Page 28 - Canine-Terminology
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and, for several years in the 20th century, some breeders did cross-  Genetically linked defects: Problems with health or temperament
        breed Galgos and Greyhounds in order to produce faster and more  that are passed to offspring by their ancestors.
        powerful  Galgos,  specifically  for  track  racing  purposes.  Galgos
        have a very similar nature to Greyhounds. They are calm, quiet,  Genotype: The genetic makeup, as distinguished from the physical
        gentle and laid back; happy to sleep their day away on their backs  appearance, of an organism or a group of organisms.
        on a sofa. More than 90% of Galgos can be considered cat-friendly
        and are therefore an ideal choice for the hound lover who also  Georgian Shepherd: Is a molosser-type livestock guardian breed
        owns cats.                                             of dog with ancient working origins in the Georgia Caucasus. The
                                                               Georgian shepherd is related  to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
        Galician  Shepherd  Dog  (Can  de  Palleiro):  Can  de  Palleiro  Following the Soviet collapse, Georgia began to popularise this
        (literally Haystack Dog), is well appreciated among Galicians and  dog.
        well recognized by its name in this northern region of the Iberian
        Peninsula. At present, this dog breed is in potential  danger of  German Longhaired Pointer: Is a breed of dog. Developed in
        extinction due its limited number. Shepherd and guardian, because  Germany, it is used as a multipurpose gundog. It is closely related
        as much he goes with the cows, guiding and keeping them, he also  to its cousins, the German Shorthaired Pointer, the German
        takes care of the house.                               Wirehaired Pointer and the Large Münsterländer, which was
                                                               previously part of the breed. German Longhaired Pointer are a kind,
        Gallop: Fastest of dog gaits; has a four-beat rhythm and often  gentle, friendly, and intelligent breed. They are very affectionate,
        an extra period of suspension during which the body is propelled  and may experience separation anxiety. They only make good pets
        through the air with all four feet off the ground.     when properly exercised, as they need a “job” to do, and do not
                                                               adapt well to a sedentary life.
        Game: Hunted wild birds or animals.
                                                               German Pinscher: Is a medium-sized breed of dog, a Pinscher
        Garafian  Shepherd  (Pastor  Garafiano): Is a breed of dog  type that originated  in Germany.  The breed is included  in the
        native to La Palma, Canary Islands. The name comes from the  origins of the Dobermann, the Rottweiler, the Miniature Pinscher,
        municipality of Garafía, in the north of the island, where the breed  the Affenpinscher, the Standard Schnauzer, and, by extension, the
        was most common, although specimens can be found throughout  Miniature Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer. A German Pinscher is
        the island. The character of Pastor Garafiano is docile and friendly.  an alert, good natured and playful dog. They are known for being
        When it meets strangers shows a typical attitude: barking, folding  very loyal, watchful and fearless. A well-bred German Pinscher
        ears, tail movements and turns in the head showing the corner of  will be a loving companion with an even temperament.
        its mouth in a smile.
                                                               German  Roughhaired  Pointer  (Deutsch  Stichelhaar): Is a
        Gascon Saintongeois: Is a breed of dog of the scent hound type,  versatile hunting dog that originated in Frankfurt, Germany. The
        recognised in two sizes, Grand (large) and Petit (smaller than the  breed was developed in the early 1900s and is a cross between
        Grand, but not a small dog.) Originating in France, the breed is  German sheepdogs and rough-haired “standing dogs”. Stichelhaars
        used for hunting in packs and descends from the old Hound of  are tough dogs. They are balanced, calm, resistant and courageous
        Saintonge type of large hunting dog.                   but self-controlled, neither shy nor aggressive.

        Gaskin: The lower or second thigh.                     German Shepherd Dog (Deutscher Schäferhund): Is a breed of
                                                               medium to large-sized working dog that originated in Germany.
        Gate Nazi: A term generally applied to the gate steward who often  The  name Deutscher Schäferhund  by von Stephanitz,  literally
        must strike an authoritarian tone in order to keep order at the gate.  translates to “German Shepherd Dog”.  The breed is known as
                                                               the Alsatian in Britain and Ireland.  The German Shepherd is a
        Gate steward: A ring official, responsible for shepherding dogs  relatively new breed of dog, with their origin dating to 1899. As
        and handlers into the ring in their correct running order.  part of the Herding Group, German Shepherds are working dogs
                                                               developed originally for herding sheep. Since that time however,
        Gay tail: A tail carried above the horizontal level of the back.  because of their strength, intelligence, trainability, and obedience,
                                                               German Shepherds around the world are often the preferred breed
        Gazehound: See Sighthound                              for many types of work, including disability assistance, search-
                                                               and-rescue, police and military roles, and even acting.
        Gene pool: The collective genetic information contained within a
        population of sexually reproducing organisms.          German Shorthaired Pointer: Is a medium to large sized breed
                                                               of dog developed  in the 19th century in Germany for hunting.
        Genealogy: Recorded family descent. Pedigree.          A versatile  hunting breed, being an all-purpose gun breed of
                                                               dog suitable  for both  land  and water.  The  German  Shorthaired
        Generalize: The ability of the dog to understand a performance  Pointer  needs plenty  of vigorous activity  and thrives  with lots
        when elements of the presentation have been changed.   of exercise and running.  This need for exercise,  coupled with
                                                               the  breed’s natural  instinct  to  hunt,  means  that  training  is  an

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