Page 17 - Canine-Terminology
P. 17

Clicker training: A term coined by Karen Pryor and defined by her
        Chiselled: Clean  cut,  showing bone structure  of face  (e.g. Fox  as a subset of Operant Conditioning using positive reinforcement,
        Terrier [Smooth], Spaniel [Cocker]).                   extinction, negative punishment, and an event marker to modify
        Chocolate: A medium chocolate brown color of dog.
                                                               Clicker: A toy noisemaker used by animal trainers as an event
        Choke collar: A chain collar that tightens like a noose when the  marker to mark a desired performance or response.
        leash is pulled, used to train or control dogs or other animals. Also
        called choke chain.                                    Clip: The method of trimming the coat in some breeds.

        Chops: Jowls or pendulous flesh of the lips and jaw.   Clipping: When pertaining to gait, the back foot striking the front
        Chorea: A nervous jerking caused by involuntary contractions of
        the muscles (may be caused by distemper and/or hepatitis).  Cloddy: Low, thickset, comparatively heavy.
        Chow  Chow:  Is a  dog breed originally  from  northern  China,  Close behind: Moving with hocks close together.
        where it is referred to as Songshi Quan, which means “puffy-lion
        dog”. The breed has also been called the Tang Quan, “Dog of the  Close mating:  A condition  where  there  is less than  4 months
        Tang Empire”. It is believed that the Chow Chow is one of the  and 15 days between either 1. The date of mating of a previously
        native dogs used as the model for the Foo dog, the traditional stone  registered  litter  and  the  date  of mating  of a  newly  submitted
        guardians found in front of Buddhist temples and palaces. It is  litter application for the same dam; or 2. The whelping date of
        one of the few ancient dog breeds still in existence in the world  a previously registered litter  and the whelping date of a newly
        today. The breed is distinguished by its unusual blue-black/purple  submitted litter application out of the same dam.
                                                               Close-coupled: Comparatively  short from the  last  rib to the
        Cierny  Sery:  The primary  ancestor of the  Cierny  Sery is said  commencement  of  the  hindquarters;  occasionally  used  to
        to be the  Altdeutsche Hütehund (Old German Sheepdog), but  characterize a comparative shortness from withers to hipbones.
        this Slovak (not German) dog breed was actually developed by
        crossing Belgian Sheepdogs with Altdeutsche Hütehund, starting  Clumber Spaniel: Is a breed of dog of the spaniel type, developed
        in 1981.                                               in the United Kingdom. It is the largest of the spaniels, and comes
                                                               in predominantly white with either lemon or orange markings. The
        Cimarrón Uruguayo: Is a breed of molosser type dog originating  name of the breed is taken from Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire
        in Uruguay. The word cimarrón in Latin America is used to mean  where the breed was first developed. It is a gundog that specialises
        feral, referring to the breed’s history. The Cimarrón Uruguayo is  in hunting in heavy cover. Clumber Spaniels have been kept and
        used for guarding, hunting, and all dog sports in its native Uruguay.  bred by various members of the British Royal Family, including
                                                               Prince Albert, King Edward VII and King George V.
        Cinnamon: Usually used to describe Chow Chows. Like the color
        or the spice of the same name, this color is a lightly saturated,  Coarse: Lacking refinement.
        yellowish  brown.  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed. Always
        check the breed standard for the definitive color description.  Coat: The hairy outer covering of the skin. Many breeds have two
                                                               coats; an outer coat and an undercoat. Examples of single-coated
        Circuit: A group of events clustered together at the same grounds  breeds are Italian Greyhounds, Maltese and Pointers.
        or in the same region on consecutive days.
                                                               Cobby: Short-bodied, compact.
        Circular eye: A round eye. Seen in the Smooth Fox Terrier.
                                                               Cocker Spaniel: A dog of a breed originally developed in England,
        Cirneco dell’Etna: Is a small breed of dog originally from Italian  having long drooping ears and a variously colored silky coat.
        island of Sicily. This hound was historically used to hunt rabbits
        and can work for hours without food or water. The breed also has  Collar: 1.  The  markings  around the  neck,  usually  white.  2. A
        a keen sense of smell and is primarily built for endurance over  leather, nylon, or chain neck band for restraining or leading a dog
        harsh terrain such as that of Mount Etna. It is the smallest of the  when the leash is attached.
        Mediterranean island hunting hounds, the others being the Pharaoh
        Hounds and Ibizan Hounds.                              Collie (Rough): Is a long-coated breed of medium to large size
                                                               dog that in its original form was a type of collie used and bred for
        Classical  conditioning:  The  process of associating  a  neutral  herding in Scotland. This breed resembles a bigger version of the
        stimulus with an involuntary response until the stimulus elicits the  Shetland Sheepdog though the two breeds are not related in any
        response.                                              way. They may have descended from a population of shepherd’s
                                                               dogs brought to Scotland by the Romans around the 5th century.

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