Page 11 - Canine-Terminology
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to the breed was Illyrian Hound, referring to a pre-Slavic people of
        Body: Anatomical section between fore and hind quarters.  the area. Today’s breed is descended from indigenous dog types,
                                                               crossed with an Italian gun dog in the 1890s.
        Boerboel: Also known as the South African Mastiff, is a large,
        molosser-type breed from South Africa bred for the purpose of  Bossy in shoulder: Over development of the shoulder muscles.
        guarding the homestead. These dogs were bred as working farm
        dogs and are one of the most powerful dog breeds.      Bossy: Over-development of the shoulder muscles.

        Bohemian  Shepherd:  Is a  breed  of  dog also  known as  the  Boston Terrier: Is a breed of dog originating in the United
        Chodský pes or the Chodenhund and recognized  nationally  in  States  of  America.  This “American  Gentleman”  was accepted
        Czech Republic. Bohemian Shepherd is an old sheepdog breed.  in 1893 by the American Kennel Club as a non-sporting breed.
        They have been also guarding Bohemian  southwestern borders  The Boston terrier breed originated around 1870, when Robert C.
        and  homes  in  the  area  of  the  Chod  region  (around  Domažlice  Hooper of Boston, purchased from Edward Burnett a dog named
        town). “Chodové” (the Chods), the local people living there, had  Judge (known later as Hooper’s Judge), which was of a Bull and
        an exceptional permission to hold large dogs for this purpose.  Terrier type lineage. Hooper’s Judge is either directly related to
                                                               the original Bull and Terrier breeds of the 19th and early 20th
        Bolognese: Is a small breed of dog of the bichon type, originating in  centuries, or Judge is the result of modern English Bulldogs being
        Italy. The name refers to the central North Italian city of Bologna.  crossed into terriers created in the 1860s for show purposes, like
        It is part of the Toy dog group and is considered  a companion  the White English Terrier.
        dog.  They belong to the Bichon family  group, which includes
        the  Bichon Frise,  Maltese,  Lowchen, Havanese  and Coton  de  Bouvier  des Ardennes:  Is a  rare  dog breed  from  Belgium.
        Tulear. Although there are some similarities, the Bolognese are a  Originating in the Ardennes region these dogs were used to herd
        distinctive breed in their own right. The Bolognese is an ancient  cattle. The loss of farms in the area led to serious decline in the
        breed of noble origins, and has its roots with Italian aristocracy.   numbers of these dogs until 1985 when some breeders found a
                                                               few dogs and used the original breed standard as their guide in re-
        Bone shape: Shape of bone in cross-section (foreleg). May be flat  introducing the dog.
        (e.g. Gordon Setter), oval (e.g. Pointer) or round (e.g. Australian
        Cattle Dog).                                           Bouvier des Flandres: Is a herding dog breed originating in
                                                               Flanders, Belgium. They were originally  used for general farm
        Bone: A type of connective tissue that forms the canine skeleton.  work including cattle droving, sheep herding, and cart pulling, and
        It is informally used to suggest a quantitative characteristic of limb  nowadays as guard dogs and police dogs, as well as being kept as
        bones in proportion to the overall size of the dog.    pets. The French name of the breed means, literally, “Cow Herder
                                                               of Flanders”, referring to the Flemish origin of the breed. Other
        Booster vaccination:  Periodic  injections  given  after a  primary  names for the breed are Toucheur de Boeuf (cattle driver), Vlaamse
        injection to continue immunity to a specific disease.  Koehond (Flemish cow dog), and Vuilbaard (dirty beard).

        Border Collie: Is a working and herding dog breed developed in  Bowed: Forelegs curved outward (e.g. Pekingese).
        the Anglo-Scottish border region for herding livestock, especially
        sheep. It was specifically bred for intelligence and obedience. The  Boxer: Is a medium-sized, short-haired breed of dog, developed in
        Border Collie is descended from landrace  collies, a type found  Germany. The Boxer is part of the molosser dog group, developed
        widely in the British Isles. The name for the breed came from its  in Germany in the late  19th century from the now extinct
        probable place of origin along the Anglo-Scottish border.  Bullenbeisser, a dog of Mastiff descent, and Bulldogs brought in
                                                               from Great Britain.
        Border Terrier: Is a small,  rough-coated  breed of dog in the
        terrier group of British origin. Bred as a fox and vermin hunter, the  Boykin Spaniel: Is a medium-sized breed of dog, a Spaniel bred
        Border Terrier shares ancestry with the Dandie Dinmont Terrier  for hunting wild turkeys and ducks in the Wateree River Swamp
        and the Bedlington Terrier.                            of South Carolina, in the United States. It is the state dog of South
                                                               Carolina, where it was discovered and further developed by
        Borzoi: Also called the Russian wolfhound, is a breed of domestic  hunters in the 1900s. The first Boykin Spaniel, or the precursor
        dog (Canis lupus familiaris).  Descended from dogs brought  of today’s breed, was reportedly a small, stray spaniel type dog
        to Russia from central Asian countries, it is similar in shape to  that  befriended  a banker walking from his home to the First
        a greyhound, and is also a member of the sighthound family.  Presbyterian Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina around 1900.
        “Borzói”  is the  masculine  singular  form of an archaic  Russian  September 1st, is Boykin Spaniel Day in South Carolina.
        adjective that means “fast”.
                                                               Brace: 1. Two of the same breed presented together as a pair. 2.
        Bosnian  Coarse-haired  Hound:  Also called  the  Barak,  is  Performance: To run dogs together in certain types of field events.
        a hunting dog breed developed in Bosnia. The breed is a scent
        hound, originally used to hunt large game. The former name given  Bracelets: Rings of hair left on the legs of some breeds in show

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