Page 40 - Canine-Terminology
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it for them to run around in.
                                                                Mops: 1. Profuse hair on the paws. 2. German name for the Pug.
         Miniature Schnauzer: Is a breed of small dog of the Schnauzer
         type that originated in Germany in the mid-to-late 19th century.  Moscow  Watchdog: Is a breed of dog that was bred in the
         They are described as “spunky” but aloof dogs, with good  Soviet Union. It descends from crosses between the St. Bernard,
         guarding tendencies without some guard dogs’ predisposition to  Caucasian  Shepherd, and Russian Spotted  Hound breeds. It
         bite. It is the most popular Schnauzer breed, and remains one of  contains  the physical  size, attractiveness  and intelligence  of a
         the most popular worldwide, primarily for its temperament and  St. Bernard and the awareness and assertive traits of a Caucasian
         relatively small size.                                 Ovtcharka. Moscow  Watchdog is known to be a gentle giant,
                                                                assertive and protective to his family when in danger.
         Miniature  Shar  Pei: Is  a breed of dog with slightly smaller
         proportions than the  larger Standard Shar Pei.  The  Miniature  Mottled: Pattern of dark roundish blotches on a lighter background.
         Shar  Pei  is  affectionate,  adaptable,  playful,  confident,  calm,  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed. Always  check  the  breed
         independent, regal, and alert. They are inherently clean and quiet.  standard for the definitive color description.
         Mioritic Shepherd Dog (Romanian): Is a large breed of livestock  Mountain Cur: Is a type of working dog that is bred specifically
         guardian  dog  that  originated  in the  Carpathian  Mountains  of  for treeing and trailing  small game, like squirrel and raccoons.
         Romania. This  mountain  dog  has discipline  as  one  of its  main  They are also used for hunting and baying big game like bear and
         characteristics. It is a calm and well-mannered dog. As this dog  wild boar as well as being an all-purpose farm dog. Mainly bred
         was used as a herd protector, it is very attached to family and goes  in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee. The Mountain Cur
         all the way when protecting those it is attached to.   is intelligent, easily trained, and neither vicious nor shy. They are
                                                                known to always try to please their masters. They are not, however,
         Miscellaneous  class:  Transitory class for breeds attempting  to  dogs to be trifled with; historically many a cur died fighting to
         advance to full recognition by a breed association.    protect their family from attackers or dangerous predators.

         Mismark: 1. Coat or color. 2. A dog that has coat coloration or  Movement: See gait.
         markings not conforming to that which is acceptable for the breed.
                                                                Moving close: When the hocks turn in and pasterns drop straight
         Mismarked: Incorrectly marked dog.                     to the ground and move parallel to one another, the dog is moving
                                                                close in the rear.
         Mites: Any of various  small  or minute  arachnids  of  the  order
         Acarina that are often parasitic on animals and plants, infest stored  Moving straight: Term descriptive of balanced gaiting in which
         food products, and in some species transmit disease.   angle of inclination begins at the shoulder, or hip joint, and limbs
                                                                remain relatively straight from these points to the pads of the feet,
         Modified-live virus: A virus which has been modified to no longer  even as legs flex or extend in reaching or thrusting.
         produce a disease but still retain the ability to induce a protective
         immune response so that it can be used as a vaccine.   Mucuchies:  Is  a  dog  breed  from  Venezuela,  specifically  from
                                                                Sierra Nevada de Mérida. Mucuchies are believed  to descend
         Molars: The posterior teeth of the dental arcade, with two on each  from dogs introduced  by Spanish conquerors at  the  end of the
         side in the upper jaw and three on each side in the lower jaw in an  16th century as watchdogs and herders. The Mucuchíes are very
         adult with correct dentition.                          emotional, intelligent and active dogs. Socialization and training
                                                                are necessary. It can be aggressive with strangers.
         Molosser: Is a category of solidly built, large dog breeds that all
         descend from the same common ancestor. The name derives from  Mudhol Hound: Also known as Caravan Hound is an Indian breed
         Molossia, an area of ancient Epirus, where the large shepherd dog  of dog of the sight hound type. The feathered variety is commonly
         was known as a Molossus.                               referred to as a Pashmi. It is also called Karwani. It is a common
                                                                pet amongst villagers in India’s Deccan Plateau, who use it for
         Mongrel: Cur; mutt; mixed breeds; dogs of unknown ancestry and  hunting and guarding. The breed is a working hound with plenty
         questionable parentage. See Crossbred.                 of stamina to allow it to catch and kill several types of game, from
                                                                hare to blackbuck, over rough country. They are not very friendly,
         Monorchid: A dog that has one testicle retained or hidden in its  and do not like to be touched by strangers.
         abdominal cavity. See Cryptorchid
                                                                Mudi: Is a herding dog breed from Hungary. Today, the Mudi is
         Montenegrin  Mountain  Hound: Is a rare  dog breed  from the  bred for work, sport, companionship, and show. They continue to
         mountain  regions across the Balkans.  The breed was formerly  be used in herding, as well as participating in a variety of dog
         known as the Yugoslavian Mountain Hound. The breed is used  sports. The Mudi is a versatile farm dog that can hunt, exterminate
         to  hunt  fox, hare,  and  small  game,  occasionally  hunting  larger  rodents, and act as a capable herding dog and flock guardian. They
         animals such as deer or even wild boar.                are great for alerting and protecting their home and family. They

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