Page 13 - Canine-Terminology
P. 13

Britches: Longer hair found on the upper rear area of the legs.  Hubert Jura Hound.

        Briquet Griffon Vendéen: Is a breed of hunting dog originating in  Brush: A bushy tail; a tail heavy with hair.
        France. Prior to the First World War it was bred down in size by the
        Comte d’Elva from the Grand Griffon Vendéen, a descendant of  Brushing: A gaiting fault, when parallel pasterns are so close that
        the Canis segusius used by the Gauls. The Briquet Griffon Vendéen  the legs brush in passing.
        was almost extinct after World War II, but thanks to the effort of
        Hubert Dezamy, a French dog show judge, the breed was restored.  Bucketing: When a breeder tosses a newborn puppy into water,
                                                               drowning it. The reason for the practice is often the breeder feels
        Brittany: Is a breed of gun dog bred primarily for bird hunting.  the dog is not worthy of life because it does not make the written
        Although it is often referred to as a spaniel, the breed’s working  club standards of the specific breed or the puppy does not display
        characteristics are more akin to those of a pointer or setter. The  the preferred color or type even though it is accepted by the club.
        name “Brittany” is taken from the Brittany region in northwestern
        France where the dog originated. Brittanys were developed between  Bucovina Shepherd Dog: Is one of the largest and most powerful,
        the 17th and 19th centuries, becoming officially recognized early  rustic livestock guardian dogs, with strong watch dog qualities,
        in the 20th.                                           which was developed  over many  centuries  by shepherds in the
                                                               Carpathian  Mountains (Romania  and Serbia).  There  are  three
        Brock: A badger.                                       types of Romanian shepherd dogs: the Mioritic (old name Barac),
                                                               the Carpatin (old name Zăvod) and the Bucovina Shepherd. The
        Broholmer: Also called the Danish Mastiff, is a large molosser  Bucovina Shepherd dog was bred to protect sheep flocks and cattle
        breed of dog from Denmark. The Broholmer breed was generated  herds, and proves courageous and very combative when potential
        from a cross between English Mastiffs and local dogs in Germany,  predators are afoot.
        and was named after Sehested of Broholm, a game-keeper who
        lived in the 18th century. During the Second  World  War, the  Buff:  Off-white  to  gold.  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed.
        Broholmer became a victim  of the strife and almost became  Always check the breed standard for the definitive color description.
        extinct,  but was saved by a group of Danish enthusiasts after
        isolated members were found in the 1970s. King Frederick VII and  Bull neck: A heavy neck, well-muscled.
        his consort, Countess Danner were owners of several Broholmers.
                                                               Bull Terrier: Is a breed of dog in the terrier family. There is also
        Broken colour: Self-colour broken by white or another colour.  a miniature version of this breed which is officially known as the
                                                               Miniature Bull Terrier. At the start of the 19th century the “Bull
        Broken-haired: A rough, wiry coat.                     and Terrier” breeds were developed to satisfy the needs for vermin
                                                               control and animal-based blood sports. The Bull and Terriers were
        Broken-up  face:  A receding  nose, together  with  a  deep  stop,  based on the Old English Bulldog (now extinct) and Old English
        wrinkle, and undershot jaw, as in the Bulldog or Pekingese.  Terriers with possible other terriers.

        Broker: An individual or kennel that appears in the chain of title  Bull Terrier (Miniature): Is a breed with origins in the extinct
        for a dog and whose business operations largely consist of buying  English White Terrier, the Dalmatian and the Bulldog. The first
        and selling dogs.                                      existence is documented 1872 in The Dogs of British Island.

        Bronze: Used to describe Newfoundland, this color is usually a  Bulldog: Also known as the English Bulldog or British Bulldog,
        tinge in a black coat caused by the sun. It is like the color of the metal  is a medium-sized breed of dog. It is a muscular, hefty dog with
        of the same name, which can be described as a moderately bright,  a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose. It was originally
        yellowish  brown.  Color  definitions  may  vary  by  breed. Always  bred for bull baiting, the practice of setting dogs to harass and
        check the breed standard for the definitive color description.   attack a tethered bull, popular as a sport in medieval Europe.

        Brood bitch class: Class where a brood bitch is shown and judged  Bullmastiff: Is a large-sized breed of domestic dog, with a solid
        with at least two of her offspring. Judging is based on the quality  build and a short muzzle. The Bullmastiff shares the characteristics
        of the get, not the dam.                               of molosser dogs, and was originally developed by 19th-century
                                                               gamekeepers to guard estates. The breed’s bloodlines are drawn
        Brood bitch: Female dog (bitch) used for breeding.     from the English Mastiff and the extinct Old English Bulldog.

        Brows: The ridges formed above the eyes by frontal bone contours.  Bully Kutta: Also known as Beast of East is a breed of large-
                                                               sized  working dog  that  originated  in  undivided  Sindh, of India
        Bruno Jura Hound: Is a domestic dog, developed in the Middle  and Pakistan, dating back to 16th century. It is derived from the
        Ages for hunting in the Jura Mountains on the Swiss-French  now-extinct Alaunt breed. Pakistan Bullies are working dogs used
        border. Also called  the  Jura Laufhund, this dog is an excellent  for hunting and guarding. Mughal emperor Akbar owned a Bully
        hunter of fox, hare, and small deer and closely related to the St.  Kutta, he used for hunting.

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