Page 53 - Canine-Terminology
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development. Shiloh Shepherds are larger and have a straighter Sinhala Hound: Is a breed of dog from Sri Lanka, and parts of
back than most modern German Shepherd Dogs and they are bred India. The Vedda people used the breed for hunting, and it was
for intelligence, size, and stable temperaments. prized after the bow and arrow, so much so that the dogs were
given away with daughters on their marriage.
Short coupled: Short distance between last rib and the beginning
of the hindquarters. Sire: The male parent.
Shoulder height: Height of dog’s body as measured from withers Skeleton: Descriptively divided into axial (skull, vertebrae column,
to ground. chest) and appendicular (forequarters, hindquarters) portions or
the hard framework of the body; the bones of the body collectively.
Shoulder joint: Joint between the shoulder blade (scapula) and the
upper arm (humerus). Skully: Thick and coarse through skull.
Show quality: A pedigreed dog meeting the official breed standard Skye Terrier: is a breed of dog that is a long, low, hardy terrier
and thus able to compete in dog shows. and one of the most endangered native dog breeds in the United
Kingdom according to The Kennel Club. The Skye Terrier is a
Siberian Husky: Is a medium size working dog breed that hunting dog and enjoys a daily outing, exploring in a safe area.
originated in Northeast Asia. The breed belongs to the Spitz It also needs a short to moderate walk with its owner to stay in
genetic family. With proper training, they make great home pets shape. The Skye enjoys life as a housedog, and prefers not to live
and sled dogs. It is an active, energetic, resilient breed, whose outdoors.
ancestors lived in the extremely cold and harsh environment of
the Siberian Arctic. The Husky howls rather than barks. They have Slab-sided: Flat ribs with too little spring from spinal column.
been described as escape artists, which can include digging under, “Herring gutted”.
chewing through, or even jumping over fences.
Sled dogs: Dogs worked, usually in teams, to pull sleds.
Sickle hocked: Inability to extend the hock joint on the backward
drive of the hind leg. Exaggerated narrow angle of hock when Slew feet: Feet turned out.
Sloping shoulder: The shoulder blade set obliquely or “laid back”.
Sickle tail: Carried out and up in a semicircle over the back (e.g.
Basset Fauve de Bretagne). Sloughi: Is a North African breed of dog, specifically a member
of the sighthound family. It is found mainly in Morocco, which is
Sighthound: A hound that runs or courses game by sight rather responsible for the standard, and may be found in smaller numbers
than scent. elsewhere in North Africa. Consistent with many sighthounds,
the Sloughi has a sensitive character that is devoted to its owner
Silent heat: An unnoticed heat period that can be due to little and family. It does not respond well to harsh or corporal training
swelling of the vulva, little bleeding, no attraction of males or no methods and does best with an owner who is also sensitive,
behavior change. intelligent and conscientious. The Sloughi responds best to training
that is based on positive reinforcement.
Silken Windhound: Is an American breed of sighthound. Like
most sighthounds, Silkens are noted coursers. Silken Windhounds Slovak Cuvac: Is a Slovak breed of dog, bred for use as a livestock
are affectionate and playful and are good dogs for families with guard dog. The dog is known for its hardy constitution, sturdy frame
children. Silkens particularly like agility, therapy, flyball, and and shaggy white coat. Its frame is massive, and his temperament
obedience. is naturally lively, watchful, undaunted and alert. These dogs thrive
best in an environment of a large family, children and livestock to
Silky coat: A topcoat composed of long, fine and soft hair. care for. These dogs are natural guard dogs. They are gentle and
loyal with their family and possessions.
Silky Terrier: A toy terrier of a breed developed from a
cross between the Australian terrier and the Yorkshire terrier, Slovak Rough-haired Pointer: Is a recently recognized gundog
characterized by long, silky, bluish-gray hair, tan markings, and breed developed after World War II in Slovakia. The Slovak
erect ears. Rough-haired Pointer has an intelligent, alert expression and
a “rough” or “broken” coat, with harsh, wiry hair and whiskers
Single coat: A dog with only one type of coat, typically the topcoat (“facial furnishings” or, informally, “moustaches”).
or guard hairs, without the downy undercoat.
Slovenský kopov: Is a medium-sized breed of hunting dog of the
Single tracking: All footprints falling on a single line of travel. scent hound type. The breed originated in Slovakia, in Central
Many breeds single track at fast paces. Europe, and is bred for boar hunting. The name Black Forest
Hound seems to have been created in North America for marketing