Page 38 - Canine-Terminology
P. 38

Lion clip: Style of coat presentation (e.g. Löwchen [Little Lion  Lumbar vertebrae: The seven vertebrae of the loin region.
        Dog], Poodle).
                                                               Lumbering: An awkward gait.
        Lion color: Tawny tan coat color with darker shading (e.g. Ibizan
        Hound).                                                Lurcher: A crossbred hound.

        Lippy: Pendulous lip or lips that do not fit tightly.  Lure coursing: Organized performance event for sighthounds
                                                               which demonstrates those breed’s ability to perform their historical
        Lithuanian  Hound: Is a rare, medium-size  hunting dog from  work by chasing an artificial lure over a course.
        Lithuania. The Lithuanian Hound has been traditionally used to
        hunt hare, fox, and boar. The breed is mentioned in the Statutes  Luxation: Dislocation of an anatomical structure.
        of Lithuania (16th century). It is believed that it comes from the
        mixing of bloodhounds with several other hound breeds.                         M

        Litter complement: The number of puppies of each sex in a litter.
                                                               Mackenzie  River  Husky:  The  term  Mackenzie  River  husky
        Litter registration: Recording a litter  of puppies with a dog   describes several overlapping  local  populations  of arctic  and
        association.                                           subarctic sled-dog type dogs, none of which constitutes a breed.
                                                               Most prominent and current of these are the sled-dogs of Donna
        Liver: Light to dark shades of brown, always with a liver nose (e.g.   Dowling and others in the interior of Alaska.
        Retriever (Curly Coated), sometimes with a purplish bloom (e.g.
        Spaniel (Irish Water)). Also known as chocolate (e.g. Retriever   Mad dog: A rabid dog.
                                                               Magyar agár: Is a type of sighthound originating in Hungary and
        Loaded  shoulders: Excessive development  of the muscles   lands that previously belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire
        associated with the shoulder blades.                   (such as Transylvania). It is used for hunting and coursing, and
                                                               is also kept as a companion. They are affectionate and docile and
        Lobe ear: Ears which are lightly folded and set at the back of the   are unlikely to bite or be snippy with people, although they have
        head.                                                  a much stronger guarding instinct than some other sighthound
                                                               breeds. They are usually well behaved around children and also
        Loin: The region of the body associated with the lumbar portions   with other dogs.
        of the vertebrae column (i.e., behind the ribs and in front of the
        pelvic girdle).                                        Mahogany: Used to describe several breeds, this color is a
                                                               medium-saturated,  dull,  reddish  brown.  Color  definitions  may
        Long-coupled: The converse to short-coupled.           vary by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive
                                                               color description.
        Loose slung: Construction in which the attachment of the muscles
        at the shoulders is looser than desirable.             Mahratta Greyhound: Is a dog breed originating in India. This
                                                               rare breed, unknown outside his native province of Maharashtra,
        Low set: 1. Tail set below level of topline. 2. Ears set below line   is  best  described  as  resembling  the  smooth-coated  Saluki,  for
        of correct placement for the breed.                    he gives the impression of enduring speed coupled  with active
                                                               strength. The Mahratta possesses instinctive courage and ability
        Löwchen: Also known as “Little Lion Dog”, is a small breed of   for the hunt. He uses these to full advantage in conjunction with
        dog. The Löwchen’s long and wavy coat is presented in a lion   his excellent eyesight, fleet feet, and able muscle.
        cut. This means that the haunches, back legs, front legs (except
        bracelets around the ankles), and the 1/3–1/2 of the tail closest to   Majorca Ratter: Is  a Spanish breed of dog originating in the
        the body are shaved, and the rest of the coat is left natural to give   Balearic Islands. In addition to killing rodents, the Majorca Ratter
        the dog the appearance of a male lion. The Löwchen is a friendly,   has also been an excellent hare and rabbit hunter. Moreover, it has
        healthy and happy dog. Dogs of this breed are both active and   been called eriçoner for its tendency to kill hedgehogs and other
        playful, and very intelligent. The Löwchen is an excellent house   small prey. Majorca Ratter is also a good companion dog and a
        pet. The Löwchen makes also a good pet for families with children.   great watchdog.

        Lower thigh: See Second Thigh                          Majorca Shepherd Dog: Is a domesticated breed of dog, used
                                                               in the Balearic Islands of Spain, both for guarding sheep and as
        Lozenge mark: Term used for marking on skull of Blenheim King   a general purpose farm dog. Since ancient times it was used as
        Charles  Spaniel  and  Cavalier  King  Charles  Spaniel,  sometimes   shepherd dog for all cattle, even bird, and as a guard and defense
        known as “Blenheim spot.”                              in the houses of possession. The Majorca Shepherd Dog was never
                                                               bred for beauty and has a rough appearance.

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