Page 31 - Canine-Terminology
P. 31
Griffon Nivernais: Is a breed of dog of the scent hound type, hunter.
originating in France, and is a versatile hunting dog, used on
small and large game, in packs or individually. Today’s breed Handler: Person 18 years old or older, other than the owner or
is a reconstruction of an ancient type of dog from the Nivernais co-owner, designated by the owner or co-owner of an entered dog
region. The breed’s ideal temperament is described in the breed to be the handler of, and the person responsible for, the dog at the
standard as being courageous, and it is also described as obstinate event.
and independent.
Handling system: A consistent methodology and unambiguous
Grizzle: A mixture of black or red hairs with white hairs. set of cues used to conduct a dog through an agility course.
Frequently, a bluish-gray or iron-gray color. Color definitions may
vary by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive Hanover Hound: Is a breed of dog sometimes referred to as a
color description. Hanoverian Hound. It is a hunting and tracking dog descended from
bloodhounds of medieval times. It was first introduced into France
Groom: To brush, comb, trim, or otherwise make a dog’s coat neat. in the 1980s and is still a very rare breed. It was crossbred with
the Bavarian Hound, which gave rise to the Bavarian Mountain
Grooming powder: A talc-like powder meant to separate and give Hound. They are calm and loyal, but described as persistent and
volume to the dog’s hair. single-minded when tracking.
Ground color: The color of the hair at the point that is closest to Hard expression: Harsh, staring expression.
the body.
Hard-mouthed: A dog that crushes or renders game unfit for
Guard hairs: Longer, smoother, stiffer hairs which grow through consumption.
the undercoat and normally conceal the undercoat (e.g. Alaskan
Malamute). Hare foot: Foot on which the two center digits are appreciably
longer than the outside and inside toes of the foot, and the arching
Guatemalan Dogo (Dogo Guatemalteco): Is a molosser-type dog of the toes is less marked, making the foot appear longer overall
breed originating in Guatemala, it is also the national dog of the (e.g. Borzoi hind feet, Tibetan Spaniel).
country. The breed was created from crosses between the old type
Bull Terrier, Boxer, and Dalmatian at the end of the 19th century. Hare pied: More tan than black and white giving a coat resembling
The two most remarkable breeders in the early history were the the colour of a hare.
family Gerardi in the 1910s and the family Gallusser in the 1930s.
The Guatemalan Dogo is fearless, balanced and stable. Towards its Harlequin: Pure white background with irregular patches (black
family, it is obedient, tranquil, loyal, and affectionate. preferred but blue permitted) having the appearance of being torn
(e.g. Great Dane).
Gun dog: A dog trained to find or pursue game.
Harness: A leather, nylon or cloth strap shaped around the
H shoulders and chest, with a ring at its top for the lead.
Harrier (dog): Is a medium-sized dog breed of the hound class,
Habituate: To become accustomed to a specific situation through used for hunting hares by trailing them. It resembles an English
repeated exposures. Foxhound but is smaller, though not as small as a Beagle. The
Harrier is cheerful, sweet-tempered, tolerant of people, and it is
Hackles: Hairs on neck and back raised involuntarily in fright or excellent with children.
Haunch bones: The hip bones.
Half-prick ear: Also known as the semi-prick ear, ears carried
erect with just the tips leaning forward. Havanese: A breed of Bichon type, is the national dog of Cuba,
developed from the now extinct Blanquito de la Habana (“little
Hallmark: A distinguishing characteristic. white dog of Havana”). The Blanquito descended from the also
now extinct Bichon Tenerife. It is believed that the Blanquito
Haloes: Dark pigmentation round or over eyes (e.g. Maltese). was eventually cross-bred with other Bichon types, including the
Poodle, to create what is now known as the Havanese. Sometimes
Hamiltonstövare: Is a breed of dog, bred as a hunting hound. The referred to as “Havana Silk Dogs”, this was originally another
breed was developed in Sweden by the founder of the Swedish name for the Blanquito de la Habana. This breed is not afraid to
Kennel Club, Count Adolf Hamilton. Its ancestry includes several show affection and loves getting attention.
German hounds as well as English Foxhounds and Harriers. Sweet
and friendly to all, the Hamiltonstövare is also a hardworking Haw: Third eyelid at the inner corner of the eye; more obvious in
certain breeds (e.g. Spaniel (Clumber)).