Page 30 - Canine-Terminology
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as the Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound, is a breed of mastiff types brought to Switzerland by foreign settlers. The
dog used in hunting as a scent hound, usually in packs. It is one of breed is large and heavy-boned with great physical strength, but
the Anglo-French hound breeds which were created by crossing is still agile enough to perform the all-purpose farm duties it was
French scent hounds with English (Anglo) Foxhounds. originally used for. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is happy with
an enthusiastic nature and strong affinity to people and children.
Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Orange: Translated into English
as the Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound, is a breed Greek Harehound: Is a rare breed of dog that only comes in a
of dog used in hunting as a scent hound, usually in packs. Grand black and tan color, originally bred as a scent hound for tracking
Anglo-Français Blanc et Orange is descended from crosses and chasing hare in Southern Greece. The Greek Harehound
between the Billy and Foxhounds in the late 1800s. The names of has a lively, confident and outgoing temperament. These dogs
all the various Anglo-French hound breeds and varieties were all are skilled, fearless hunters, and have a keen sense of smell as
officially described with the term “Anglo-Français” in 1957. well as excellent strength and stamina. The Greek Harehound is
also devoted to its owner, and generally makes a fine family pet,
Grand Anglo-Français Tricolore: Is a breed of dog used in although they are better with older children.
hunting as a scent hound, usually in packs. The Grand Anglo-
Francais Tricolore is descended from crosses between tricoloured Greenland Dog: Is a large breed of husky-type dog kept as a sled
Poitevins and Foxhounds. These animals are strong and compact dog and for hunting polar bear and seal. They were brought from
in stature like the foxhound with a black blanketed tri-colour coat. Siberia to North America by the Thule people 1,000 years ago,
They were used as a pack dog to hunt large game such as red deer, along with the Canadian Eskimo Dog that is genetically identical.
wild boar and roe deer or smaller animals such as fox. “Grand” Greenland Dog is kept chiefly as a working dog valued for its
does not necessarily refer to size, in most cases it is simply a label strength and speed rather than a malleable temperament.
for a pack that is used for larger game. Letting them off the lead
may be hazardous as the hunting instinct is very high. Greyhound: Is a breed of dog; a sighthound which has been
bred for coursing game and Greyhound racing. It is a gentle and
Grand Griffon Vendéen: Is a breed of hunting dog originating intelligent breed whose combination of long, powerful legs, deep
in France. It existed as early as the 16th Century, and was the first chest, flexible spine and slim build allows it to reach average race
of the Vendée griffons to be bred. It is a descendant of the Canis speeds exceeding 64 kilometres per hour. The Greyhound can
segusius used by the Gauls, through the so-called King’s whites reach a full speed of 70 kilometres per hour within 30 metres,
and the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne, which is also an ancestor of the or six strides from the boxes, traveling at almost 20 metres per
Basset Fauve de Bretagne. second for the first 250 metres of a race. Since the rise in large-
scale adoption of retired racing Greyhounds, the breed has seen a
Grand prix: The USDAA’s championship competition. resurgence in popularity as a family pet.
Gray form: Term used to refer to the Supplemental Transfer Griffon Bleu de Gascogne: Is a breed of dog of the scent hound
Statement. type, originating in France, and is a versatile hunting dog, used on
small and large game, in packs or individually. The breed has a
Great Dane: Is a German breed of domestic dog known for its good nose and a good voice, and is a good and very alert hunting
giant size. The German name of the breed is Deutsche Dogge, or dog for all kinds of hunting. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is
German Mastiff. The French name is Dogue Allemand. The Great descended from crosses between the Bleu de Gascogne and the
Dane combines, in its regal appearance, dignity, strength, and Griffon Nivernais, and possibly the Grand Griffon Vendéen as
elegance with great size and a powerful, well-formed, smoothly well.
muscled body. The Great Dane’s large and imposing appearance
belies its friendly nature. They are known for seeking physical Griffon Bruxellois: Is a breed of toy dog, named for their city
affection with their owners, and the breed is often referred to as a of origin: Brussels, Belgium. The Griffon Bruxellois may refer to
“gentle giant”. three different breeds, the Griffon Bruxellois, the Griffon Belge
and the Petit Brabançon. The Griffon Bruxellois is known to have
Great Pyrenees (Pyrenean Mountain Dog): Is a large breed of a huge heart, and a strong desire to snuggle and be with its master.
dog used as a livestock guardian dog. It should not be confused with They display a visible air of self-importance but they are very
the Pyrenean Mastiff. Great Pyrenees is naturally nocturnal and emotionally sensitive.
aggressive with any predators that may harm its flock. However,
the breed can typically be trusted with small, young, and helpless Griffon Fauve de Bretagne: Translated into English as the
animals of any kind due to its natural guardian instinct. In nature, Fawn Brittany Griffon, is a breed of dog of the scent hound type,
the Great Pyrenees is confident, gentle (especially with children), originating in France in the region of Brittany. Griffon Fauve de
and affectionate. Bretagne were used in packs for hunting wolves and wild boar.
The breed’s ideal temperament is described in the breed standard
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: Is a dog breed which was as being wily and tenacious as a hunter on all terrains, but sociable
developed in the Swiss Alps. Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are and affectionate with people.
almost certainly the result of indigenous dogs mating with large