Page 59 - Canine-Terminology
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Trumpet: The slight depression or hollow on either side of the  United Kennel Club (UKC): An official registry in the United
        skull just behind the orbit or eye socket; the region comparable  States for purebred dogs.
        with the temple in man.
                                                               Unsound: A dog incapable of performing the functions for which
        Truncated: Cut off.                                    it was bred.

        Tuck-up: Upward curve  of underline  of body (e.g. Hungarian  Upper  arm: The  humerus  or bone  of the  foreleg,  between  the
        Vizsla).                                               shoulder blade and the forearm and associated tissues.

        Tulip ear: An ear carried erect with edges curving in and forward.  Upright shoulder: Minimum layback of shoulder.

        Turn up: Upturned under jaw (e.g. Griffon Bruxellois).  Utility dog (UD): A title awarded to a dog that has been recorded a
                                                               Utility Dog by the AKC as a result of having won certain minimum
        Tuxedo: Solid (usually black) with a white patch (shirt front) on  scores in Utility classes at a specified number of AKC licensed or
        the chest, and white on some or all of the feet (spats.) This pattern  member obedience trials. This title may be combined with the TD
        is sometimes called Irish Spotting, Flashy, or Boston  or TDX title and shown as UDT or UDTX, respectively.

        Twist: Tail (e.g. Pug).                                                         V

        Twisting hocks: A gaiting fault in which the hock joints twist both
        ways as they flex or bear weight. Also called rubber hocks.
                                                               Vanjari Hound: Is a breed of dog found in India. It is a greyhound-
        Type: Sum of qualities that distinguish dogs of one breed (breed   type dog used by the nomadic Vanjari of Maharashtra, primarily as
        type) or dogs from one kennel (kennel type) from others.  a sighthound in hunting. However, it has also been used as a guard
                                                               dog and a herding dog.
        Tyrolean Hound: Is a breed of dog that originated in Tyrol, Austria,
        also called the Tiroler Bracke or Tyroler Bracke. This breed of dog   Variable schedule of reinforcement: A variance in the amount of
        is a patient and passionate hunting dog also known for courage   time or number of behaviors required for a dog to a reward.
        and can handle almost any terrain. He has great scenting ability
        that can be useful for game catching. However this dog can make   Variety: A division of a breed approved by the AKC. There are nine
        a nice family companion as they are friendly and even tempered   breeds that are divided into varieties: Cockers, Beagles, Collies,
        but at the same time can be an independent hunter.     Dachshunds, Bull  Terriers,  Manchester  Terriers,  Chihuahuas,
                                                               English Toy Spaniels, and Poodles.
                                 U                             Varminty: A keen, very bright or piercing expression.

        Ulna: One of the two bones of the forearm.             Veil: The portion of the dog’s forelock hanging straight down over
                                                               the eyes or partially covering them.
        Underage dam: Dam under eight months of age at the time of
        mating.                                                Veiled coat: Fine, wispy long hair (e.g. Chinese Crested Dog).
        Underage  sire:  Sire  under  seven  months  of  age  at  the  time  of  Vent: The anal opening.
                                                               Vertebral  column:  The  bones of  the  central  axis  of  the  dog
        Undercoat: Dense, soft, short coat concealed by a longer top coat.  posterior to the skull, including cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral,
                                                               and caudal vertebrae.
        Underline: The shape found under dog from brisket to flank.
                                                               Villano de las Encartaciones: Is a Spanish working dog originated
        Undershot bite: The lower front teeth project beyond the upper  in Las Encartaciones, a comarca of the province of Biscay, in the
        front teeth when the mouth is closed.                  Basque country, eastern Cantabria and northern Burgos. The dog
                                                               is used to catch Monchina cattle, which are raised in a feral state
        Undershot: The front teeth (incisors) of the lower jaw overlapping  in northern Spain. The Villano is also used for boar hunting given
        or projecting beyond the front teeth of the upper jaw when the  its qualities as a catch dog.
        mouth is closed.
                                                               Villanuco de las Encartaciones: Is a Spanish breed of dog
        Unilateral cryptorchid: See Cryptorchid                typical of the region of Las Encartaciones (Biscay), Cantabria and
                                                               northern Burgos (Spain). Despite the great similarity in names,

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