Page 61 - Canine-Terminology
P. 61
White Shepherds demonstrate both herding and protective
West Siberian Laika: Is a breed of hunting dog and a breed of spitz instincts.
type. Russian publications indicate that the term West Siberian
Laika loosely applied to hunting dogs originating with the Mansi White: The color of dog that lacks pigmentation.
and Khanty people in Ural and West Siberia. In Russian language,
the term Laika originated from the word layat that means to bark. Whitelies: Body color white with red or dark markings. Color
The word Laika simply means barker. Any hunting Laika is a bark definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard
pointer (pointing at animal of interest by barking and staying with for the definitive color description.
the animal). The West Siberian Laika is a very affectionate and
devoted to the master dog. The majority of them bark at strangers Wicket: Device used to measure the height of a dog at the withers.
approaching the house. Consisting of two vertical bars joined by a horizontal bar that can
be adjusted for height.
Westphalian Dachsbracke: Is a small, short-legged scent
hound, a breed of dog originating in Westphalia, a region of Wild boar: Usually used to describe Dachshunds, this color is dull
Germany. Dachs is German for badger, a term used for hunting gray hairs intermingled with black hairs. Color definitions may
dogs with short legs. The name Dachsbracke may reflect that the vary by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive
Dachsbracke dogs were bred down in size by crossbreeding long- color description.
legged Bracken with the Dachshund.
Wind: To catch the scent of game.
Wet neck: Loose or superfluous skin; with dewlap.
Winging: A gaiting fault where one or both front feet twist outward
Wetterhoun: Translated into English as the Frisian Water Dog, as the limbs swing forward.
is a breed of dog traditionally used as a hunting dog for hunting
small mammals and waterfowl in the province of Fryslan in the Winter nose: See Snow Nose
Netherlands. This breed is an excellent gun dog, effective as both
a land and water retriever, however its strong will and natural Wire (broken) coat: Consists of a harsh and often wiry outer
guarding abilities make early training a requirement. The breed jacket with a softer dense undercoat (e.g. German Wirehaired
standard describes the breed’s temperament as reserved and “an Pointer, Schnauzer).
ideal guard-dog”. Though never aggressive, which makes it an
excellent family-dog. Wirehair: A coat of hard, crisp, wiry texture.
Wheaten: Pale yellow or fawn color. The color of wheat. Color Wirehaired Pointing Griffon: Is a breed of dog used in hunting as
definitions may vary by breed. a gundog. They are known as intelligent with softer temperaments
but with a willingness to please and do not adapt well to harsh
Wheel back: A marked arch of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. training methods. They are extremely people oriented and prefer
to be somewhere in the vicinity of their owners.
Whelp date: The date of birth of a litter.
Wirehaired Vizsla: Is a dog breed originating in Hungary.
Whelping: The act of birthing puppies. Wirehaired Vizslas are known as excellent hunting dogs, and also
have a level personality making them suited for families. The
Whip tail: Relatively long, thin, pointed tail, carried stiffly out in Wirehaired Vizsla is a versatile, natural hunter endowed with an
line with back (e.g. Greyhound). excellent nose and an above average trainability. Although they are
lively, gentle mannered, demonstrably affectionate and sensitive,
Whippet: Is a dog breed of medium-size. They are a sighthound they are also fearless and possessed of a well-developed protective
breed that originated in England, where they descended from instinct. The breed has a firmness on point, is an excellent
greyhounds. These dogs were bred together and used to catch retriever, and has the determination to remain on the scent even
rats, and hunt rabbits. When the forest law was repealed, these when swimming. The overall appearance embodies the qualities
“miniature greyhounds” became popular in the sport of dog of a multi-purpose pointing dog, endurance, working ability and
racing. Whippets are quiet and not prone to barking, but require an easily satisfied nature.
regular exercise. They are generally gentle dogs and despite being
bred for racing, Whippets can be couch potatoes. Withers: Highest point of body immediately behind neck; this
is the top of the shoulder blades, the point from which height is
White Shepherd: Emerged from white-coat lines of the German measured.
Shepherd dog in Canada and the United States and from European
imports. The White Shepherd has a distinct personality marked Wolf sable: Used to describe Pomeranians. Silver or gray with
by self-confidence. The breed is poised, but when the situation black tips (no tan, white, or cream anywhere). Color definitions
demands, they are eager, alert and ready to serve in any capacity. may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard for the