Page 22 - Canine-Terminology
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dependable Norwegian scent hounds.
        Down on pastern: Weak or faulty pastern set at an exaggerated
        angle from the vertical.                               Dutch Shepherd Dog: Is a herding dog of Dutch origin. The Dutch
                                                               Shepherd was discovered as a naturally occurring shepherd’s dog
        Down-faced:  The muzzle  inclining  downwards in  an unbroken  type living in the rural areas of the larger region that today includes
        outward arc from the top of the skull to the tip of the nose (e.g.  the Netherlands. They were used by shepherds and farmers who
        Bull Terrier).                                         needed a versatile dog, with few demands, and a dog that was
                                                               able to adapt to a harsh and meager existence. The dogs had to
        Drag:  A  trail  prepared  by  dragging  along  the  ground  a  bag  keep the flock away from the crops, which they did by patrolling
        impregnated (usually) with animal scent.               the borders of the road and the fields. They also accompanied the
                                                               flocks on their way to the common meadows, markets and ports.
        Drawing: Selection by lot of dogs to be run, and in which pairs, in
        a field trial stake.                                   Dutch Smoushond: Is a small breed of dog, related to the Pinscher
                                                               and Schnauzer  breed type kept  in stables  to eliminate  rats and
        Drentse  Patrijshond:  Is a  versatile  spaniel-type  hunting  dog  mice in Germany and the Netherlands. It is very rare and not
        from the Dutch province of Drenthe, Netherlands. Called the  well-known outside the  Netherlands, its country  of origin.  The
        Dutch Partridge  Dog (or “Drent” for Drenthe) in English.  The  name “Smoushond” refers to its shaggy fur and face, as Jewish
        Drentsche Patrijshond bears some resemblance to both spaniel and  men (called Smouzen in the 1800s, a slur deriving from the name
        setter types of dog. An excellent pointer and retriever, this dog  Moses) had beards and long hair. They were called “Dutch” to
        is often used to hunt fowl and adapts equally well to the field or  prevent confusion with the similar Brussels Griffons.
        marshes. The origins of the Drentsche Patrijshond are in the 16th
        century, from the Spioenen  (or Spanjoelen)  which came  to the
        Netherlands through France from Spain, and is related to the Small              E
        Münsterländer of Germany and the Epagneul Français of France.

                                                               Ear: 1. Organ of hearing - inner ear, middle ear and external ear
        Drever: Is a breed of dog, a short-legged scent hound from Sweden   canal. 2. Pinna or earflap.
        used for hunting deer and other game. The Drever is descended
        from the Westphalian Dachsbracke, a type of German hound called   Ear canal: External duct leading from the tympanic membrane
        Bracke. The breed name Drever was chosen through a contest in   (eardrum) to the outside.
        1947. The Drever has been bred to hunt all sizes of game, both
        hares and roe deer, and is also used to hunt fox and red deer. The   Ear canker: External ear ulceration and infection.
        Drever has a lot of stamina, and has become a popular hunting
        hound for deer hunters in northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland.  Ear carriage: 1. Describing the way the ears are held, indicating
                                                               the dog’s mood. 2. Position of the ear’s attachment to the head.
        Drive: Powerful thrusting of the hindquarters denoting sound
        locomotion.                                            Ear  clamps:  Templates  or patterns  that are attached  to an

                                                               anesthetized dog’s ears to outline where the surgical cropping cut
        Drop ear: The ear leather folds over; not erect or prick ears; Ear in   is to be made.
        which the leather is folded over to some degree.
                                                               Ear clip: Act of cutting off and rounding the pendulant ears of
        Drop: Pendent, pendulous (e.g. Retrievers, Spaniels which include   hounds to give them a shortened, uniform appearance and to lessen
        Lobular e.g. Spaniels.                                 the probability of tearing the ear leather in the field.
        Dropper: A bird dog cross.                             Ear feather: Long hair on an earflap, typical of the Cocker Spaniel

                                                               and many other breeds.
        Dry Neck: The skin taut, neither loose nor wrinkled.
                                                               Ear foreign bodies: Grass seeds and various other extraneous
        Dry: The skin smooth; neither loose nor wrinkled.      matter that finds its way into the external ear canals of dogs.

        Dual champion: A dog that has won both a conformation and a   Ear fringe: Long hair on the tips of the ears that  is seen in
        field trial championship.                              Bedlington Terriers

        Dudley Nose: Nose lacking in pigment. Liver- or flesh-colored   Ear guide dog: Canine specially trained to aid deaf humans.
                                                               Ear hematoma: Pocket of blood that occurs between the layers
        Dunker: Also known as the Norwegian Hound, is a medium-sized   of the ear pinna cartilage and skin. It is often caused by shaking
        breed of dog from Norway. It was bred by Wilhelm Dunker to   head and whipping the ears due to ear mites or foreign bodies in
        be a scenthound by crossing a Russian Harlequin  Hound with

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