Page 44 - Canine-Terminology
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feet. Soles.                                           and confident beyond their capabilities.

        Pandikona: Is a primitive-type hunting dog from Pattikonda taluk-  Pedigree:  The  written  record  of a dog’s genealogy  of three
        Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh India. Pandikona is a medium  generations or more.
        size sight hound which is adapted to harsh climatic conditions of
        Kurnool district. This breed is associated with shepherd families of  Pekingese: Is an ancient breed of toy dog, originating in China.
        that region. This highly territorial breed is used to guard villages,  They are called Lion Dogs due to their resemblance to Chinese
        property and livestock and to hunt any available game. They are  guardian lions (Shih Tzu is also known as Lion Dog in Chinese).
        fearless and show a surprising instinct even as puppies of being  The breed was favored by royalty of the Chinese Imperial court as
        territorial.                                           both a lap dog and companion dog, and its name refers to the city
                                                               of Peking (Beijing) where the Forbidden City is located.
        Pantaloons: Longer, thick hair on rear of thighs (e.g. Pyrenean
        Mountain Dog).                                         Pelvis: Hip bones, each consisting of three fused bones: an anterior
                                                               ilium, a ventral pubis, and a posterior ischium; combined with the
        Pants: See Breeches                                    sacrum forming the pelvic girdle.

        Paper Foot: A flat foot devoid of arch to the toes.    Pembroke  Welsh  Corgi:  Is a  cattle  herding  dog  breed  which
                                                               originated in Pembrokeshire, Wales. It is one of two breeds, the
        Papillon (dog): Also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed  other is the Cardigan  Welsh Corgi, and both descend from the
        of dog, of the spaniel type. One of the oldest of the toy spaniels,  line that is the northern spitz-type dog. Pembroke Welsh Corgis
        it  derives  its  name  from  its  characteristic  butterfly-like  look  of  are very affectionate, love to be involved in the family, and tend
        the  long  and  fringed  hair  on the  ears. A Papillon  with  dropped  to follow wherever their owners go. They have a great desire to
        ears is called a Phalène (French for ‘moth’). The temperament of  please their owners, thus making them eager to learn and train. The
        Papillons is happy, friendly, adventurous dogs. They are not shy  dogs are easy to train and are ranked as the eleventh smartest dog
        or aggressive.                                         in Stanley Coren’s - The Intelligence of Dogs. Besides herding,
                                                               they also function as watchdogs due to their alertness and tendency
        Pariah dog: Is used as a generic term for dogs with a more or less  to bark only as needed.
        intensive human connection. Some scientists reserve the term for
        the Indian dog of a specific type, i.e. a Pariah dog: ownerless half-  Pen breeding: Unwitnessed mating that occurred because the sire
        wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India.  and dam were confined to the same area.

        Parson Russell Terrier: Is a breed of small white terrier that was  Pencilled:  Type of coat lying in pencils caused by harder hair
        the original Fox Terrier of the 18th century. The breed is named  coming through softer undercoat (e.g. Dandie Dinmont Terrier).
        after the person credited with the creation of this type of dog, the
        Reverend John “Jack” Russell. It is the recognised conformation  Pencilling: Black lines on the toes (e.g. English  Toy  Terrier,
        show variety of the Jack Russell Terrier and was first recognised  Gordon Setter).
        in 1990 in the United Kingdom as the Parson Jack Russell Terrier.
        The Parson is a feisty and energetic type of Terrier. They can excel  Pendant ears: As seen in the Basset Hound, an ear with a long,
        in dog sports such as flyball or agility and require vigorous exercise  hanging ear leather.
        in order to prevent  them  from becoming  bored and potentially
        destructive in the home.                               Pepper and salt: Used to describe several breeds, this color is a
                                                               lowly saturated, medium brilliant black. When coupled with Salt,
        Parti-color:  Two  or  more  definite,  well-broken  colors,  one  of  it describes the alternating black and white hairs of the Schnauzer
        which must be white. For example,  black parti-color  would be  breeds. Also referred to as Peppering. Color definitions may vary
        black and white. Color definitions may vary by breed.   by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive color
        Pastern: The part of the foreleg between the wrist and the foot.
                                                               Perro de Presa Canario: Is a large Molosser-type dog breed
        Patella: The knee-cap - a small bone at lower end of femur which  originally bred for working livestock. The name of the breed is
        forms a part of the stifle-joint.                      Spanish, means “Canarian catch dog”, and is often shortened to
                                                               “Presa Canario” or simply “Presa” The breed is sometimes also
        Patterdale Terrier: Is an English breed of dog descended from  called  Dogo Canario, meaning “Canarian  Molosser”. It is the
        the Northern terrier breeds of the early 20th century. The origins  animal symbol of the island of Gran Canaria. In some situations,
        of the breed can be traced back to the Lake District, England. The  the Presa can be aggressive toward other dogs and suspicious of
        dogs were bred for the hunting and dispatch of the red fox in the  strangers.
        rocky fells around the Lake District where a traditional digging
        dog was not always of great use. They were also used for badger  Perro de Presa Mallorquin (Ca de Bou): Is a medium-to-large
        control for many years. Patterdale Terrier puppies tend to be bold  sized molossian-type breed  of dog, with a strong, powerful,

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