Page 18 - Canine-Terminology
P. 18
The modern history of both the Rough and smooth Collie began causes.
in the reign of Queen Victoria, who became interested in the
shepherds’ dogs while at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. In 1860, she Conical head: Head that is circular in section and tapers uniformly
purchased some of the dogs for her own kennel. from skull to nose (e.g. Dachshund).
Collie (Smooth): Is a breed of dog developed originally for Conjunctiva: Thin membrane lining the inner surface of eyelids
herding. It is a short-coated version of the Rough Collie of Lassie and reflected over eyeball.
fame. Even the origin of the breed’s name is unclear, variously
claimed to describe the early shepherd dog’s dark colour (“coaly”), Contact fault: See missed contact.
or derived from the name of a breed of sheep with black faces once
commonly kept in Scotland (“Colley”), or derived from an Anglo- Copper: Usually used with white to describe Siberian Huskies.
Saxon word meaning “useful.” Like the color of the metal of the same name, this color is a bright,
brownish red. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always check
Colostrum: The milk secreted by the mother during the first few the breed standard for the definitive color description.
days following birth that provides the puppies with immunity to
some diseases. Corded coat: Narrow or broad twists of felted hair like thick string
or ribbon, formed by the intertwining of top coat and discarded
Combai: Is a terriers like dog breed found in and around the Tamil undercoat. Cords should always be distinctly separated from each
Nadu state as well as bordering areas of the state of Kerala India. other, down to the skin (e.g. Hungarian Puli, Komondor,).
It is considered an extremely loyal, intelligent and powerful native
breed. Corkscrew tail: Twisted tail, not straight.
Come: A relative directional command for the dog the dog to come Corky: Active, lively, alert.
or turn toward the handler.
Correct litter (CL): A request made by the litter owner to correct
Compact: Term used to describe the firmly joined union of various a registered litter.
body parts. It is also used to describe a short- to medium-length
coat, very close lying, with a dense undercoat and giving a smooth Correction: An action that stops or punishes a dog from doing an
outline. unwanted behavior.
Companion Animal Recovery (CAR): Is a national database in Coton de Tulear: Is a breed of small dog named for the city of
which any companion animal with a form of positive identification, Tuléar in Madagascar and for its cotton-like coat and is the island’s
such as a microchip or tattoo, can be enrolled. national dog. It is believed that the Tenerife dog was brought
to Madagascar and mated with a dog of the island, creating an
Companion Dog (CD): A title conferred on a dog by the AKC as a unexpected result. The Coton’s ancestors were possibly brought to
result of having won certain minimum scores in Novice classes at Madagascar in the 16th and 17th centuries aboard pirate ships. The
a specified number of AKC-licensed or -member obedience trials. Coton is of the Bichon dog type, linked most closely to the Bichon
Tenerife and the Tenerife Terrier.
Compound stressors: Events that increase a dog’s stress level and
cause him to be more on edge and prone to be reactive or upset. Counter-conditioning: Pairing stimuli that evoke one response
with an opposite response, so that the stimulus now evokes the
Compulsion training: The traditional style of dog training where new response. For example, a dog is afraid of men wearing hats.
the dog is modeled or otherwise compelled to perform the behavior When a man wearing a hat approaches, the dog is repeatedly fed
and physically corrected for non-compliance. his favorite food. The goal is to replace the fear with the pleasure
elicited by the food. Counter-conditioning must be done gradually,
Concaveation: Milk production in a spayed female dog in response however. If the process were rushed, the favorite food could take
to the suckling of a puppy. on the fear association instead.
Condition: Health as shown by the body, coat, general appearance Couple: Two hounds.
and deportment. It denotes overall fitness.
Coupling: The part of the body between the ribs and the pelvis/
Conflicted: When a dog simultaneously wants to do something hindquarters; the loin.
and is afraid to do it.
Coursing: To pursuit of game by dogs running by sight, not by
Conformation: The form and structure, make and shape; scent. Modern coursing is mainly restricted to greyhound racing
arrangement of the parts in conformance with breed standards. where the object is not to catch the hare, but rather a race of speed
between the dogs. The first known set of English rules for coursing
Congenital: Present at birth; may have genetic or environmental was drawn up in the reign of Elizabeth I by the Duke of Norfolk.