Page 29 - Canine-Terminology
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absolute necessity. Its temperament is that of an intelligent, bold,  soldiers settled in the Wicklow area. They brought with them their
        boisterous, eccentric, and characteristically affectionate dog that  low-slung hounds, which they bred with the local terrier stock,
        is cooperative  and easily trained. This breed is smart, friendly,  eventually developing a distinctive breed that became known as
        willing, and enthusiastic.                             the Glen of Imaal Terrier. Glen of Imaal terriers can be energetic
                                                               and tenacious, but they tend to be more even-tempered,  more
        German  Spaniel:  Also  known as the Deutscher  Wachtelhund  easygoing, and less vocal than most other terriers.
        (German quail  dog), is a breed of dog that  was developed  in
        Germany, and is used as a hunting dog. Descended from the  Globular eye: Round, slightly prominent, not bulging (e.g. Pug).
        old  German  breed,  the  Stoeberer, which  became  popular  with
        commoners  following the Revolutions of 1848 in the German  Go to your spot: A dog who is taught to go to his spot (or station)
        states,  who required  a  versatile  hunting  dog. Stoeberer  is  now  learns to go to a specific area and wait there until he is released.
        a type of hunting dog in Germany with the Wachtelhund being
        its sole member. Frederick Roberth, a German dog breeder, is  Goggle  eye: Protruding  eye listed  as a fault  in the  Spaniel
        credited with creating the modern Deutscher Wachtelhund around  (American Cocker).
        1890. They are lively with a very strong hunting instinct and have
        a friendly attitude towards humans and other dogs.     Gold: From pale apricot to rich reddish-yellow.

        German Spitz: Is used to refer to both a standardized breed of  Golden Retriever: Is a large-sized breed of dog bred as gun dogs
        dog (usually capitalized) in some kennel clubs, and a category or  to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds
        type of dog comprising several separate breeds. Various modern  during hunting and shooting parties, and were named ‘retriever’
        breeds have been developed from the original German Spitz, and  because  of  their  ability  to  retrieve  shot  game  undamaged  (soft
        are either registered as separate breeds or as varieties of German  mouth). Golden Retrievers have an instinctive love of water, and
        Spitz, depending on club. All the German spitz-type dogs are dogs  are easy to train to basic or advanced obedience standards. The
        of the broader spitz type, of German origin.           temperament of the Golden Retriever is a hallmark of the breed,
                                                               and is described in the standard as kindly, friendly and confident.
        German Wirehaired Pointer: Is a medium to large-sized griffon
        type breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for  Goose neck: An elongated, tubular-shaped neck. Also called swan
        hunting. It became a leading gun dog in Germany in the later part of  neck.
        the 20th century. It is the result of the careful mixing and crossing
        of the griffon, German Shorthaired Pointer, Deutscher Stichelhaar,  Goose rump: Too steep or sloping a croup.
        Deutscher Kurzhaar, and the hunting Pudelpointer in the late 19th
        century.  The  German  Wirehaired  pointer  is  affectionate,  lively,  Goose step: Accentuated lift of the forelimbs.
        very determined, active and intelligent. Eager to learn and loyal to
        its family, it needs a handler who is consistent in approach.   Gordon Setter: Is a large breed of dog, a member of the setter
                                                               family that also includes both the better-known Irish Setter and
        Gestation period: The time between mating and birth (it averages  the English Setter. The original purpose of the breed was to hunt
        63 days).                                              gamebirds such as partridge, grouse, pheasant, ptarmigan, snipe,
                                                               woodcock,  quail,  black  grouse, willow  grouse, sand  grouse,
        Get: Offspring.                                        guinea fowl, sage-hen, and francolin.  The  AKC describes the
                                                               Gordon Setter temperament as alert, interested, and confident. He
        Giant Schnauzer: Is a working breed of dog developed in the  is fearless and willing, intelligent, and capable. He is loyal and
        17th century in Germany. It is the largest of the three breeds of  affectionate,  and  strong-minded  enough  to  stand  the  rigors  of
        Schnauzer - the other two breeds being the Standard Schnauzer  training. Gordons are intensely loyal to their owners; thrive in an
        and the Miniature Schnauzer. Numerous breeds were used in its  attentive, loving environment; and are good family dogs.
        development,  including  the  black  Great  Dane, the  Bouvier  des
        Flandres, and the German Pinscher. Originally bred to assist on  Gos Rater Valencià: Is a breed of dog that originates in Spain,
        farms by driving livestock to market and guarding the farmer’s  where it has traditionally been used to catch rats and other rodents.
        property, the breed eventually moved into the city, where it worked  The dogs continue to be used in hunting, specifically for rabbits.
        guarding breweries, butcher’s shops, stockyards and factories. The
        Giant Schnauzer is inherently suspicious of strangers and can be  Gran Mastín de Borínquen (Puerto Rican Mastiff): Is the only
        very territorial and are usually reserved.             breed native to the island of Puerto Rico. The Borinquen Mastiff
                                                               is  a  blend  of  Spanish  Mastiffs,  traditional  island  dogs  (Perros
        Glen  of  Imaal  Terrier  (Wicklow  Terrier): Is a breed of dog  Jíbaros) and Latin American Molossers, all brought to the island
        of the terrier category and one of four Irish terrier breeds. The  for protection from colonial times until the early 20th century. The
        breed originates in, and is named for, the Glen of Imaal in County  Mastín is noble, courageous and loyal, many died protecting their
        Wicklow, Ireland. The Glen’s history began during the reign of  masters during the Spanish-Indian Wars.
        Elizabeth  I, who hired  French and  Hessian mercenaries  to put
        down  a  rebellion  in  Ireland.  After  the  conflict,  many  of  these  Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Noir: Translated into English

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