Page 37 - Canine-Terminology
P. 37

sharp senses, although their eyesight is more sensitive to motion  an animal, especially a dog, and used to lead it or hold it in check.
        than to detail. The breed is very loyal and loving, making them the
        perfect family companion.                              Leather: The flap of the ear; the outer ear supported by cartilage
                                                               and surrounding tissue.
        Lakeland Terrier: Is a dog breed, which takes its name from its
        place of origin, the Lake District in England. The dog is a small  Leggy: Too long in the leg for correct balance.
        to mid-size member of the Terrier family. While independent in
        personality, it interacts well with owners and all family members,  Lemon pied: mainly lemon or cream hairs mixed with white or
        and is mostly hypo-allergenic.  They are friendly, bold, and  black.
        confident.  Shyness  is  very  atypical,  as  is  aggressiveness.  Very
        intelligent and independent minded, they are quick to learn and  Lemon: Used to describe pointers, this color is a brilliant, medium-
        easy to train though Lakelands often exhibit ‘selective deafness’  saturated  yellow.  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed. Always
        when their interest level is aroused.                  check the breed standard for the definitive color description.

        Lancashire Heeler: Is a small breed of dog developed for use as  Leonberger: Is a giant dog breed that derives its name from the
        a drover and herder of cattle. Gwen Mackintosh began to breed  city of Leonberg in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. According to
        Heelers in the early 1960s. Together with other enthusiasts, she  legend, the Leonberger was ostensibly bred as a “symbolic dog”
        established the Lancashire Heeler Club in 1978. They are alert,  that would mimic the lion in the town crest. First and foremost
        friendly, energetic, intelligent, playful and a pleasant companion.  a family dog, the Leonberger’s temperament  is one of its most
        Personality can range from lazy and playful to energetic  and  important  and distinguishing characteristics.  Well socialized
        talkative.                                             and trained, the Leonberger is self-assured, insensitive to noise,
                                                               submissive  to  family  members,  friendly  toward  children,  well
        Landrace: Is a domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of  composed with passersby, and self-disciplined when obliging its
        a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through  family or property with protection.
        adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture
        and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of  Leonine: Looking like a lion (e.g. Chow Chow).
        the  species.  The word landrace literally  means  ‘country-breed’
        (German: Landrasse).                                   Level Bite: When the front teeth (incisors) of the upper and lower
                                                               jaws meet exactly edge to edge. Also called pincer bite, equal bite,
        Landseer: Newfoundland that are white dogs with black markings,  or even bite.
        named in honor of Sir Edward Henry Landseer, the 19th Century
        artist who used these dogs as models. The Landseer is known for its  Level Gait: Dog moves without rise or fall of withers.
        sweet disposition, gentleness, and serenity. They enjoy swimming
        and tend to drool, though not as much as some other giant breeds.  Level, even, pincer or vice-like bite: The front teeth meet exactly
                                                               edge to edge.
        Lapponian Herder: Is a breed of dog from Finland, one of three
        Lapphund breeds developed from a type of dog used by the Sami  Lhasa Apso: Is a non-sporting dog breed originating in Tibet. It
        people for herding and guarding their reindeer. The breed standard  was bred as an interior sentinel in the Buddhist monasteries, to
        states that the dog should be calm, friendly, and docile, but also  alert the monks to any intruders who entered. Lhasa is the capital
        energetic. Most herding breeds need to be given regular exercise.  city of Tibet, and apso is a word in the Tibetan language meaning
                                                               “bearded”, hence, Lhasa Apso simply means “long-haired Lhasa
        Lateral: Pertaining to the side.                       dog”. Lhasa temperament is to be wary of strangers while being
                                                               loyal to those closest to them. Left untrained, they can be very
        Layback: Angle of the shoulder blade, when viewed from the side.  aggressive to strangers.

        Layon:  The  angle  of  the  shoulder  blade  as  compared  with  the  Line breeding: The practice of mating a dog to a member of an
        vertical plane viewed from the front.                  earlier generation of the dog’s bloodline.

        Lead: A strap, cord, or chain attached to the collar or harness, or  Line: 1. Family of related dogs, usually bred by a single kennel. 2.
        sometimes simply around the neck, for the purpose of restraining  In foxhunting, the track of a quarry that is indicated by scent. 3. A
        or leading the dog. Also called leash.                 stripe, streak or lineal mark on a dog’s coat.

        Learned  helplessness: When a dog learns that  no matter  what  Lineage:  Genealogical descent  from  a  common  ancestor; dog’s
        he does he cannot escape from an aversive situation and gives up  pedigree or family tree.
        trying. Learned helplessness is a negative, detrimental emotional
        state that has been associated with anxiety and depression.  Linty: Soft texture of coat (e.g. Bedlington Terrier) or undercoat
                                                               (e.g. Dandie Dinmont Terrier).
        Leash: A chain, rope, or strap attached to the collar or harness of

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