Page 36 - Canine-Terminology
P. 36

Basset Hound).                                         trained to be fire dogs and rescue dogs. Today they are commonly
                                                               kept as family companions by many pet owners in China. They
        Komondor: Also known as the Hungarian sheepdog, is a large,  are extremely intelligent, normally self-assured and are marked by
        white-coloured Hungarian breed of livestock guardian dog with  their curiosity and willingness to learn which allows them to excel
        a long, corded coat. Sometimes referred to as “mop dogs”, the  in task training.
        Komondor  is  a  long-established  powerful  dog  breed  that  has  a
        natural guardian instinct to guard livestock and other property. Its  Kurdish (dog): Is a type of mastiff, often used as guard dogs and
        temperament is like that of most livestock guarding dogs; it is calm  for protection of flocks of sheep and goats from predators. This
        and steady when things are normal, but, in case of trouble, the dog  race is the oldest breed of dogs in the Asian region. Inscriptions
        will fearlessly defend. The Komondor affectionate with its family,  made from the Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations prove this
        and gentle with the children and friends of the family.  claim (3000 BC). These dogs are very cautious and courteous in
                                                               dealing with their owner and owner’s family, including children.
        Kooikerhondje: Is a small  spaniel-type  breed  of dog of Dutch
        ancestry that was originally used as a working dog, particularly  Kuvasz: Is an ancient  breed  of a livestock  dog of Hungarian
        in an eendenkooi (duck cage) to lure ducks. Literal  English  origin. Mention of the breed can be found in old Hungarian texts.
        translation of the breeds name is “little cager dog” or “little caging  It  has  historically  been  used  as  a  royal  guard  dog,  or  to  guard
        dog”. Kooikerhondje is cheerful, good natured, friendly, quiet,  livestock, but has been increasingly found in homes as a pet over
        well-behaved, and alert.                               the  last  seventy  years. The  Kuvasz  is  an  intelligent  dog  and  is
                                                               often described as having a clownish sense of humor which can
        Koolie: Also known as the Australian Koolie, is an Australian dog  last throughout their adolescence and into adulthood. The Kuvasz
        breed. The Koolie is a working or herding dog which has existed  breed is for experienced handlers only.
        in Australia since the early 19th century when it was bred from
        imported British working dogs. The Koolie is a ‘heading dog’, one  Kyi-Leo: Is a small yet sturdy rare dog breed, was first introduced
        which has a natural instinct to cast out (i.e., circle widely), round  in the 1950s in the San Francisco Bay area  by the accidental
        sheep and bring them back to their owner. Koolies are known as  crossing of a Maltese and a Lhasa Apso. It is also known as a
        silent, upright, working dogs. They are used for herding sheep and  Maltese Lion dog. The Kyi-Leo is generally calm, obedient, quiet,
        also for quiet careful work at close quarters at lambing time or for  and difficult to provoke. It ideally lives in indoor settings and can
        “shedding” (cutting out) sheep.                        be very patient when left alone for long hours at a time.

        Korean  Jindo:  Is a  breed  of hunting  dog that  originated  on
        Jindo Island in South Korea. Brought to the United States with                  L
        South  Korean  expatriates,  it  is  celebrated  in  its  native  land  for
        its fierce loyalty and brave nature. Because the Jindo is an active   Labrador  Husky:  Is  a  specific  purebred  dog,  was  originally
        and intelligent dog, it requires frequent interaction  with people   brought to what is currently known as Labrador, Canada in the
        or another dog in the family. For some the Jindo may even be   1300s by the Inuit. Its main purpose was to help the Inuit people
        too intelligent,  for it  will  commonly think  for itself.  The  same   survive in a highly demanding environment. The Labrador Husky
        intelligence that allows the dog to learn commands and tricks very   was trained to pull sleds that transported goods. Labrador Huskies
        quickly can be a bit too much to handle.               are known to be large but gentle dogs. It rarely barks but does tend

                                                               to howl.
        Kromfohrländer: Is a breed of dog that originated in Germany.
        It is used as a companion  dog.  The  Kromfohrlander  is a very   Labrador Retriever: Is a type of retriever-gun dog, originating in
        lively, sensitive, athletic,  good-natured,  intelligent  breed  with a   Newfoundland, Canada. The Labrador is one of the most popular
        comparatively weak hunting instinct. They are very much “people   breeds of dog in Canada,  the United  Kingdom, and the United
        dogs” and they  rarely  stray far from their  owner. They  take  to   States. A favourite disability assistance breed in many countries,
        strangers and children rather hesitantly at first, but once they get   Labradors are frequently  trained  to aid the blind, those who
        familiar, they are friends for life.                   have autism, to act as a therapy dog, or to perform screening and

                                                               detection work for law enforcement and other official agencies.
        Kumaon  Mastiff: Also  known  as  the  Indian  Mastiff  and  Bulli,   Additionally, they are prized as sporting and hunting dogs.
        is  a  rare  molosser-type  working  breed  of  dog  originating  in   Labradors have a reputation as a very even-tempered breed and an
        Uttarakhand state of India. Originally bred as a watch dog and   excellent family dog. This includes a good reputation with children
        livestock guardian in the hills of Kumaon, this dog is rare even in   of all ages and other animals.
        the region of its origin. They are aggressive dogs and need training.
        These dogs have great guarding ability and they show protective   Lagotto Romagnolo: Is a breed  of dog that  comes from the
        instinct from the strangers and intruders.             Romagna  sub-region of Italy.  The name  Lagotto  Romagnolo

                                                               means “lake dog from Romagna,” originating  from the Italian
        Kunming wolfdog: Is an established breed of wolfdog originated   word “lago”, meaning lake. Its traditional function is a gundog,
        in China.  They  have  been  trained as military  assistant  dogs to   specifically  a  water  retriever;  however,  it  is  often  used  to  hunt
        perform a variety of tasks such as detecting mines. Some are also   for truffles. The Lagotto is a Sporting breed. They generally have

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