Page 41 - Canine-Terminology
P. 41
have a high pitched bark and can be very loud. certain genetic characteristics.
Multum in Parvo: “Much in little” (e.g. Pug). Neapolitan Mastiff: Is a large, ancient dog breed. This massive
breed is often used as a guard and defender of family and property
Münsterländer (Large): Is a breed of gun dog originally from due to their protective instincts and their fearsome appearance.
the Münster region in Germany. The Large Münsterländer is one The Neapolitan Mastiff is fearless and extremely protective of its
of several continental breeds of versatile hunting dogs. They are home and family. The Neapolitan Mastiff rarely barks unless under
also a HPR (Hunt, Point and Retrieve) Gundog. This field dog provocation, renowned for sneaking up on intruders as opposed to
characteristically is calm and gentle with children. first alerting them of its presence. Neapolitan Mastiffs, as a breed,
are extremely intelligent dogs with a tendency to be independent
Münsterländer (Small): Is a versatile hunting-pointing-retrieving thinkers.
dog breed that reached its current form in the area around Münster,
Germany. The Large Münsterländer is from the same area, but Neck well set on: Good neckline, merging gradually with strong
was developed from different breeding stock and is not related withers, forming a pleasing transition into top-line.
as the names would suggest. Small Münsterländers are extremely
intelligent, trainable, and attentive but require gentle and patient Negative reinforcement: Use of an aversive or undesirable
training. Coupled with their intelligence, if they determine an consequence to teach a specific behavior.
owner to be inconsistent or indecisive, the owner might find that
the dog will challenge the owner. Nesting behavior: Behavior of a pregnant female who prepares a
place to give birth and nurture young.
Music: The baying of the hounds.
Neuter: To castrate or spay.
Mustard: Usually used to describe Dandie Dinmont Terriers, this
color is like the color of the spice; i.e., a dull, highly saturated, Newfoundland: Is a large working dog, originating in Canada. They
brown-yellow. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always check can be either black, brown, or white-and-black (called Landseer).
the breed standard for the definitive color description. They were originally bred and used as a working dog for fishermen
in the Dominion of Newfoundland (which is now part of Canada).
Mutation: A change of the DNA sequence within a gene or They are known for their giant size, intelligence, tremendous
chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new strength, calm dispositions, and loyalty. Newfoundland dogs excel
character or trait not found in the parental type. at water rescue/lifesaving because of their muscular build, thick
double coat, webbed feet, and innate swimming abilities.
Mute: To run mute, to be silent on the trail; i.e., to trail without
baying or barking. New Zealand Heading Dog: Is a working and herding dog that
uses its visual prowess and quick movement to control sheep. Bred
Muzzle band: White marking around the muzzle. from Border Collies, Heading Dogs are a sturdy, long-legged and
even-haired breed. The New Zealand Heading Dog has been an
Muzzle: 1.The forward, projecting part of the head of certain integral part of sheepdog trials, which began in New Zealand as
animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the early as 1867 in Wanaka.
snout; 2. A leather or wire restraining appliance that, when fitted
over an animal’s snout, prevents biting and eating. Nick: A breeding that produces desirable puppies.
Muzzle: The head in front of the eyes; foreface. Nictitating membrane: A transparent inner eyelid in birds,
reptiles, and some mammals that closes to protect and moisten the
Myiasis: Infestation of tissue by fly larvae. eye. Also called third eyelid.
N Nite hunt: Performance competition for coonhounds.
Non-sporting group: Group of dogs that may share attributes, but
Nape of the neck: Top of the neck adjacent to the base of the skull. don’t fit into the mold of other groups.
Natural breed: A breed of dog which occurred naturally without Norfolk Terrier: Is a British breed of dog. Prior to gaining
the interference of much selective breeding. This is usually a result recognition as an independent breed in 1964, it was a variety of
of geographical and environmental conditions. the Norwich Terrier, distinguished from the “prick eared” Norwich
by its “drop ears” (or folded ears). Together, the Norfolk and
Natural ear: Like a wolf’s ear. Norwich Terriers are the smallest of the working terriers. Norfolks
are described as fearless, but can have an independent streak.
Natural mutation: A genetic accident which permanently alters Outdoors, they are natural hunters with a strong prey drive for
small vermin.