the  hips. Rhodesian
        Recessive gene: A gene that is phenotypically expressed in the  Ridgebacks are known to be loyal and intelligent.
        homozygous state but has its expression masked in the presence
        of a dominant gene.                                    Rib cage: The collection of paired ribs, cartilage, sternum, and
                                                               associated tissue that define the thoracic region.
        Red sesame: Red with a sparse black overlay (Shiba Inu). Color
        definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard  Ribbed up: Long ribs that angle back from the spinal column. A
        for the definitive color description.                  reference to a long rib cage.

        Red: A reddish orange color of dog.                    Ridge: Streak of hair growing in reverse direction to main coat
                                                               (e.g. Rhodesian Ridgeback).
        Redbone  Coonhound: Is an  American  breed  of dog used for
        hunting raccoon, deer, bear, and cougar. The Redbone Coonhound  Ring tail: Long tail, all or part of which curves in a circular fashion
        is affectionate, gentle, and has a strong desire to please its owner.  (e.g. Afghan Hound).
        The Redbone is an extremely  vocal dog and is known for its
        distinctive “drawling” bark, also known as a bay.      Roach back: Convex curvature of the back toward the loin (e.g.
        Redirect: To shift a dog’s focus from an unwanted behavior to a
        desirable behavior.                                    Roan: Fine mixture of coloured hairs alternating with white hairs
                                                               (e.g. Spinone Italiano).
        Refined: Elegant.
                                                               Rocking horse: Both front and rear legs extended out from the
        Register: The act of enlisting a dog, puppy or litter with a dog  body as on an old-fashioned rocking horse.
                                                               Rolling gait: Distinctive roll from side to side when moving (e.g.
        Registration papers: Documents showing proof of registration,  Pekingese, Spaniel [Clumber], Spaniel [Sussex]).
        date of birth, parents, breeder and owner issued by a dog association
        for a particular dog.                                  Roman nose: A nose whose bridge is so comparatively high as to
                                                               form a slightly convex line from forehead to nose tip. Ram’s nose.
        Registries:  Organizations  that  keep  official  records  on  specific
        subjects. With respect to dogs, there are registries of purebred dogs  Rose ear: Small drop ear which folds over and back thus revealing
        for tracking lineage and health registries for rating certain health  the upper part of the external ear canal (burr) [e.g. Bulldog,
        conditions  (e.g., Canine  Eye Registry Foundation,  Orthopedic  Whippet].
        Foundation for Animals, etc.).
                                                               Rottweiler: Is a breed of domestic dog, regarded as medium-to-
        Reinforcement,  reward(s):  A  consequence  the  dog  finds  large  or  large. The  dogs were  known in  German  as Rottweiler
        pleasurable and desirable.                             Metzgerhund, meaning  Rottweil  butcher’s dogs, because their
                                                               main use was to herd livestock and pull carts laden with butchered
        Resource guarding:  When a dog is protective  of his valued  meat to market. Rottweilers are now used as search and rescue
        possessions.                                           dogs, as guard dogs and police dogs.  The Rottweiler  is good
                                                               natured,  placid  in  basic  disposition,  very  devoted,  obedient,
        Retrieve: A hunting term. The act of bringing game back to the  biddable and eager to work.
                                                               Round eyes: Eyes set in circular-shaped apertures (e.g. Griffon
        Retrieving  breeds:  Term  commonly applied  to those sporting  Bruxellois, Weimaraner).
        breeds that typically return birds to hand from water or over land.
                                                               Rounding: Cutting or trimming the ends of the ear leather.
        Reverse scissor bite:  The upper incisors close just inside the
        lower.                                                 Ruby Eye: Iris of dark red colour (e.g. Chihuahua).

        Reward: Anything positive, such as treats or praise, that can be  Ruby:  A rich, mahogany red (English  Toy Spaniel). Color
        used as a motivating factor to induce desired behavior.   definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard
                                                               for the definitive color description.
        Rhodesian Ridgeback: Is a dog breed developed in the Southern
        Africa region. The Rhodesian Ridgeback’s distinguishing feature  Rudder: The tail or stern.
        is the ridge of hair running along its back in the opposite direction

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