Page 25 - Canine-Terminology
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stronger, more intense behavior as the dog makes one last effort to  second thigh, or lower leg).
        get the reinforcement he seeks.
                                                               Fiddle  front:  Forelegs  out  at  elbows, pasterns close,  and  feet
        Extinction: Ending  a behavior by removing  reinforcement.  turned out. French front.
        Extinction  does not require  punishment;  instead,  it  relies  on
        removing reinforcement of unwanted behavior.           Field  Spaniel:  Is a  medium-sized  dog breed  of spaniel  type
                                                               originating in England. They were originally developed to be all-
        Eye colour: This is due to the presence of the pigment melanin in  black show dogs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and were
        the iris. Increased melanin makes the eye darker.      unpopular for work as a hunting dog. However, during the mid-
                                                               20th century they were redeveloped as a longer-legged dog that
        Eyebrows: The skin and hair above the eye covering the projecting  was more suitable to be used for field work. They are suitable for
        superciliary ridges.                                   dog agility and hunting. However, they are patient with children
                                                               and like to stay close to their family.
        Eyeteeth: The upper canines.
                                                               Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff): Is a large working breed of
                                 F                             dog developed in Brazil. It is known for its superb tracking ability,
                                                               aggressiveness and an unforgiving impetuous temperament. When
                                                               a Brazilian Mastiff finds its quarry, it does not attack it, but rather

        Fading the lure: The process of taking the lure out of the training   holds it at bay until the hunter arrives. Owing to these qualities,
        so the dog learns to do the requested behavior on another cue, such   the Brazilian Mastiff is used as a guard dog, as a shepherd dog for
        as a hand signal or word.                              herding livestock and as a hunting dog for tracking and controlling
                                                               large prey. The word “Filar” in Portuguese literally means “hold,

        Fall: Long hair surrounding head (e.g. Lhasa  Apso,  Yorkshire   arrest, grab”. There are several theories about which breeds gave
        Terrier).                                              rise to the Fila Brasileiro, but the most plausible theory is that the
                                                               Fila is the result of the mixture between Portuguese and Spanish
        Fallaway: Slope of the croup.                          dogs brought to Brazil during the Iberian Union.

        Fallow: Pale cream to light fawn color; pale; pale yellow; yellow-  Filbert ear: Rounded off triangular shape as in a Filbert nut (e.g.
        red. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed   Bedlington Terrier).
        standard for the definitive color description.
                                                               Fill: Fullness beneath the eyes, not chiseled.
        Fancier: A person especially interested and usually active in some
        phase of the sport of purebred dogs.                   Filled-up face: Smooth facial contours, free of excessive muscular

        Fang: See Canine teeth
                                                               Fillers: Meant to increase volume, chemicals and other indigestible
        Fawn: A brown, red-yellow with hue of medium brilliance. Color   material that are added to pet food.
        definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard
        for the definitive color description.                  Finnish Hound: Is a breed of dog originally bred for hunting hare
                                                               and fox in Finland. The Finnish Hound was a result of a breeding
        Fear-free:  A  low-stress approach  popular  in  the  veterinary   programme  in  the  1800s, which involved  French,  German  and
        community and other associated practices, like boarding, grooming   Swedish hounds. The goal was to develop a hound dog that could
        and training, in which handling, interactions and procedures are   work on hilly terrain and in deep snow. The Finnish Hound has
        done in a manner designed to keep the dog as calm as possible.   become one of Finland’s most popular dog breeds. The Finnish
                                                               Hound is friendly, calm and never aggressive.
        Feathering: Longer fringe of hair on ears, legs, tail or body.
                                                               Finnish Lapphund: Is a hardy, easy going, medium-size breed
        Feist: Rat Terrier.                                    of Spitz type. Traditionally it has been used for herding reindeer.
                                                               Although it is one of the most popular dog breeds in its native
        Femur: Thigh bone. Extends from hip to stifle.         country, Finland, it is not very numerous outside of the Nordic
                                                               countries. The Finnish Lapphund is a very intelligent and active
        Feral dog: A dog living in a fully wild state.         breed. Some owners and fanciers claim that “Lappies” even have
                                                               the ability to think through actions first. The breed was originally
        Fetch:  1. Retrieving  of game  by the  dog. 2.  The  command  to   used to herd reindeer by droving, and barking helped it to be
        retrieve game.                                         distinguished from wolves.
        Fibula: One of the two bones of the leg (i.e., the lower thigh,   Finnish Spitz: Is a breed of dog originating in Finland and has
                                                               been the national  dog of Finland since 1979.  The breed was

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