Page 52 - Canine-Terminology
P. 52
be ideal. The Segugio Italiano can also hunt larger game, such as in a set position.
wild boar, wild sheep, wild goats or ungulates of the deer family.
The Segugio Italiano works either alone or in packs, depending Setting events: Conditions in a dog’s life that make it more likely
on the quarry. that the dog will act in a certain manner.
Selective breeding: Intentional mating two dogs in order to Shaping: The process of teaching a dog a complex behavior by
achieve or eliminate a specific trait. breaking it down into simple steps.
Self-colour: Whole colour except for lighter shadings. Shar Pei: Is a breed of dog known for its deep wrinkles and
blue-black tongue. The breed originates from Canton, China. The
Semi-drop ears: Semi-pricked (e.g. Collies, Fox Terriers). English name is probably derived from the British spelling of the
Cantonese equivalent, sā pèih, which translates to “sand skin” and
Semi-prick ears: Ears carried erect with just the tips leaning refers to the texture of its short, rough coat. It is a very independent
forward. and reserved breed. If poorly socialized or trained, it can become
especially territorial and aggressive. Shar Pei were named in 1978
Sensitize: To become more sensitive, alert, fearful or reactive to a as one of the world’s rarest dog breeds by TIME magazine and the
specific situation through repeated exposures. Guinness World Records.
Seppala Siberian Sleddog: A rare working dog breed, the Seppala Shawl: Longer hair around neck and shoulders (e.g. Tibetan
Siberian Sleddog is developed for the purpose of pulling a sled in Spaniel).
cold country. Seppalas are active and energetic but very docile and
trainable. The defining characteristics of the breed are its natural, Shelly: A shallow, narrow body, lacking the correct amount of
primitive appearance, its highly developed work ethic, and its bone.
affectionate, cooperative, and highly bonded nature.
Shetland Sheepdog: Also known as the Sheltie, is a breed of
Septum: The line extending vertically between the nostrils. herding dog that originated in the Shetland Islands. Shelties have
a high level of intelligence ranking 6th out of 132 breeds tested.
Serbian Hound: Previously known as the Balkan Hound, is a An average Sheltie could understand a new command in fewer
pack hunting dog breed used in Serbia. The Serbian Hound is a than five repetitions and would obey a command the first time it
kindly breed with lively temperament which lends itself to both was given 95% of the time or better. They are incredibly loyal to
hunting in the field and life in the home. It is a lively breed and their owners and are often referred to as “shadows” due to their
loves to walk and play with loved ones. The Serbian Hound is a attachment to family. While the Sheltie still excels at herding,
very good worker with a tenacious nature that will not let it give today it is also raised as a farm dog and family pet.
up until it finds its quarry.
Shiba Inu: Is the smallest of the six original and distinct spitz
Serbian Tricolour Hound: Is a breed of dog of the hound type breeds of dog from Japan. A small, agile dog that copes very
and formerly called the Yugoslavian Tricolour Hound. The Serbian well with mountainous terrain, the Shiba Inu was originally bred
Tricolour Hound is a medium-large scent hound that was bred as for hunting. Shibas tend to exhibit an independent nature and
a running hound, i.e. free running to seek game on its own, not on sometimes show aggression. This is more prevalent among female
a leash. It is used on feral pigs or wild boar and other large game Shibas and is influenced by the breed’s strong prey drive. The
as well as hare and fox. The Serbian Tricolour Hound is a loving, Shiba Inu is best in a home without other small dogs or young
lively and devoted breed that is completely loyal to its owner. children.
Service dog: A dog trained to assist a person with a disability. Shih Tzu: Also known as the Chrysanthemum Dog, is a toy dog
breed. The exact origins of the breed are unknown, but it is thought
Sesame: Even overlay of black guard hairs usually on red coat to have originated in the Tibetan Plateau, and then been developed
(e.g. Japanese Shiba Inu). in China. Although an individual Shih Tzu’s temperament varies
from dog to dog, the breed has a personality and temperament that
Seskar Seal Dog: Originated in Finland and the breed is named is loyal, affectionate, outgoing, and alert.
after the isle of Seskar. The Seskar Seal Dog is an extinct dog
breed that was recently recreated. The modern version is called Shikoku (dog): Is a native, primitive Japanese breed of dog from
Seskar (or Seiskari) Dog and some 200 individuals in Finland Shikoku Island that is similar to a Shiba Inu. The Shikoku is one
represent the modern breed. of the six native Japanese breeds, it is intermediate in size between
the large Akita Inu and the small Shiba Inu; all are within the Spitz
Set on: 1. Placement of tail on body. 2. Position of ears on skull. family of dogs. The Shikoku was bred mainly for hunting deer and
boar in the mountainous districts of Kochi Prefecture.
Setters: Any of several breeds of longhaired hunting dogs
originally trained to indicate the presence of game by crouching Shiloh Shepherd (dog): Is a new dog breed that is still under