Page 34 - Canine-Terminology
P. 34

a companion dog, this toy breed has a distinctive heritage. This
         Istrian  Coarse-haired  Hound: Is a dog breed from Croatia,  breed  is considered one of the  most cat-like  of the  dog breeds
         developed in the mid-19th century for hunting fox and rabbit. It is  in  attitude:  it  is alert,  intelligent, and  independent,  and it  uses
         a rough-coated scent hound still kept primarily as a hunting dog  its paws to wash and wipe its face. Other cat-like traits include
         rather than as a pet. The breed’s wiry coat is weather resistant for  their preference for resting on high surfaces, their good sense of
         hunting.                                               balance, and their tendency to hide in unexpected places.

         Istrian  Shorthaired  Hound: Is a breed of dog from Istria in  Japanese Spitz: Is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz
         Croatia,  descended  from a very old type of scent hound.  This  type.  The Japanese Spitz  is a companion  dog and pet. Dog
         hound  is the  slightly  smaller  counterpart  to  the  longer-coated  breeders in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s created the Japanese
         Istrian Coarse-haired Hound from the same region. It is docile and  Spitz by crossbreeding a number of other Spitz breeds to develop
         calm, lively, and enthusiastic when hunting.           the Japanese Spitz. Active, loyal, and bright, the Japanese Spitz
                                                                are known for their great courage, affection and devotion making
         Italian Greyhound: Is a small breed of dog of the sighthound  them great watchdogs and ideal companions for older people and
         type, sometimes called the Italian for short, and nicknamed the  small children.
         “IG” or “Iggy”. The Italian Greyhound makes a good companion
         dog and enjoys the company of people. However, the breed’s slim  Japanese Terrier: Is a small terrier native to Japan. It is believed
         build and short coat make them somewhat fragile, and injury can  to be descended from the progeny of fox terrier types, pointers
         result from rough or careless play with children.      and indigenous Japanese  dogs.  This dog is also known as the
                                                                Nippon Terrier. The breed is rare, even in Japan. The Fédération
                                  J                             Cynologique Internationale  (FCI) breed standard describes this
                                                                breed as having “a lively and cheerful character” and as “swift and
                                                                lively in temperament”.
         Jabot: The apron of the Schipperke; the part situated between the
         front legs.                                            Jaws: The bones forming the framework of the mouth.

         Jack Russell Terrier: Originating in England, it is a small terrier   Jowls: Flesh of lips and jaws.
         that has its origins in fox hunting. Jack Russells are an energetic
         breed that rely on a high level of exercise and stimulation and are            K
         relatively free from serious health complaints. Originally bred to
         bolt foxes from their dens during hunts, they are used on numerous
         ground-dwelling quarry such as groundhog, badger, and red and  Kaikadi (dog): Is of the terrier dog breed, named after a nomadic
         grey fox.                                              tribe in Maharashtra, India. Kaikadi is a perfect watchdog as a
                                                                result the nomadic life they lead watching over herds, they are also
         Jacobson’s Organ: A sense organ located in the roof of the dog’s  adept at hunting hare as well as vermin. The Kaikadi is best suited
         mouth that functions somewhere between smell and taste.  for large open areas, not urban home settings.

         Jagdterrier: Is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany,  Kai Ken: Also called the Tora Inu or Tiger Dog, is a breed of
         that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. This  dog that hails from Japan where it is a national monument and
         breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. Jagdterriers  has been bred for centuries. It is a rare dog even in its native land
         were developed to be all-round hunting dogs. Though often used  and is one of the six native Japanese dog breeds protected by the
         for quarry that dens underground, especially  badger, fox, and  Nihon Ken Hozonkai. The Kai Ken is intelligent, agile, alert and
         raccoon dog, Jagdterriers are also used to drive wild boar and  brave. They are natural hunters and make good watch dogs, being
         rabbits out of thickets, and to blood track wounded animals, such  reserved with strangers but loyal to their families.
         as deer.
                                                                Kangal Shepherd Dog: Is a breed of large livestock guardian dog
         Jämthund: Also called the Swedish Elkhound/Moosehound, is a  originating from the Sivas province of Turkey. While the Kangal
         breed of dog of the Spitz type that are found in Northern Europe.  Shepherd Dog is often referred to as a sheep dog, it is not a herding
         The Jämthund is eponymous to Jämtland, a province in the middle  dog, but rather a flock guardian that lives with the flock of sheep to
         of Sweden. The dog is described as having a wolf-like appearance.  actively fend off predators of all sizes. Typically used as protection
         Although  calm  and  affectionate  with  its  family,  the  Swedish  against wolves, bears, and jackals in its native Turkey. The Kangal
         Elkhound can be dominant with other dogs and has a strong prey  Shepherd Dog is calm,  controlled,  independent,  powerful and
         drive.                                                 protective.

         Japanese Chin: Also known as the Japanese Spaniel, is a dog  Kanni:  Also known as the Maiden’s Beastmaster, is a rare
         acknowledged for its importance to Japanese nobility. It is also  indigenous  South Indian  sighthound breed  of dog found in the
         known for its strabismus of the eyes. Being both a lap dog and  state of Chennai, India. The Kanni is usually shy but will always

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