Page 24 - Canine-Terminology
P. 24

dogs brought by English and Scottish settlers in the 17th through  Estrela Mountain Dog: Is a large breed of dog which has been used
        19th  centuries  before  pedigrees became  fashionable  around  the  for centuries in the Estrela Mountains of Portugal to guard herds
        end of the 19th century. Subsistence farmers appreciated the breed  and homesteads. The Estrela Mountain Dog is one of the oldest
        for their versatility and not for their flash or strict conformation  breeds in Portugal. A large, athletic dog, the Estrela Mountain Dog
        to  a standard of appearance. The  English  Shepherd  is a highly  is a formidable opponent for any predator. It is calm but fearless
        intelligent,  all-around farm  dog, being  used as a herding  dog,  and will not hesitate to react to danger, making it an exceptional
        livestock guardian, farm watch dog, hunting dog, vermin eradicator  watchdog as well as an excellent guard dog. It is intelligent, loyal,
        and a child’s companion.                               and faithful, affectionate to those it knows but wary of those it does
                                                               not. It is instinctively protective of any children in its family. The
        English Springer Spaniel: Is a breed of gun dog in the Spaniel  breed has been developed in the mountains of Serra da Estrela, in
        family  traditionally  used  for  flushing  and  retrieving  game.  The  what is now Portugal.
        typical  Spaniel  is friendly, eager to please,  quick to learn,  and
        willing to obey. The term Springer comes from the historic hunting  Estrus: The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of
        role, where the dog would flush (spring) birds into the air.  most mammals,  excluding  humans, that  immediately  precedes
                                                               ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating;
        English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan): Is a small breed of terrier in  heat.
        the toy dog group. The English Toy Terrier developed from the Old
        English Black and Tan Terrier and is closely related to the larger  Eurasier: Is a breed of dog of the spitz type that originated in
        Manchester Terrier. Extremely fast and agile, the origins of this  Germany.  It  is  widely  known as  a  wonderful  companion  that
        alert terrier are in the world of the rat pit, a sport popular in the  maintains its own personality, has a dignified reserve to strangers,
        cities of Victorian England where terriers were placed in a circle  a  strong bond to  its  family  and  that  is  relatively  easy  to  train.
        or pit with a number of rats and bets were taken as to which dog  Eurasiers originated in Germany in 1960, when the founder, Julius
        would kill its quota of rats in the fastest time. Small dogs were  Wipfel,  set out together  with Charlotte  Baldamus  and a small
        highly prized with the ideal being to produce the smallest dog still  group of enthusiasts to create a breed with the best qualities of
        capable of killing its quota of rats in as short a time as possible.  the Chow Chow and the Wolfspitz. The initial combination of the
                                                               breeds resulted in what was first called “Wolf-Chow” and then,
        Entire dog: Dog with two apparently  normal  testicles  fully  twelve years later, after crossing with a Samoyed, was renamed
        descended into the scrotum.                            “Eurasier”. Also known as Eurasian dog.

        Entlebucher  Mountain  Dog:  Is a  medium-sized  herding  dog,  Eurohound (Scandinavian hound): Is a type of dog bred for sled
        it is the smallest  of the four regional  breeds that  constitute  the  dog racing. The Eurohound is a cross between an Alaskan husky
        Sennenhund dog type.  The  name  Sennenhund refers to people  and  German  Shorthaired  Pointer.  This  cross  first  successfully
        called Senn, herders in the Swiss Alps. Entlebuch is a region in  entered the competitive sled dog racing world in Scandinavia. The
        the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland. The breed is also known in  term “Eurohound” was coined by Ivana Nolke, to distinguish the
        English as the Entelbuch Mountain Dog, Entelbucher Cattle Dog,  European racing dogs being imported into Alaska. Greyhound ×
        and similar combinations. This breed should be well socialized  pointer crosses  are coined “greysters” and popular for dryland
        early  in  life  with  other  dogs and  people,  and  be  provided  with  racing, and limited-class snow racing.
        regular activity and training. Temperament of individual dogs may
        vary.                                                  Euthanasia: The act or practice of ending the life of an individual
                                                               suffering  from  a  terminal  illness  or  an  incurable  condition,  as
        Equal mating: When a litter is registered and another application  by lethal  injection  or the  suspension of extraordinary  medical
        is received to register another litter from the same dam with the  treatment.
        same date of birth.
                                                               Even bite: Meeting of upper and lower incisors with no overlap.
        Equilateral: Equal sided triangle (e.g. Bichon Frise – Head and  Also called level bite.
        Skull clause).
                                                               Ewe neck: A neck in which the topline  is concave  rather than
        Erect: pricked (e.g. German Shepherd Dog, Pomeranian).  convex.

        Estonian Hound: Is a scent hound-like breed which is the only dog  Exercise pen, ex pen: A portable enclosure that allows dogs to
        breed developed in Estonia. It was bred in 1947 when the Soviet  exercise while at dog shows.
        Union’s national economy  ministry decided  that  every country
        in the Union must have its own dog breed. This breed resulted  Expression: The general appearance of all features of the head as
        from the crossbreeding of several foreign dog breeds with local  viewed from the front.
        hunting dogs. The Estonian Hound is happy and pleasant dog with
        a balanced, calm and active temperament and a high intelligence.  Extinction burst: When previously reinforced behavior no longer
                                                               works to get the desired reward, pet owners may see a surge of

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