Page 19 - Canine-Terminology
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at front of ridge as on the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
        Covering ground: The distance traveled by a dog with each stride
        as it gaits.                                           Cry: The baying or music of the hounds.

        Cow-hocked: Hock joints turned or pointed towards each other,  Cryptorchid: The adult whose testicles are abnormally retained in
        causing the feet to turn out.                          the abdominal cavity. Bilateral cryptorchidism involves both sides;
                                                               i.e.,  neither testicle  has descended into  the  scrotum.  Unilateral
        Crabbing: Dog moves with body at an angle to the line of travel.  cryptorchidism  (also called  monorchid) involves one side only;
                                                               i.e., one testicle is retained or hidden, and one is descended.
        Crank Tail: Sharply bent or angled tail  (listed as a fault in
        Bullmastiff).                                          Cue:  A stimulus  that  elicits  a behavior. Cues may  be  verbal,
                                                               physical (i.e., a hand signal), or environmental (i.e., a curb may
        Crate: Portable container  used for shipping, transporting,  or  become a cue to sit if the dog is always cued to sit before crossing
        housing dogs. Also called cage or kennel.              a road).

        Cream: Used to describe many breeds, this color is a lowly  Culotte: Longer hair on the back of the thighs (e.g. Chow Chow,
        saturated, light-to-medium yellow. Often, it has just a little more  Schipperke).
        color  than  white.  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed. Always
        check the breed standard for the definitive color description.   Cur: Refers to the lowest class of nameless dog or pariah dog,
                                                               generally a mixed-breed dog. See Crossbred
        Crest: 1. Upper, arched portion of the neck. 2. Hair starting at stop
        on head and tapering off down neck (e.g. Chinese Crested Dog).  Curled tail: A tail which is tightly curled and held close to the
        Cretan Hound: Is a hunting breed of dog from the island of Crete,
        in Greece. It is considered to be one of the oldest hunting breeds  Curly coat: A mass of thick tight curls, which traps air, protecting
        in Europe, with a history that goes back to 4,000 years ago. This is  the dog against water and cold (e.g. Retriever  [Curly Coated],
        a multi-talented dog that comes directly from Crete. Its excellent  Spaniel [Irish Water]).
        scent, speed, agility, and durability make it an exceptional hare
        hunter. Cretan Hounds  also have guarding instincts as well as  Curly-Coated  Retriever: Is a breed of dog originally bred in
        pastoral instincts. The Cretan Hound is nationally recognized both  England for upland bird and waterfowl hunting. It is the tallest
        in Greece and in Germany.                              of the retrievers and is easily distinguishable by the mass of tight
                                                               curls covering  its body. Curly Coated  and  Wavy Coated  (now
        Criterion:  The  specific,  trainer-defined  response  in  a  training  known as the Flat-Coated Retriever) were the first two recognised
        session. The trainer clicks at the instant the animal achieves the  retriever breeds, established as early as 1860.
        criterion. Criterion can include not only the physical behavior but
        elements like latency, duration, and distance.         Cushion: Fullness or thickness of the upper lips (e.g. Pekingese).

        Croatian Sheepdog: Is a dog breed from Croatia. According to  Cursinu: Is a breed of dog originating from Corsica, France. It has
        written documents, the appearance of this breed has not changed  existed on the island since the 16th century, but went into decline
        greatly from the 14th century to the present day. Probably because  during the late 20th century; however it was saved and became
        it possesses an excellent hereditary instinct for working sheep and  recognized by the Société Centrale Canine. Used for a variety of
        cattle,  selection  on the basis of usability  was being  carried  out  working purposes.
        spontaneously, which has resulted also in the balance of its look.
                                                               CWAGS: Canine Work and Games.
        Cropping: The cutting or trimming of the ear leather to make the
        ears stand erect. No dog with cropped ears is eligible to take part  Cynegetics: Cynegetics is the art of hunting with dogs.
        in any Kennel Club Licensed activity in the U.K.
                                                               Cynology: The study of canines.
        Crossbred: A dog whose sire and dam are representatives of two
        different breeds. A crossbred dog cannot be registered by the AKC.  Cynophobia: The fear of dogs.

        Crossing-over: When viewed from the front (or rarely, the rear),  Czechoslovakian  Wolfdog:  Is a  relatively  new dog breed  that
        the legs converge beyond the midline.                  traces its original lineage to an experiment conducted in 1955 in
                                                               Czechoslovakia.  After initially  breeding working line German
        Croup (Rump): The region of the pelvic girdle, formed by the  Shepherd Dogs with Carpathian wolves (Canis lupus lupus), a plan
        sacrum and surrounding tissue.                         was worked out to create a breed that would have the temperament,
                                                               pack mentality, and trainability of the German Shepherd Dog and
        Crown: 1. Highest part of the head. 2. Circular formations of hair  the strength, physical build, and stamina of the Carpathian wolf.

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