Page 55 - Canine-Terminology
P. 55

Spontaneous  mutation: A genetic accident  which permanently  Stance: Manner of standing.
        alters certain genetic characteristics.
                                                               Stand away coat: See Standoff Coat
        Sporting group: Group of dogs who were originally bred to assist
        the hunter to hunt game birds, both on land and in the water.  Standard Schnauzer: Is a dog breed that originated in Germany
                                                               from at  least  14th-15th  century, of Schnauzer  breed  type  and
        Sporting Lucas Terrier: Is a small breed of dog of the terrier type,  progenitor of the Giant Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer. The
        originating from Scotland.                             literal translation is “snouter” from the German word for “snout”
                                                               and  means colloquially  “moustache”,  or “whiskered  snout”,
        Spread hocks: Hocks pointing outward.                  because of the dog’s distinctively bearded snout. The smallest of
                                                               the working breeds, the Standard Schnauzer makes a loyal family
        Spread: Width between the forelegs when accentuated.   dog with guardian instincts.  Most will  protect  their  home  from
                                                               uninvited visitors with a deep and robust bark.
        Spring of ribs: Curvature of ribs for heart and lung capacity.
                                                               Standard: See Breed Standard
        Spring: See Flush
                                                               Standing heat: The point during which a female in heat will accept
        Square body: A dog whose measurements from withers to ground  breeding and can become pregnant.
        equals that from fore chest to rump.
                                                               Stand-off coat: Long, harsh jacket with hair standing out from the
        Squirrel tail: Carried up and curving more or less forward.  body supported by shorter, soft, dense undercoat (e.g. Keeshond).

        St. Bernard (dog): Is a breed of very large working dog from the  Staring coat: The hair dry, harsh, and sometimes curling at the
        western Alps. They were originally bred for rescue at the Great St  tips.
        Bernard Pass on the Italian-Swiss border, and Little St Bernard
        Pass in the Italian-French border, located close to one another. The  Station: Comparative height from the ground, as high-stationed,
        name “St. Bernard” originates from the passes of Great and Little  low-stationed.
        St Bernard. Known as a classic example of a Gentle Giant, the
        Saint Bernard is calm, patient and sweet with adults, and especially  Steel blue: Body Colour of Yorkshire Terrier.
        children. The biggest threat to small children is being knocked over
        by this breed’s larger size. Overall they are a sweet, gentle, calm,  Steep: Used to denote incorrect angles of articulation. For example,
        loyal and affectionate breed, and if socialized are very friendly.  a steep front describes a more upright shoulder placement than is
        Stabyhoun: The Stabyhoun or Stabij is one of the top five rarest
        dog breeds in the world. It is from Friesland and in particular  Stephens Cur: Is a scent hound that belongs to the Cur dog breed.
        from the Frisian forest area, a region in the southeast and east of  The dogs known as “Little black dog” were bred by generations of
        Friesland, Netherlands. The dog is considered a Dutch national  Stephens family for over a century. It is good for hunting raccoon
        treasure. The Stabyhoun is both a soft-mouthed retriever  and a  and squirrel, but can also be used to bay wild boar.
        pointer with a strong tracking nose. The Stabyhoun has a gentle
        disposition. This breed is friendly, sensitive, intelligent, peaceful,  Stern tail: A tail found in a sporting dog or hound that is generally
        patient, and willing to please, but may be stubborn on occasion.  carried straight out.
        The Stabyhoun exhibits great tolerance  of children and other
        animals.                                               Stern: Tail of a sporting dog or hound.

        Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Is a medium-sized, short-coated breed  Sternum: A row of eight bones that form the floor of the chest.
        of dog of English lineage and may be considered to be within the pit
        bull type. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a medium-sized, stocky,  Stifle: The joint of the hind leg between the thigh and the second
        and very muscular dog. Due to its breeding and history, common  thigh. The dog’s knee.
        traits exist throughout; the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is known for
        its character of fearlessness and toughness. This, coupled with its  Stilted: Characteristic gait of Chow Chow due to minimum hind
        affectionate nature, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability,  angulation.
        make it a foremost all-purpose dog.
                                                               Stop: The step up from muzzle to back skull; indentation between
        Stag red: Deep red (almost brown) with intermingling of black  the eyes where the nasal bones and cranium meet.
        hairs  (Miniature  Pinscher).  Color  definitions  may  vary  by
        breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive color  Straight in pastern: Little or no bend at the wrist.

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