Page 23 - Canine-Terminology
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the external ear canals.                               signal given by the user. Used as a training device.

         Ear leather: Pinna or flap of the ear.                 Elo  (dog):  Is an  emerging breed  of dog, with  development
                                                                beginning in 1987 in Germany. The breed name is trademarked
         Ear mange: Redness and crustiness of the ear that is usually  and development has been closely supervised by the Elo Breeding
         caused by ear mites (Otodectes cynotis).               and Research Association. The Elo is notable in that it is primarily
                                                                selected and bred according to behavioral characteristics and social
         Earmark: Tattoo that is impregnated in the ear leather as a means  behavior, with the goal of creating the best family pet. The name
         of permanent identification.                           “Elo” (originally Eloschaboro) is from letters of the 3 breeds -
                                                                Eurasier, Bobtail and Chow-Chow - and is protected by trademark
         Ear mites: Otodectes cynotis, a tiny mite that parasitizes  ear  in Germany. Breeding dogs with the name Elo is allowed only
         canals and causes intense itching and irritation.      with the consent of the founders of the Elo breed.

         Ear notch: In foxhunting, a small notch, or notches, cut in the  Elongated skull: Long, slender, tapering skull.
         margin of the ear of the entire pack to immediately identify the
         dogs of that pack.                                     English  Cocker  Spaniel:  Is a  breed  of  gun  dog.  The  English
                                                                Cocker Spaniel is an active, good-natured, sporting dog standing
         Ear ossicles: Three bones of the middle ear—malleus, incus and  well up at the withers and compactly built. There are “field” or
         stapes. They transmit sound waves from the eardrum to the otic  “working” cockers and “show” cockers. It is one of several
         ganglion.                                              varieties of spaniel and somewhat resembles its American cousin,
                                                                the American Cocker Spaniel, although it is closer to the working-
         Ear set: Describing where on the head the ears are attached.  dog form of the Field Spaniel and the English Springer Spaniel.

         Ears set high: Placement of ears high on the crown of the head.  English Foxhound: Is one of the four foxhound breeds of dog.
                                                                It is a cousin of the American Foxhound. They are scent hounds,
         Ears set low: Placement of the ears set low on the head.  bred to hunt foxes by scent. The English Foxhound was created
                                                                in the late 16th century by a careful mixing of the Greyhound, for
         Ears set wide: Placement of the ears on the head at the maximum  speed, the Fox Terrier, for hunting instinct, and the Bulldog, for
         distance apart.                                        tenacity in the hunt.

         East  Siberian  Laika:  Is a Russian  breed  of dog of spitz  type,  English Mastiff: Is a breed of extremely large dog (often known
         a hunting dog originating in parts of Siberia east of the Yenisei  simply as the Mastiff) perhaps descended from the ancient Alaunt
         River.  The breed originated  with dogs from the Lake Baikal  and Pugnaces Britanniae, with a significant input from the Alpine
         region, Irkutsk Province, Evenki National  Territory, the  Amur  Mastiff in the 19th century. Distinguished by its enormous size,
         River basin and Maritime Territory. The first breed standard was  massive head, short coat in a limited range of colours, but always
         set by wildlife biologist K. G. Abramov. The East Siberian Laika  displaying a black mask, the Mastiff is noted for its gentle and
         is a natural hunting dog used for a wide variety of small and large  loving nature. The lineage of modern dogs can be traced back to
         game, ranging from squirrels, marten, sable, and grouse to moose,  the early 19th century, but the modern type was stabilised in the
         bear, wild boar and mountain lions. They can also be used as sled  1880s and refined since. Throughout its history, the Mastiff has
         dogs.                                                  contributed to the development of a number of dog breeds, some
                                                                generally  known  as  Mastiff-type  dogs,  or,  confusingly,  just  as
         East-European  Shepherd  (VEO): Is a breed of dog that was  “Mastiffs”.
         developed in the 1930-1950s based on German Shepherd Dogs to
         create a larger cold-resistant breed for military use, police work  English Setter: Is a medium-size breed of dog. It is part of the
         and border guard duties in the Soviet Union. VEOs are also used  setter group, which includes the red Irish Setters, Irish Red and
         as guide dogs for the blind and there are VEO therapy dogs. This  White Setters, and black-and-tan Gordon Setters. A gentle but
         breed is popular in Russia where it entered a public culture and  at times strong-willed, mischievous gun dog, bred for a mix of
         acquired a legendary status as an extremely smart and loyal dog  endurance and athleticism, it is used to hunt for game such as quail,
         devoted to their owners. The breed is well known in other ex-  pheasant and grouse. Setters hunt by ranging over large distances
         Soviet Union republics.                                in a systematic, methodical  manner, silently seeking game by
                                                                scent. When prey is found by scenting the air, the dog will freeze
         Elbow: The joint between the upper arm and the forearm.  rather than give chase. The dog will stop in a sort of crouch or
                                                                “set” by freezing in a standing position upon finding their quarry
         Elbows out: Turning out or off from the body; not held close.   and this distinctive stance is how the term “setter” evolved.

         Electronic collar: A collar that provides a warning sound and/  English  Shepherd: Is an extremely versatile  breed of working
         or an electric stimulation to the dog upon receipt of an electronic  dog of the collie lineage, developed in the United States from farm

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