Page 14 - Canine-Terminology
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uneven edges.
Burgos Pointer: Also called the Burgalese Pointer, is a breed of
dog native to Spain. Originating from Castile, especially in the Cane Corso: From Italian cane (dog) and “corso” from the Latin
province of Burgos. The breed is believed to have descended “cohors” meaning “protector”, also known as the Italian Mastiff, is
from a mix of the Sabueso Español and the Pachon Navarra (also a large Italian breed of dog. Valued highly in Italy as a companion
known as the Perros de Punta Ibericos). This hardy breed is used and guard dog. The Cane Corso is a descendant of the old Roman
for hunting and has some outstanding features for small game. molosser.
Burr: The inside of the ear; i.e., the irregular formation visible Canid: A family (Canidae) of carnivorous animals including dogs,
within the cup. wolves, coyotes, foxes, and jackals.
Butterfly nose: Spotted or partially unpigmented nose. Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF): The objective
of Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) is to eliminate
Butterfly: Parti-coloured nose; dark, spotted with flesh colour heritable eye diseases in purebred dogs. CERF accumulates
(e.g. Great Dane, Otterhound). research data, provides eye registration certificates and facilitates
Buttocks: The rump or hips.
Canine teeth: The large, sharp, curved teeth that are located on
Button ear: The ear flap folding forward, the tip lying close to the each side of the mouth. It is also referred to as eye teeth.
skull so as to cover the opening, and pointing toward the eye.
Canine: An animal of the family Canidae, especially a dog.
C Cantabrian Water Dog: Is a landrace breed of dog developed in
the coast of Cantabria, northern Spain, as an assistant to fishermen.
C/T: Click and treat. The Cantabrian Water Dog is an ancestral population in the north
of the Iberian Peninsula, whose origins seem to be common to
Cafe au lait: Usually used to describe Poodles, this color is the Barbet. The breed is socially, culturally and historically rooted in
typical color of the French coffee of the same name, which is about the towns and villages of the whole coast of Cantabria and eastern
equal parts of coffee and milk. It may be described as rich, well- Asturias. The work of this breed has been traditionally related to
saturated light brown. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always fishing work: collecting fishes that fell into the water, watching
check the breed standard for the definitive color description. the ships when they were moored in port, taking the rope between
ships and to the dock, or acting like a lifeguard.
Cairn Terrier: Is one of the oldest terrier breeds, originating in
the Scottish Highlands and recognized as one of Scotland’s earliest Canter: A gait with three beats to each stride, two legs moving
working dogs. The breed was given the name Cairn, because the separately and two as a diagonal pair. It is slower than the gallop
breed’s function was to hunt and chase quarry between the cairns and not as tiring.
in the Scottish highlands.
Cão da Serra de Aires: Is a medium-sized breed of dog of the
Camel back: An arched back. herding dog type, and is one of the indigenous regional dogs of
Portugal. Called the Portuguese Sheepdog in English, the original
Canaan Dog: Is a breed of pariah dog and has been in existence name refers to the Serra de Aires, a mountain near Monforte in
in the Middle East for thousands of years. There are 2,000 to the Alentejo region. The breed is nicknamed the “cão macaco”
3,000 Canaan dogs across the world, mostly in Europe and North (monkey dog, referring to the macaque or monkey) for its furry
America. face and lively attitude.
Canadian Eskimo Dog: Is an Arctic breed of working dog, which Cão de Castro Laboreiro: Is a dog breed of the livestock guardian
is often considered to be one of North America’s oldest and rarest dog type, originating from Castro Laboreiro in the northern
remaining purebred indigenous domestic canines. Other names mountains of Portugal, now a parish in the Melgaço urban area. It
include qimmiq or qimmit (Inuit language word for dog). They is in the same mountains as the Peneda-Gerês National Park. Also
were brought from Siberia to North America by the Thule people known as Dog from Castro Laboreiro, or Portuguese Cattle Dog or
1,000 years ago, along with the Greenland Dog that is genetically Portuguese Watch Dog.
Cão de Gado Transmontano: Is a rare molosser working giant
Canadian Kennel Club (CKC): The recognized registry dog breed, originating in and largely limited to the region of Trás-
organization for purebred dogs in Canada. os-Montes e Alto Douro Province, Portugal. Their primary function
is flock and herd protection, and their success is interlinked to the
Candle flame ears: A type of dog-ear that is large and erect with welfare of the flock and the presence of wolves, particularly.