Page 57 - Canine-Terminology
P. 57

follow mole trails leaving an array of trenches and holes behind.  can be aggressive or shy when not properly socialized.
        They make excellent watch dogs, and can be very protective and
        territorial.                                           Thick set: Broad and solidly built.

        Telomian: Is a rare breed of dog native to Malaysia. Malaysians  Thigh: The hindquarter from hip to stifle.
        call  this dog breed Anjing Kampung which means Village  dog
        in Malay. The Telomian is a small breed with an elongated back.  Thoracic  vertebrae:  The thirteen  vertebrae  of the chest  with
        Like the Chow Chow, the breed has a blue tongue.       which thirteen pairs of ribs articulate.

        Temperament: Mixture of natural qualities and traits that produce  Throatiness: An excess of loose skin under the throat.
                                                               Thumb marks: 1. Distinctive black spot in black and tan coloured
        Tenterfield Terrier: Is a breed of dog native to Australia. These  breeds on pastern (e.g. English Toy Terrier). 2. Distinctive mark
        small dogs had been bred for ratting. This type of dog is suited  on forehead (e.g. Pug).
        shipboard life, where rats and mice were both a health hazard and
        a threat to food supplies. Today they are a strong, active, hardy  Tibetan Mastiff: Is a large Tibetan dog breed, originating with
        and agile dog, their smooth short coat making them ‘easy care’  the nomadic cultures of Tibet, China, India, Mongolia and Nepal,
        family companions. Despite its small stature, the dog is friendly  it is used by local tribes of Tibetans to protect sheep from wolves,
        with an outgoing, adaptable nature, bold in the way of terriers and  leopards, bears, large mustelids, and tigers. As a flock guardian
        is intelligent.                                        dog in Tibet and in the West, it uses all the usual livestock guardian
                                                               tactics  (e.g. barking, scent-marking perimeters)  to warn away
        Terceira  Mastiff: Is a landrace Portuguese dog breed, also  predators and avoid direct confrontations. They often sleep during
        known as the Rabo Torto. The Terceira Mastiff is a medium-sized  the day, making them more active, alert and aware at night.
        molosser and one of its most remarkable features is an innately
        short, corkscrew like tail. According to a legend, it once was very  Tibetan Spaniel: Is a breed of assertive, small, intelligent dogs
        popular among the pirates of the region and soon became a popular  originating over 2,500 years ago in the Himalayan Mountains of
        fighting dog as well.                                  Tibet. They share ancestry with the Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Shih
                                                               Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Tibetan Terrier and Pug. Extremely intelligent,
        Terrier front: Straight front as found on fox terriers.   the Tibetan Spaniel is one of the most cat-like dog breeds. They
                                                               will climb on the sofa, table, dresser, etc., to see what is going on
        Terrier group: A group of dogs used originally for hunting vermin.  outside. At the same time, they are highly affectionate and will
                                                               often greet their owners by jumping into their lap and licking their
        Testicles: The male gonads, which produce spermatozoa. AKC  face.
        regulations  specify  that  a  male  that  does  not  have  two  normal
        testicles normally located in the scrotum may not compete at any  Tibetan Terrier: Is a medium-size breed of dog that originated
        show and will be disqualified, except that a castrated male may  in Tibet. Despite its name, it is not a member of the terrier group.
        be entered in obedience trials, tracking tests, field trials (except  The breed was given its English name by European travelers due
        Beagles), as a stud dog in a Stud Dog class, and Veterans class at  to its resemblance to known terrier breeds. Tibetan Terriers were
        an independent specialty.                              kept as good luck charms, mascots, watchdogs, herding dogs, and
                                                               companions. They were also used to retrieve articles that fell down
        Texture of coat: Quality or feel of coat.              mountain sides. They are amiable and affectionate family dogs,
                                                               sensitive to their owners, and gentle with older children if properly
        Thai  Bangkaew  Dog: Is an Asian dog breed, originating  from  introduced. Though not prone to excessive barking, the Tibetan
        Thailand.  It is a medium-sized  spitz-type  dog. Bangkaew is a  Terrier has an assertive bark.
        village located in the Bang Rakam District, Phitsanulok Province
        in the central region of Thailand. This is an intelligent, athletic,  Tibia: One of the two bones of the leg (i.e., the lower thigh, second
        agile and robust breed. It will be a loyal and protective family  thigh, or lower leg).
        companion as well as an excellent watchdog. It will get along well
        with children and a properly socialized dog will be very gentle  Ticked: Small areas of black flecks, or coloured hairs on a white
        with smaller children.                                 background.

        Thai Ridgeback: Is an ancient landrace of dog and they are also  Tied  at  the  elbows: Elbows set too close under body, thus
        known as a Mah Thai Lang Ahn. The Thai Ridgeback is one of  restricting movement.
        only three breeds that has a ridge of hair that runs along its back
        in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. The other two are  Toed-in front: See pigeon toed.
        the  Rhodesian  Ridgeback  and the  Phu Quoc Ridgeback.  Thai
        Ridgebacks are an intelligent breed and make loyal, loving family  Topcoat: On a dog’s coat, the longer guard hairs.
        pets. They are naturally protective of their home and family and

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