Page 54 - Canine-Terminology
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purposes, since the breed has no connection with the Black Forest.
        Though known to be independent, it is intelligent, and is easy to  Soundness:  The state  of mental  and physical  health  when all
        train. Also, it is blessed with a good sense of direction.  organs and faculties are complete and functioning normally, each
                                                               in its rightful relation to the other.
        Smaland Hound: Is a breed of dog that originated in Sweden in
        the 16th century and thought to be the oldest scent hound breed  South Russian Ovcharka: Also known as a Ukrainian Shepherd
        native to Sweden. A popular Swedish hunting dog, members of  Dog, is a sheepdog from the Ukrainian steppes between the Black
        the breed can form strong attachments to their master; but are also  Sea and the Sea of Azov. This mountain dog is an undemanding
        seen as household pets due to their gentle and protective nature. In  dog, which can adapt to most weather conditions.
        hunting, they are used to drive the quarry for the hunter. They are a
        highly intelligent breed, and require a high level of exercise.  Spaniels: Any of several breeds of small-sized to medium-sized
                                                               dogs, usually having drooping ears, short legs, and a wavy, silky
        Small Greek Domestic Dog: Kokoni is the name used for the Greek  coat.
        small domestic dog breed.  The name Kokoni probably derives
        from the word κοκόνα kokona which is another word for daughter  Spanish  Mastiff:  Is a  giant  breed  of  dog,  originating  in  Spain,
        in Modern Greek. The Small Greek Domestic Dog has an even  originally bred to be a guard dog whose specialized purpose is to
        temper and gentle disposition. They are lively, cheerful, amiable  be a livestock guardian dog protecting flocks (and occasionally
        and not generally aggressive or timid. They enjoy company, and  herds) from wolves and other predators. This noble giant is aloof,
        although they may initially be standoffish with strangers, they are  dignified, calm and intelligent. It is devoted to its family and may
        easily won over. They are very intelligent and are easily trained  politely accept strangers if it has been socialized properly, although
        and famously devoted to their owners. They are very loving and  it will be wary of them. It can be aggressive toward other dogs.
        protective. They have a loud, strong bark for their size though they
        do not bark much.                                      Spanish  Water  Dog:  The breed dates back several hundred
                                                               years and has its origins most likely in Turkey from where it was
        Smooth  coat:  Short  smooth, close-lying  hair (e.g. Bull Terrier,  imported into Spain as a general purpose sheepdog and guard. It is
        Dachshund (Smooth-Haired)).                            also used sometimes as a gundog, and is skilled at retrieval from
                                                               water. The Spanish Water Dog is diligent, loyal, affectionate, and
        Snatching  hocks:  A gait fault indicated  by a quick outward  intelligent. They have very strong natural herding and guarding
        snatching of the hock as it passes the supporting leg and twists the  instincts, leading them to become the “self-appointed” guardians
        rear pastern far in beneath the body. The action causes noticeable  of their homes. Good socialization at an early age greatly helps
        rocking in the rear quarters.                          them cohabit with small children.

        Snippy: A pointed, weak muzzle, lacking breadth and depth.  Spay: To remove a bitch’s ovaries to prevent conception.

        Snipy muzzle: Pointed, weak muzzle.                    Speak: To bark.

        Snow  nose:  Nose showing loss of pigment  resulting  in  a  pink  Spectacles: Light shadings around the eyes and dark marking from
        streak on nose in winter (e.g. Siberian Husky).        outer corner of eye to ear (e.g. Keeshond).

        Socialization:  The process by which a puppy learns  about  the  Spike tail: Straight, short tail that tapers rapidly along its length.
                                                               Spinone Italiano: Is an Italian dog breed. It was originally bred
        Socks: 1. Hair on the feet to pasterns (e.g. Chinese Crested Dog).  as a versatile  gun dog. To this day, the  breed is still  a capable
        2. White colour on feet (e.g. Old English Sheepdog).   dog for that purpose.  The Spinone is easy going, docile, and
                                                               affectionate towards both people and dogs. It is well known for
        Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier: Is a pure breed terrier originating  being loving and gentle with children. The breed is not known for
        from Ireland. The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is an energetic and  any aggression, but any dog breed can develop fear aggression if
        playful dog. It requires patience and consistent positive training.  not properly socialized during the “window of socialization” from
        Harsh  methods will often result in fear and/or aggression.  A  ages 6 weeks to 14 weeks.
        positive, even-handed approach works best with this intelligent yet
        headstrong terrier. It is an enthusiastic greeter, and will often jump  Spitz: Group of breeds that have wedge shaped heads with prick
        up to lick a person’s face, commonly referred to as the “Wheaten  ears, usually  straight  and rather harsh outer coats with dense
        greeting”.                                             undercoats, moderate turn of stifle and tails usually carried over
        Solid: A dog of only one color.
                                                               Splashed: Irregularly patched, color on white or white on color.
        Sooty: Black hairs intermingling with tan or base colour (listed as
        undesirable in Elkhound standard).                     Splay foot: A flat foot with toes spreading. Open foot, open-toed.

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