Page 33 - Canine-Terminology
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especially around locations where European colonists historically
Humerus: The bone of the arm (i.e., the upper arm). settled in India, due to admixtures of European dog breeds.
Huntaway: Is a large, strongly built breed of dog used for general Indian Spitz: Is a spitz-type dog breed belonging to the Utility
sheep herding tasks in New Zealand, where they originate. They Dog group. It is very similar to the German Spitz in appearance.
were bred to use their loud, deep bark to drive sheep. Their bark The Indian Spitz was introduced in India by the British who began
is deep and repeating, usually with a short pause between barks, breeding them from a stock of German Spitzes. Years of breeding
which allows the barking to be sustained for very long periods. produced the ideal dog type which was suited to the plains of India
and was capable of withstanding India’s sultry climate. It is also
Hunting tests: Non-competitive field events for flushing breeds, counted among one of the most intelligent dog breeds.
retrieving breeds, and pointing breeds.
Inherited: To receive (a characteristic) from one’s parents by
Hygen Hound: Is a Norwegian breed of dog from the hound group, genetic transmission.
created in the 19th century by Norwegian breeder Hygen from
various other hound breeds. The Hygen Hound is an endurance Interbreeding: The breeding of dogs of different breeds.
hunter who can traverse arctic terrain for long periods of time
without fatigue. Internal parasites: One celled protozoan, larvae and worms that
survive by living off the host animal’s meals or blood.
I Interrupt: To turn a dog’s focus away from an unwanted behavior
as an intervention to stop the unwanted behavior.
Ibizan Hound: Is a lean, agile dog of the hound family. There are
two hair types of the breed: smooth and wire. The more commonly Iris: The colored membrane surrounding the pupil of the eye.
seen type is the smooth. This breed originates in the island of
Eivissa and has been traditionally used in the Catalan-speaking Irish Setter: Is a breed of dog originating in Ireland. As with all
areas of Spain. Ibizan Hounds are intelligent, active, and engaging setters, it is classified as a gundog in the UK and is included in the
by nature. They rank 53rd in Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence sporting group in America and Canada. The original purpose of
of Dogs. They are true “clowns” of the dog world, delighting in the breed was to hunt gamebirds. The function of setters is to find
entertaining people with their antics. and locate game by quartering ground as it searches for the scent
carried in the wind by birds such as grouse, partridge, pheasant or
Icelandic Sheepdog: Is a breed of dog of spitz type originating snipe.
from the dogs brought to Iceland by the Vikings. It is of similar
type to the Norwegian Buhund and the Shetland Sheepdog. They Irish Terrier: Is a dog breed from Ireland, one of many breeds
are commonly used to herd sheep in the Icelandic countryside. of terrier. The Irish Terrier is considered one of the oldest terrier
Icelandic Sheepdogs are tough and energetic. Hardy and agile, breeds. Irish Terriers are active dogs and need and enjoy consistent
they are extremely useful for herding and driving livestock or mental and physical challenges.
finding lost sheep. However, the dogs are not known for hunting.
Irish Water Spaniel: Is a breed of dog that is the largest and one
Imported semen: Frozen semen that is imported from another of the oldest of spaniels. The Irish Water Spaniel is essentially an
country. active, willing and energetic companion. Because it has been bred
from stock used to fetch game and return it to hand without a fuss,
In whelp: Pregnant. it has the natural instinct of wanting to please. Irish Water Spaniels
may make good family dogs, as they are usually excellent with
Inbreeding: The mating of two closely related dogs of the same respectful children and with other pets.
Irish Wolfhound: Is a breed of very large sighthound from Ireland.
Incisors: The six upper and six lower front teeth between the The name originates from its purpose, wolf hunting with dogs
canines. The point of contact forms the bite. rather than from its appearance. Originally developed from war
hounds to one used for hunting and guarding, Irish Wolfhounds can
Incontinence: The inability to control excretory functions. be an imposing sight due to their formidable size. Despite its large
size, it is rarely found to be destructive in the house or boisterous.
Incubation period: The period between infection and the This is because the breed is generally introverted, intelligent, and
appearance of symptoms of a disease. reserved in character.
Indian pariah dog: Is the aboriginal landrace of the Indian sub- Irregular bite: Some or all of the incisors have erupted in
continent. Often erroneously used to refer to all urban Indian street abnormal fashion.
dogs, some free-ranging dogs in India do not match the “pariah
type” and may not be pure indigenous dogs but mixed breeds, Isabella: Fawn colouration (e.g. Dobermann, Bergamasco).