Page 35 - Canine-Terminology
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defend its home or master, if the need arises. The Kanni dogs are  their  owners and very gentle  towards children  but were often
         extremely  faithful  and easy to train  but they  will  always think  considered downright mean toward other animals, including other
         independently when on a hunt. They are good companion, loyal  dogs.
         and friendly to family.
                                                                King Charles Spaniel: Also known as the English Toy Spaniel,
         Karakachan  (dog): Is a breed of dog that originated  in  is a small dog breed of the spaniel type. They were made famous
         Bulgaria as a mountain livestock guardian dog. Other names are  by their association with King Charles II of England (1630–1685)
         Ovcharsko kuche and Thracian Mollos. The dog is named after  and have been linked with English royalty since the time of Queen
         the  Karakachans, Balkan  nomadic shepherds.  The Karakachan  Mary I (1516–1558). Members of the breed have been also owned
         belongs  to the  rare  livestock  protection  breeds.  The  dogs are  by Grand Duchess  Anastasia  Nikolaevna  of Russia.  The King
         effective at flock protection against predation and theft.  Charles is a friendly breed, to the extent that it is not typically as
                                                                suitable as a watchdog as some breeds, though it may still bark to
         Karelian Bear Dog: Is a Finnish or Karelian breed of dog. In its  warn its owners of an approaching visitor.
         home country, it is regarded as a national treasure. Karelian Bear
         Dog will hunt a variety of animals. Its quick reflexes and fearless  King Shepherd: Is a large dog breed developed from crossing
         nature have made it very popular for hunting aggressive game,  German Shepherd Dog with Shiloh Shepherd and long-coated
         including bears, moose, and wild boar. It was the breed’s ability  European lines of German Shepherd along with Malamute in the
         to hunt and offer protection against a bear that earned the breed  1990s. The King Shepherd is self-confident with a well-balanced
         its name.                                              personality. This  breed  makes  a  fine  sheep-herder  and  working
                                                                dog. They are also a naturally courageous guard and watchdog,
         Karst  Shepherd: Is a breed of dog of the livestock  guardian  showing courage, strength, and hardiness in their role of protector.
         type, originating in Slovenia. The Karst Shepherd is named after  They make very nice companions and are friendly to other animals
         the Karst Plateau in Slovenia and more generally after the Karst  and children.
         landscape.  Mostly  bred  in  Slovenia  and Istria  in  Croatia.  The
         breed standard describes the dog as having a sharp temperament  Kink tail: A deformity of the caudal vertebrae producing a bent
         and strong individuality, distrustful of strangers. It’s a good guard  tail.
                                                                Kintamani  (dog): Is a dog native  to the  Indonesian  island  of
         Keel: Rounded outline of the lower chest, resembling the keel of a  Bali. It is a popular pet for the Balinese and locally Bali’s only
         boat (e.g. Bloodhound, Dachshund).                     official  breed.  A  fiercely  independent  breed,  Kintamanis  can
                                                                be aggressively territorial  while at the same time tender and
         Keeshond: Is a medium-sized  dog originated  in Germany, and  affectionate  with  their  own  families.  Kintamanis  will  climb
         its closest relatives are the German spitzes. Originally called the  across roofs and spend parts of the day happily installed sitting
         German  Spitz,  more  specifically  the  Wolfspitz,  the  name  was  or sleeping atop a garden wall. They are light-footed and move
         officially changed to Keeshond, in 1926 in England, where it had  freely, smoothly and lithely, and will bark when confronted with
         been known as the Dutch Barge Dog. They are known by their  an unfamiliar sound or sight.
         loud, distinctive bark. Keeshonden tend to be very playful, with
         quick  reflexes  and  strong  jumping  ability. They  are  thoughtful,  Kishu  Ken: Is a Japanese  breed of dog, developed  there  for
         eager to please and very quick learners. They love children and  thousands of years. It is descended from ancient medium-sized
         are excellent family dogs.                             breeds and named after the Kishu region, now Mie Prefecture and
                                                                Wakayama  Prefecture.  The Japanese originally  used this breed
         Kennel: Building or enclosure where dogs are kept.     of dog for boar and deer hunting. Kishu will stalk prey quietly
                                                                rather than bark. Kishu Kens are a one person/one family dog. As
         Kerry Beagle: Is one of the oldest Irish hound breeds, believed to  hunters, they are courageous and brave, and will be loyal to their
         be descendant from the Old Southern Hound or Celtic Hounds. It  owners.
         is the only extant scent hound breed native to Ireland. This breed
         of dog is a pack hound and does hold the hunting instinct strong.  Kiss marks: Tan spots on the cheeks and over the eyes. Color
         They do however make  very good pets as they are good with  definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard
         children and other dogs.                               for the definitive color description.

         Kerry Blue Terrier: A breed of terrier of Irish origin, also known  Knee joint: Stifle joint.
         as the Irish Blue  Terrier. Originally  bred to control “vermin”
         including  rats, rabbits, badgers, foxes, otters and hares, over  Knee: See Stifle
         time the Kerry became a general working dog used for a variety
         of jobs including herding cattle and sheep, and as a guard dog.  Kneecap: The stifle, with the bone known as the patella.
         Today the Kerry has spread around the world as a companion and
         working dog. Kerry Blue Terriers are strong-headed and highly  Knuckling over: Faulty structure of carpal (wrist) joint allowing
         spirited. They have always been loyal and affectionate towards  it to protrude when dog is standing (e.g. listed as a fault in the

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