Page 56 - Canine-Terminology
P. 56
Straight shoulders: The shoulder blades rather straight up and often attributed to the Swedish lapphund, which is most likely one
down, as opposed to sloping or well laid back. of Sweden’s oldest breeds.
Straight stifle: Lack of angulation; straight behind. Swedish Vallhund: Also known as the Västgötaspets and Swedish
cow dog, is a breed of dog native to Sweden. The breed’s name,
Straight-hocked: Lacking appreciable angulation at the hock Vallhund, when translated into English, means herding dog, as the
joints. Swedish Vallhund was originally bred as a drover and herder of
cows over 1,000 years ago.
Stress signals: Behavior and body language indicative of
escalating tension and anxiety, such as barking and whining or Symmetry: Overall balance (e.g. Golden Retriever).
pacing and panting.
Stress: When discussing dogs, stress is frequently used as a T
synonym for distress.
Stud book: Monthly publication of the AKC. A listing of dogs Taigan: Also known as Kyrgyzdyn Taighany, is a sighthound
that have sired or whelped a litter for the first time that has been breed from Kyrgyzstan. The Taigan is a sighthound adapted to the
registered with the AKC. With this information, a person can extreme mountainous conditions in the Tian Shan. Typical prey are
use Stud Book volumes to trace a dog’s lineage and to produce ibex, roe deer, wolf, fox and marmot. Some hunters also use the
pedigrees. Taigan in conjunction with a trained bird of prey, especially with
the golden eagle.
Stud dog: A male dog used for breeding purposes.
Tail set: The position of the tail on the croup.
Stud fee: Payment made for the services of a stud dog.
Taiwan Dog: Is a breed or landrace of small or medium dog
Styrian Coarse-haired Hound: Is a breed of medium-sized hound indigenous to Taiwan. These dogs are also known as Formosan
dog originated in the Austrian province of Styria. It is bred as a Mountain Dog, Taiwanese Canis, Taiwanese Native Dog or
scent hound, for hunting boar in mountainous terrain. The Styrian Takasago Dog. The Formosan is a high energy, loyal, affectionate,
Coarse-haired Hound is sometimes called the Peintinger Bracke and intelligent breed that learns very quickly. In unfamiliar
after the creator of the breed in the 1870s. situations, they tend to be wary of strangers and sounds, and they
can become fear-aggressive. In new situations where the dog is
Submission: Strategy for interacting with a person or another dog fear-aggressive, it can take a few days before the dog will calm
to create harmony and goodwill. down.
Substance: Correct bone, muscularity and condition. Tamaskan Dog: Are a Finnish dog crossbreed to resemble a wolf.
Tamaskans are large, athletic dogs, and slightly taller than German
Superciliary arches: The ridge, projection, or prominence of the Shepherds. It is a highly versatile dog that can excel in agility,
frontal bones of the skull over the eyes; the brow; supraorbital obedience and working trials.
Tapetum lucidum: The highly reflective portion of the interior of
Suspension trot: See Flying Trot the canine eyeball that aids in night vision.
Sussex Spaniel: Is a breed of dog developed in Sussex in southern Tattoo: A method of on-dog identification.
England. The Sussex Spaniel is a low compact spaniel similar in
appearance to a small, dark Clumber Spaniel. The Sussex Spaniel Tawny: Used, along with white, to describe Ibizan Hounds, this
is a slow-paced, calm breed with somewhat clownish behaviour color is the color of lions (sandy yellow). Also referred to as Lion
that normally keeps his energy and enthusiasm in check. He is Tawny. Color definitions may vary by breed.
always eager to be around people, is excellent around children,
and can be quite protective of the family. They make excellent Teat: The nipple of an animal
candidates for therapy dog work.
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier: Is a small to medium-sized American
Swayback: Concave curvature of the vertebrae column between hunting terrier. It is lower-set, with shorter legs, and is more
the withers and the hipbones. muscular with heavier bone density than the related American
Rat Terrier. The Teddy Roosevelt Terrier of today is bred for
Swedish Lapphund: Is a breed of dog of the Spitz type from versatility, including hunting instincts, soundness of health, great
Sweden, one of three Lapphund breeds developed from a type temperament, and good looks. Teddy Roosevelt Terriers have
of dog used by the Sami people for herding and guarding their higher than average prey drive and will chase squirrels, rats, stray
reindeer. The expression “the black beauty of Norrland” is very cats, and any other animals they consider prey. They also dig and