Page 21 - Canine-Terminology
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Diagonals: Right front and left rear legs constitute the right
diagonal; left front and right rear legs constitute the left diagonal. Doggy: Masculine looking.
In the trot, the diagonals move together.
Dogo Argentino: Is a large, white, muscular dog that was
Diamond: Distinctive shaped marking on a Pug’s forehead. developed in Argentina primarily for the purpose of big-game
hunting, including wild boar; the breeder, Antonio Nores Martínez,
Diehard: Nickname of the Scottish Terrier. a medical doctor, professor and surgeon, also wanted a dog that
would exhibit steadfast bravery and willingly protect its human
Digit: Toe. companion. It was first bred in 1928, from the Cordoba Fighting
Dog along with a wide array of other breeds including the Great
Dilute: Washed out color. Color definitions may vary by Dane.
breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive color
description. Dogue de Bordeaux: Is a large French Mastiff breed - and one
of the most ancient French dog breeds. A typical brachycephalic
Dingo: A wild dog (Canis dingo) of Australia, having a reddish- molossoid type breed, the Bordeaux is a very powerful dog, with
brown or yellowish-brown coat. a very muscular body. This brawny breed has been put to work in
many different capacities, from pulling carts and hauling heavy
Directional: Any command given to the dog to turn the dog in a objects, to guarding flocks and, historically, the castles of the
desired direction. European elite. The Dogue de Bordeaux was known in France as
early as the fourteenth century, particularly in southern France in
Dish-faced: When the nasal bone is so formed that the nose is the region around Bordeaux. Hence, the city lent its name to this
higher at the tip than at the stop; or, a slight concavity of the line large dog.
from the stop to the nose tip (e.g. Pointer).
Domed skull: Evenly rounded in top-skull; curved, not flat.
Dishing: Weaving.
Domed: Evenly rounded in skull (e.g. King Charles Spaniel).
Distemper teeth: Teeth discolored or pitted as a result of distemper
or other disease or deficiency. Domesticated: A term used to describe an animal that has been
tamed or reclaimed from a wild state.
Divergent hocks: Hocks that turn out. Barrel hocks.
Dominant: exerting forcefulness or having dominance in a social
Division: Group of states that all have the same point schedule. hierarchy.
Doberman Pinscher: Is a medium-large breed of domestic dog Doming: As seen in Cocker Spaniels, the rounded portion of the
that was originally developed around 1890 by Karl Friedrich head in between the ears.
Louis Dobermann, a tax collector from Germany. The Dobermann
has a long muzzle. It stands on its pads and is not usually heavy- Domino: Reverse facial mask pattern on some breeds. Color
footed. Ideally, they have an even and graceful gait. Traditionally, definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard
the ears are cropped and posted and the tail is docked. However, for the definitive color description (e.g. Afghan Hound).
in some countries, it is illegal to do so. Dobermanns are known to
be intelligent, alert, and tenaciously loyal companions and guard Dorsal: The portion of the dog carried farthest from the substratum
dogs. The Dobermann is driven, strong, and sometimes stubborn. (i.e., away from the ground) during normal locomotion or side of
the body furthest from the ground.
Dock: To shorten the tail.
Double coat: An outer coat resistant to weather and protective
Dog fancy: Term describing the group of people interested in and against brush and brambles, together with an undercoat of softer
active in the promotion of purebred dogs. hair for warmth and waterproofing. A dog with this type of coat
can also be referred to as a double coat.
Dog Registration Application: Used to register an individual dog
of a registered litter. Also called as blue form, blue slip, or blues. Double dapple: Varying amounts of white coloring occurring over
the body in addition to the dapple pattern. Color definitions may
Dog show: Also known as a conformation show, a show in which vary by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive
dogs are judged on how closely they adhere to the breed’s standard. color description.
Dog’s choice: This means that obstacles can be performed in Down hairs: A term referring to the shortest hair on the dog,
the order and direction of the dog’s choosing or of the handler’s, which is usually found next to the skin beneath the top coat and is
depending largely on who is in charge of the team. soft and downy in texture.