Page 16 - Canine-Terminology
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variety of colors, and two coat lengths. The Chihuahua’s history
        Chain  of  title: The complete  sequence of ownership of a dog,  is convoluted, and many theories surround the origin of the breed.
        including the date of transfer from litter owner (L/O) or recorded  The most common theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from
        owner (R/O) to the new owner (N/O).                    the Techichi, a companion dog favored by the Toltec civilization
                                                               in Mexico.
        Chaining: A training  method  which  seeks to  combine  multiple
        behaviors into one continuous behavior with a single cue.  Chilean Terrier: Is the first breed dog from Chile. The breed dates
                                                               back to the late 19th century, resulting from the crossing of the
        Champion (Ch): A title conferred on a dog by the AKC as a result  Fox Terrier and other breeds that existed before the arrival of the
        of defeating a specified number of dogs in specified competition at  Spaniards.
        a series of AKC-licensed or -member dog shows.
                                                               China eye: A clear or spotted blue, light blue, or whitish eye.
        Character: Expression, individuality, and general appearance and
        deportment as considered typical of a breed.           Chinese  Chongqing  Dog: Is a rare  breed  of dog native to the
                                                               Chongqing city of China. In its early years, it was used for hunting
        Characteristics:  Combination  of type,  appearance,  disposition  wild boar  and rabbits,  but it  is now used in China  to protect
        and behaviour.                                         families and belongings. They are an ancient, natural breed said to
                                                               have existed for 2,000 years since the time of the Han Dynasty in
        Cheeks: The region of the skin that lies below the eyes and begins  Ancient China. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of
        at the lips, reaching back to the area in front of the ears.   China in 1949, the breed’s numbers were greatly reduced, and only
                                                               people in rural communities still kept it.
        Cheeky: Cheeks prominently rounded; thick, protruding.
                                                               Chinese Crested Dog: Is a hairless breed of dog. Like most hairless
        Cherry eye: Prolapsed gland of the third eyelid.       dog breeds, the Chinese crested comes in two varieties, with and
                                                               without fur, which are born in the same litter: the Powderpuff and
        Chesapeake  Bay  Retriever: Is a large-sized  breed of dog  the Hairless. The breed was believed by some to have originated
        belonging to the Retriever, Gundog, and Sporting breed groups.  in Africa and was called the African Hairless Terrier in several
        The breed was developed in the United States Chesapeake Bay  19th Century texts, however, there is genetic evidence that shows
        area during the 19th century. Historically  used by area market  a shared origin with the Mexican Hairless Dog.
        hunters to retrieve  waterfowl, it is primarily  a family  pet and
        hunting companion. They are often known for their love of water  Chinese Imperial Dog: Is a Toy dog breed with a wrinkly, short-
        and their ability to hunt.                             muzzled face, and curled tail. Kennel clubs originally classified
                                                               the breed under the shih-tzu, before recognizing the Imperial as a
        Chest: The forepart of the body enclosed by the ribs.  separate breed. Other names for the Chinese Imperial Dog include:
                                                               Imperial Shih Tzu, Lion Dog, Micro Shih Tzu, Miniature Shih Tzu,
        Chestnut: Usually used to describe Irish Setters and Pharaoh  Princess-type Shih Tzu, Tiny Teacup Shih Tzu, Tiny Toy Shih Tzu.
        Hounds, the color may be described as deep, heavily saturated,
        reddish brown (like the nut of the same name). Color definitions  Chinook: Is a rare breed of sled dog, developed in the state of
        may vary by breed.  Always check the breed standard for the  New Hampshire during the early 20th century.  The Chinook
        definitive color description.                          is  New  Hampshire’s  official  state  dog.  The  Chinook  owes  its
                                                               existence to one man: Arthur Treadwell Walden of Wonalancet,
        Chien  Français  Blanc  et  Noir:  Translated  into English as the  New Hampshire.  The breed derives principally  from one male
        French White and Black Hound, is a breed of dog of the scent  ancestor born in 1917, named “Chinook”, who was Walden’s lead
        hound type, originating in France. The breed is used for hunting in  dog and stud. “Chinook” derived from a crossbreeding of husky
        packs and descends from the old Hound of Saintonge type of large  stock from the Peary North Pole expedition with a large, tawny
        hunting dog.                                           Mastiff-like male.

        Chien Français Blanc et Orange: Is a breed of dog of the scent  Chippendale front: Forelegs out at the elbows, pasterns close,
        hound type, originating in France. The breed is used for hunting in  and feet turned out. It is named after the Chippendale chair. Also
        packs and descends from the old Hound of Saintonge type of large  called fiddle front.
        hunting dog.
                                                               Chippiparai: Is a sighthound breed of dog from the south of
        Chien Français Tricolore: Translated into English as the French  India. Thought to be a descendant of the Saluki or Sloughi, today
        Tricolour  Hound, is a breed of dog of the scent hound type,  it is found in the area around Periyar Lake. It is used primarily
        originating in France. The breed is used for hunting in packs.  for hunting wild boar, deer and hare. It is also used for guarding
                                                               the home. Bred by royal families in Chippiparai in Virudhunagar
        Chihuahua: Is the smallest  breed of dog and is named  after  district Tamil Nadu, it was kept as a symbol of royalty and dignity
        the  state  of Chihuahua  in  Mexico.  Chihuahuas  come  in  a  wide  mostly in Tirunelveli and Madurai rulers.

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