Page 60 - Canine-Terminology
P. 60

the Villano de Las Encartaciones is a different breed, but shares in
         common the area of origin. It is a ratter, used as a “door dog” for  Webbed toes: Toes connected by a skin membrane; important for
         its speed advising the arrival of strangers.           water-retrieving dogs, providing help in swimming.

         Vizsla: Is a dog breed originating in Hungary. The Hungarian or  Webbed: Connected by a membrane.
         Magyar Vizsla are sporting dogs and loyal companions, in addition
         to being the smallest of the all-round pointer-retriever breeds. The  Wedginess: Lacking chiselling.
         Vizsla is a natural hunter endowed with an excellent nose and an
         outstanding  trainability.  It  was  bred  to  work  in  field,  forest,  or  Weedy: Light-bone structure, lacking substance.
         water. Although they are lively, gentle-mannered, demonstrably
         affectionate and sensitive, they are also fearless and possessed of a  Weimaraner: A large breed of hunting dog that originated  in
         well-developed protective instinct.                    Germany, having a smooth grayish coat.

         Volpino Italiano: Literally, “Italian foxy (dog)”, is a spitz-type  Well laid shoulders: Optimum shoulder angulation.
         breed of dog originally from Italy. Despite its small size, this dog
         was originally kept as a guard dog. Its job was to alert the large  Well let down: Having short hocks; refers to short metatarsals.
         mastiffs to an intruder. However, due to their lovely temperament
         and intelligence they also became popular as pets.     Well sprung ribs: Ribs springing out from spinal column giving
                                                                correct shape.
         V-shaped ear: Drop ear that tapers to a point.
                                                                Welsh  Corgi: Either  of two breeds Welsh Corgi Cardigan  and
                                                                Welsh Corgi Pembroke that originated in Wales, having a long
                                W                               body, short legs, and a foxlike head.
                                                                Welsh Sheepdog: Is a landrace of herding dog from Wales. Welsh
         Walk: Gaiting pattern in which three legs are in support of the   Sheepdogs are normally bred for their herding abilities  rather
         body at all times, each foot lifting from the ground one at a time   than appearance.  Welsh Sheepdogs are primarily  herding  dogs
         in regular sequence.                                   who have a natural ability with large flocks of sheep or cattle.
                                                                Some have been trained to compete in dog agility trials, obedience
         Wall  eyes: One blue  and one brown eye  (e.g. Great  Dane   and rally obedience, flyball, tracking, and herding events. Welsh
         (Harlequin), Old English Sheepdog).                    Sheepdogs can be trained to compete in stock dog trials.

         Warning signals: Behaviors used by a dog to communicate   Welsh Springer Spaniel: Is a breed of dog and a member of the
         discomfort with a situation. These can include freezing, growling,   spaniel family, originating in Wales. The Welsh Springer Spaniel
         barking or snapping.                                   is a compact, solidly built dog, bred for hard work and endurance.
                                                                The Welsh Springer Spaniel is active, loyal, and affectionate. They
         Warrigal: A wolf-like yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia.  may meet strangers barking when in their territory, or act aloof,
                                                                cautious or wary. The breed is well known for being friendly and
         Wean: The process of making a pup eat solid food instead of its   demonstrative to all members of the family, especially children,
         mother’s milk.  To accustom (the young of a mammal)  to take   and accepting other pets of the household with a friendly, playful
         nourishment other than by suckling.                    attitude.

         Weaving movement: Feet crossing over, plaiting when moving.  Welsh Terrier: Originates from Wales and was originally bred for
                                                                hunting fox, rodents and badger. It is a happy, lively, and seldom
         Weimaraner:  Originating  in  Germany,  Weimaraner  is a  large   shy or timid dog, but sometimes can have an attitude. The Welsh
         dog that was originally bred for hunting in the early 19th century.   Terrier  is generally  friendly  with  people  and  dogs but  when a
         Weimaraners were used by royalty for hunting large game such as   challenge is perceived, it will not back down. Dogs of this breed
         boar, bear and deer. As the popularity of large game hunting began   can be devoted friends and can function either as city dogs or as
         to decline, Weimaraners were used for hunting smaller animals   country dogs.
         like  fowl,  rabbits  and  foxes.  The  Weimaraner  is  an  energetic
         hunting dog, prized for its physical endurance and stamina, with   West Highland White Terrier: Commonly known as the Westie,
         a  strong,  instinctive  prey-drive. They  are  well-rounded  hunting   is a breed of dog from Scotland. The breed is intelligent, quick to
         dogs that excel at hunting, tracking, pointing and retrieving both   learn, and can be good with children, but does not always tolerate
         on land and in the water.                              rough handling. The Westie is an active and intelligent breed, and
                                                                is social with a high prey drive, as they were once used to hunt
         Webbed feet: These have well-developed webs (Newfoundland,   rodents. It is a hardy breed, and can be stubborn, leading to issues
         Chesapeake Bay Retriever).                             with training.

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