Page 39 - Canine-Terminology
P. 39

McNab  Shepherd: Is a herding dog that originated in the
        Making a wheel: Term given to the circling of the tail over the  Mendocino region of Northern California. The McNab was bred
        back.                                                  to withstand the tough conditions found in California such as heat,
                                                               burrs, foxtails, and rugged terrain. McNabs often bond tightly to
        Maltese (dog): Is a small breed of dog in the Toy Group. It descends  their family members, including other household pets. They have
        from dogs originating in the Central Mediterranean Area.  The  a keen sense of territory and seldom wander away from home.
        breed name and origins are generally understood to derive from
        the  Mediterranean  island  nation  of  Malta.  They  are  extremely  Measure out: Measured height at withers was determined to be
        lively and playful, and even as a Maltese ages, its energy level and  outside the limits for that breed as set forth in the breed standard.
        playful demeanor remain fairly constant.
                                                               Medial: Toward the mid line of the dog.
        Manchester  Terrier: Is a breed of dog of the smooth-haired
        terrier type. It was first bred in the 19th century to control vermin,  Median line: Line or furrow in the centre of head (e.g. Mastiff,
        notably rats, at which it excelled. So efficient at the task was it  Spaniel (American Cocker)).
        that it often appeared in rat-baiting pits until that sport, which had
        effectively been illegal in the UK since 1835, finally died out at the  Melon Pips: Tan spots above eyes in black, tan and white Basenji.
        beginning of the 20th century.
                                                               Merle eye: Iris flecked with brown and blue.
        Mandible: The bone of the lower jaw.
                                                               Merle: Dark colour giving marbled effect within lighter coloured
        Mane: Long, profuse hair on top and sides of neck and chest (e.g.  main coat.
        Leonberger, Schipperke, Tibetan Spaniel.)
                                                               Metatarsus: The corresponding part of the hind foot in quadrupeds
        Mantle: Dark-shaded portion of the coat on shoulders, back and  or of the foot in birds.
        sides (e.g. Alaskan Malamute).
                                                               Mexican  Hairless  Dog  (Xoloitzcuintli):  Is a  hairless  breed  of
        Manubrium: The broad upper part of the sternum of mammals,  dog, found in toy, miniature, and standard sizes. The Xolo also
        with which the clavicles and first ribs articulate.    comes in a coated variety and coated and hairless can be born in
                                                               the same litter. The name comes from the god Xolotl and itzcuintli,
        Marcel  effect:  Regular  continuous  waves  (specified  in  the  meaning dog in Nahuatl. It has high intelligence,  high energy,
        American Water Spaniel standard).                      inquisitiveness, strong hunting, and social instincts.

        Maremma-Abruzzese  Sheepdog:  Is a  breed  of livestock  Milk teeth: The first, temporary teeth. Also called baby teeth.
        guardian dog indigenous to central Italy, particularly to Abruzzo
        and the Maremma region of Tuscany and Lazio. It has been used  Miniature American Shepherd: Is a small herding dog breed. The
        for centuries by Italian  shepherds to guard sheep from wolves.  Miniature American Shepherd is highly intelligent and biddable.
        The breed is widely employed in Abruzzo, where sheep herding  The breed is often trained for dog sports such as herding, agility,
        remains vital to the rural economy and the wolf remains an active  obedience,  canine  freestyle,  flyball,  and  others.  It  is  described
        and protected predator.                                as an intelligent working breed with strong instincts for herding
                                                               and flock guarding. It is easy to train, enthusiastic and persistent
        Marking: An instinctual behavior in which male dogs urinate in  toward its work, and is protective, devoted, and loyal to its family.
        certain locations to establish their territory.
                                                               Miniature  Fox Terrier:  Is  a  small,  fine,  lightweight  working
        Markings: Contrasting color or pattern in a dog’s coat.  terrier developed as a hunting dog and vermin router. It is known
                                                               colloquially in its native Australia as the “Mini Foxie”. Bred for
        Mask: Dark shading on the foreface (e.g. Boxer).       hunting rodents (rats, mice) and rabbits principally, these dogs are
                                                               known for their speed and agility. With the ruthlessness of their
        Mastiff: An ancient breed of large strong dogs, probably originating  attack on rodent pest species and their ability to squeeze into and
        in Asia and having a short, often fawn-colored coat.   out of tight spaces, they have made themselves an indispensable
                                                               part of many Australian farms since the 19th Century.
        Mastitis: Inflammation of the breast or udder.
                                                               Miniature  Pinscher: Is a small  breed of dog originating  from
        Mate: To breed a dog and bitch.                        Germany. The breed’s earliest ancestors may have included the
                                                               German Pinscher mixed with Italian greyhounds and dachshunds.
        Maternal immunity: A form of temporary immunity passed from  The Miniature Pinscher is an assertive, outgoing, active, and
        a mother to her offspring while in the uterus and after birth in the  independent breed. Miniature pinschers are energetic and need a
        colostrum and milk.                                    fenced yard to run in; they make great agility dogs. They are great
                                                               escape artists and some recommend having a kennel with a lid on

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