Page 15 - Canine-Terminology
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Cão  Fila  de  São  Miguel: Is a dog breed of molosser type  as the “Catahoula Hound” or “Catahoula Leopard Hound” because
        originating on São Miguel Island in the Azores, an island chain  of its spots, although it is not a true hound but a cur. It is also called
        which is one of the autonomous regions of Portugal. The breed  the “Catahoula Hog Dog”, reflecting its traditional use in hunting
        was originally used for working with cattle.           wild boar.

        Cap: Darkly shaded color pattern on the skull of some breeds.   Catalan Sheepdog: Is a breed of Catalan Pyrenean dog used as a
                                                               sheepdog. This dog is bred in Europe, especially in Spain, Finland,
        Cape: Long, thick hair covering the shoulders.         Germany, and Sweden. This breed is used for herding and as a pet
                                                               dog. In spite of its appearance, this courageous dog is also used as
        Capture: Marking and rewarding a naturally occurring behavior,  a watch-dog. An “all-around-dog” and great companion.
        such as sitting or lying down, as the dog is doing it. Once a behavior
        is captured, marked and rewarded, the dog learns to associate the  Catch Dog: Is a specially trained dog that is used to catch large
        behavior with the reward. This is the first step in teaching a dog to  animals in hunting, working livestock, and baiting.
        do a behavior on cue.
                                                               Caucasian  Ovcharka:  Also known as Caucasian  Shepherd
        CAR:  See Companion Animal Recovery                    Dog, is a large, strong breed originating in Caucasia and bred to
                                                               protect livestock. It is popular in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and
        Cardigan Welsh Corgi: Is one of two separate dog breeds known  extremely popular in Georgia, which has always been the principal
        as  Welsh corgis that originated  in  Wales, predating  the other  region of penetration of Caucasian shepherd dogs.
        breed, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Originally bred for farm work,
        including herding sheep and cattle. Cardigan Welsh Corgis were  Cavalier  King  Charles  Spaniel: Is a small  spaniel  originated
        bred long and low to make sure that any kicks by cattle would  in the United Kingdom and is one of the more popular breeds in
        travel safely over the dog’s head without touching them. Cardigan  many  countries.  Historically  the Cavalier  King Charles  Spaniel
        Welsh Corgis are known to be an extremely loyal dog breed. They  was a lap dog and is small for a spaniel, with fully grown adults
        are also versatile and can live in a variety of settings.    comparable in size to adolescents of other larger spaniel breeds.
                                                               During the early part of the 18th century, John Churchill, 1st Duke
        Care and conditions: The minimum standard, set by the AKC that  of Marlborough, kept red and white King Charles type spaniels for
        individuals must maintain for their animals and facilities.  hunting. The duke recorded that they were able to keep up with a
                                                               trotting horse. His estate was named Blenheim in honour of his
        Carolina Dog: Is a breed of medium-sized, feral dog that lives  victory at the Battle of Blenheim. Because of this influence, the
        mostly  in the  Southeastern  United  States,  especially  in  isolated  red and white variety of the King Charles Spaniel and thus the
        stretches of longleaf pines and cypress swamps. Rehoming of  Cavalier King Charles Spaniel became known as the Blenheim.
        Carolina dogs has recently become popular, and they can make
        good domestic pets with proper socialization.          Central Asian Shepherd Dog: Is an ancient breed of dog from
                                                               the regions of Central Asia. Traditionally, the breed was used for
        Carpals: Bones of the wrist.                           guarding sheep and goat herds, as well as to protect and for guard
        Carpathian Shepherd Dog: Is a breed of large sheep dogs that
        originated in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. It is theorized  CERF: Canine Eye Registry Foundation.
        that the various Carpathian Shepherd Dog breeds, as with other
        livestock guardian and Mountain dog breeds, are descendant from  Certificate: Document issued to individual (a) who has submitted
        dogs that were developed somewhere around 9,000 years ago in  a properly completed registration or dog transfer application or (b)
        Mesopotamia following the domestication of sheep and goats in  whose dog has won a performance award.
        the same area.
                                                               Český Fousek: Is a Czech breed of versatile gun dog. The Český
        Carrier: A dog who, though not showing any indication of being  Fousek is thought to be an ancient breed, although written standards
        affected, carries a genetic defect or disease-causing organism that  were first established in the nineteenth century. The breed nearly
        can be passed to other animals.                        became  extinct  in the  1920s, and was saved by breeding  with
                                                               Stichelhaars. The Český Fousek was used in the creation of the
        Castrate: To remove the testicles of a male dog.       foundation stock of the Slovak Rough-haired Pointer.

        Cat  (like)  foot: Short, round, neat, with high-arched toes held  Cesky Terrier: Is a small  terrier  type  dog originating  in
        closely together. The foot is compact like that of a cat.  Czechoslovakia.  The Cesky  Terrier was created  by a Czech
                                                               breeder, František Horák, in 1948, as a cross between a Sealyham
        Catahoula  Leopard  dog: Also known as Louisiana  Catahoula  Terrier and a Scottish Terrier, to create a terrier suitable for hunting
        Leopard dog, is an American dog breed named after Catahoula  in the forests of Bohemia.
        Parish, Louisiana, United States. Louisiana Catahoula became the
        state dog of Louisiana in 1979. The breed is sometimes referred to  Ch: See Champion.

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