Page 47 - Canine-Terminology
P. 47
Portuguese Water Dog: They are originally from the Portuguese
region of the Algarve, from where the breed expanded to all Profile: Side view of the whole dog or of the head.
around Portugal’s coast, where they were taught to herd fish into
fishermen’s nets, to retrieve lost tackle or broken nets, and to act Progesterone: A steroid hormone, C H O , secreted by the
as couriers from ship to ship, or ship to shore. Portuguese Water corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare
Dogs rode in fishing trawlers as they worked their way from the the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain
Atlantic waters of Portugal to the waters off the coast of Iceland pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands.
where the fleets caught cod. Portuguese Water dogs are loving,
independent, and intelligent and are easily trained in obedience Prominent eyes: As seen on Pugs, a big, round projecting eye.
and agility skills.
Prompt: Using extra reminders, such as pointing, treats or bigger
Posavac Hound: Is a breed of dog, originating as a hunting dog gestures, to elicit a desired behavior when the dog fails to respond
of the scent hound type. Croatia is the home country for the breed. to the initial cue.
The name translates into English as the “Scent Hound from the
Sava Valley”. The breed standard describes the ideal temperament Prong collar: Collar used for training dogs. It has metal pieces on
as docile and an enthusiastic hunter. it that pinch a dog. It is against AKC rules to use this type of collar
on the show grounds. Also called pinch collar.
Positive reinforcement: Use of positive, desirable or pleasurable
consequences to teach a behavior. Proud: Held high, usually head or tail (e.g. Poodle).
Posterior: The portion of the dog carried toward the rear during Pudelpointer: Is a versatile hunting dog breed from Germany. It
normal locomotion. is a pointing breed that came from a cross between the German
hunting poodle (pudel) and the English Pointer.
Pounding: Gaiting fault resultant of a dog’s stride being shorter in
the front than in the rear; forefeet strike the ground hard before the Pug: Is a breed of dog with physically distinctive features of a
rear stride is expended. wrinkly, short-muzzled face, and curled tail. Pugs were brought
from China to Europe in the sixteenth century and were popularized
Pražský Krysařík: Known as Prague Ratter, is a small breed of in Western Europe by the House of Orange of the Netherlands, and
dog from the Czech Republic that is rarely seen outside its country the House of Stuart. Pugs are known for being sociable and gentle
of origin. It is the smallest breed in the world by breed standard, companion dogs. The breed is often described by the Latin phrase
because of the maximum height of the dogs, unlike Chihuahuas multum in parvo, or “much in little” or “a lot of dog in a small
who are measured by weight. Best known for its active and lively space”, alluding to the Pug’s remarkable and charming personality,
nature, the Prague Ratter is a spunky breed that is full of original despite its small size.
Puli: Is a small-medium breed of Hungarian herding and livestock
Predatory behavior: Behavior that mimics hunting, capturing guarding dog known for its long, corded coat. The Puli is an
and consuming prey. Most dogs exhibit only minimal predatory intelligent and active dog. It needs obedience training while still
behavior, though certain breeds retain only pieces of the predation young. They are loyal to their owners and wary of strangers. They
sequence. are highly active and keep a playful, puppy-like behavior their
entire lives.
Predatory drift: When a dog’s behavior shifts from acceptable
play behavior to predatory behavior. Pumi (dog): Is a medium-small breed of sheep dog from Hungary.
They are versatile stock dogs equally adept at gathering, driving
Prick ear: Ear carried erect, usually pointed at the tip. and keeping stock under control. Some refer to the Pumi as the
“Hungarian herding terrier” because it has some terrier-like
Primary coat: Also known as guard hair, the longer, smoother, attributes such as quick movement, alert temperament, and a
stiffer hairs that grow through and normally conceal the undercoat, quadratic, lean and muscular body type. The Pumi is lively,
protecting the skin from superficial injuries. expressive, bold, a little suspicious of strangers, but never
aggressive or overly shy, somewhat vocal and always ready for
Proestrus: The period immediately before estrus in most female action.
mammals, characterized by development of the endometrium and
ovarian follicles. Pump handle: Long tail, carried high.
Professional handler: A person who conditions, trains and Pungsan (dog): Is a breed of hunting dog from Korea. They
exhibits dogs for a fee. were bred in the Kaema highlands of what is now North Korea.
The dogs were traditionally hunting dogs. During the 2000 inter-
Professional trainer: A person who trains hunting dogs and who Korean summit, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il made a gift of
handles dogs in field events. two Pungsan dogs (associated with the North) to South Korean