Page 9 - Canine-Terminology
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Belly: Under surface of the abdomen.                    Bird of prey eyes: Light yellowish eyes, usually harsh in outlook.
        Belton: A color pattern in English Setters (named after a village in  Biscuit: Usually used to describe Pekingese and Samoyeds, this
        England) of light or dark ticking or roaning. Colors include: blue  color is a combination of light gray, yellow, and brown hues with
        belton (black and white), orange belton (orange and white), lemon  medium brilliance and saturation (perhaps a gray-yellow). Color
        belton (lemon and white), and liver belton (liver and white). Color  definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard
        definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard  for the definitive color description.
        for the definitive color description.
                                                                Bitch: A female canine.
        Bergamasco  Shepherd: Is a breed of dog with its origins in
        the Italian Alps near Bergamo, where it was originally used as a  Bitchy: Feminine looking.
        herding dog.
                                                                Bite inhibition: A dog’s ability to control the amount of pressure
        Berger Blanc Suisse: Is a breed of dog from Switzerland. It is of  when mouthing an object. Lack of bite inhibition  may be an
        the same origins as the White Shepherd and the German Shepherd  indicator of aggression. Indications of a dog who does not have
        Dog.                                                    good  control  over  his bite  may  include  pressure  that  causes
                                                                bruising, bleeding or deep punctures; multiple bites in an incident;
        Berger Picard: Is a French breed of dog of the herding group of  grabbing and shaking an object; or biting down and refusing to let
        breeds. Berger is the French word for shepherd and Picardie is the  go.
        region of France where they originate. Owners and fanciers call
        them simply Picards. These dogs nearly became extinct after both  Bite: The relative position of the upper and lower front [incisor]
        World War I and World War II and remain a rare breed.   teeth when the mouth is closed.

        Bernese Mountain Dog: Is a large-sized breed of dog, one of the  Black and Tan Coonhound: Is a breed of hunting dog. Developed
        four breeds of Sennenhund-type dogs from the Swiss Alps. The  in the United States from crosses between the Bloodhound and the
        name  Sennenhund is derived  from the  German Senne (“alpine  Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound, this scent hound runs its game
        pasture”)  and Hund (“dog”), as they accompanied  the alpine  entirely by scent and is used primarily for coon hunting.
        herders and dairymen called Senn. Berner (or Bernese in English)
        refers to the area of the breed’s origin, in the canton of Bern. This  Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound: Is an American dog breed
        mountain dog was originally kept as a general farm dog. Large  and one of four foxhound breeds. In the 18th century  it was
        Sennenhunde in the past were also used as draft animals, pulling  crossbred with the Bloodhound, and gave rise to the Black and Tan
        carts. The breed was officially established in 1907. Historically, in  Coonhound. It is good for fox hunting.
        some locales at least, the breed was called a Dürrbachhund. The
        dogs have roots in the Roman molosser breeds.           Black  Norwegian  Elkhound: Is a modern variant  of the Grey
                                                                Norwegian Elkhound. It is a small Spitz breed and is very rare
        Bevy: A flock of birds.                                 outside  the  Nordic  countries  of  Scandinavia.  It  is  bred  for  the
                                                                same  purpose as the  Grey Norwegian  Elkhound  but  is smaller,
        Bichon Frise: Meaning “curly lap dog”, is a small breed of dog  more agile, and easier to recognize in the snow. Historically, it is a
        of the bichon type. The Bichon Frise is often depicted as a French  much “younger” breed, first bred in Norway during the early 19th
        dog. Although the bichon breed type are originally Spanish, used  century. The name “Elkhound,” comes directly from its original
        as sailing dogs, the  French  developed  them  into  a  gentle  lap-  Norwegian name “Elghund,” meaning “elk dog” or “moose dog.”
        dog variety. The bichon type arose from the water dogs, and is  In Norwegian, “elg” refers to the animal English speakers know as
        descended from the poodle-type dogs  and either the Barbet or  an “elk” or “moose”, and “hund” means “dog.”
        one  of the  water spaniel  class  of breeds. Modern bichons  have
        developed  into  four categories:  the  Bichon  Frise or  Tenerife,  Black  Russian Terrier:  Also known as the  Tchiorny  Terrier
        the Maltese, the Bolognaise, and the Havanese, often treated as  (tchiorny being Russian for black) is a breed of dog created in
        separate breeds.                                        USSR in  Red  Star  (Krasnaya  Zvezda)  Kennel  during  the  late
                                                                1940s and the early 1950s for use as military/working  dogs.
        Bicolor: Coloring of a dog who is mostly white but with large  Despite its name, the Black Russian Terrier is not a true terrier: it is
        patches of one other solid color.                       believed that about seventeen breeds were used in its development,
                                                                including Airedale, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Newfoundland,
        Billy: Is a large scent hound originating  from central  western  Caucasian Shepherd Dog and other breeds.
        France.  The Billy was  created by Monsieur Gaston Hublot de
        Rivault in the 19th century, and was named after his home the  Black Mouth Cur: Is a hunting and cattle dog that has its origins
        Château de Billy, in Poitou, France.                    in Southern United  States.  The Black  Mouth Curs, as a breed,
                                                                have  varied  historical  documentation  dependent  upon region.
        Bird Dog: A sporting dog bred and trained to hunt game birds.  Among them are the Southern Black Mouth Cur from Alabama,

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