Page 68 - Canine-Diseases
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anemia (pale gums). Behavioral changes may include squatting to  abnormality in dogs that has been associated with various neoplastic,
        urinate (versus hiking a limb), reduced sex drive and attraction  metabolic, and inflammatory conditions. The fundamental causes
        of other male dogs. Breeds at an increased risk include Boxers,  are physiologic (caused by exercise) or reactive (secondary to some
        German Shepherds, Afghan Hounds, Weimaraners and Shetland  cancers, blood loss, or certain drugs). Rarely the condition is caused
        Sheepdogs.                                             by a primary bone marrow disorder. Temporary thrombocytosis
                                                               may occur in response  to exercise, pregnancy and delivery, or
        Tetanus: Is a disease caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani   other  factors causing increased epinephrine  levels  in the  blood.
        following wound contamination. Dogs usually have a resistance to   The spleen releases stored platelets  in response to temporary
        Clostridium tetani bacteria and are not very susceptible to tetanus.   increases in blood epinephrine. Clinical problems that may cause a
        Tetanus is a serious condition in which a toxin or poison blocks the   secondary or reactive thrombocytosis are infections, inflammatory
        nerve signals and produces severe contractions of the muscles. The   disorders, acute or chronic blood loss, tissue damage from trauma
        first sign of tetanus is usually a stiffening of the neck, jaw, and hind   or surgery, drugs (steroids, vincristine),  hyperadrenocorticism,
        legs. Other symptoms include difficulty opening the mouth and   splenectomy, cancer and rebound from chemotherapy. The potential
        eating, contraction of the facial muscles, and rigid extension of the   problems arising in a reactive thrombocytosis include excessive
        limbs. Dogs may also get localized tetanus, signs of which include   clot (or thrombus) formation due to the increased number of active
        stiffness of a limb spreading to the rest of the body. Breeds more   platelets and, much less commonly, bleeding as platelet function
        susceptible to tetanus include German Shepherds and Labrador   may also be defective in reactive thrombocytosis.
                                                               Thyroid cancer: Is rare  and usually  non-productive  in dogs
        Tetralogy  of  Fallot:  Is a  congenital  heart  defect  in  dogs that   (unlike in cats, in which it causes hyperthyroidism). One-third of
        includes four separate  defects: pulmonic  stenosis (obstruction   thyroid tumors are small benign adenomas; the rest are malignant
        of blood flow through the pulmonary valve), a ventricular septal   carcinomas,  usually large and invasive. Adenocarcinoma  of the
        defect (a hole between the two ventricles), right ventricular   thyroid  gland  is a  malignant  tumor, which  can  metastasize  to
        hypertrophy (thickening of the heart muscle), and dextropositioning   other tissue and organs, including the lungs. Thyroid tumors are
        (overriding) of the aorta. Blood shunts from the right ventricle to   commonly  seen in middle-aged to  older  large-breed  dogs and
        the left ventricle through the ventricular septal defect. The blood   they account for only 1.2-3.8% of all canine tumors. Symptoms
        flows from the right side of the heart to the left side because the   commonly related to adenocarcinoma of the thyroid include a large
        pulmonic  stenosis  increases  resistance  to  blood  flow  out  of  the   fixed or movable mass in the neck, dyspnea (shortness of breath),
        right ventricle to a point that it is greater than systemic vascular   dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), polydipsia (excessive thirst),
        resistance. The  delivery  of deoxygenated  blood to the  systemic   polyuria (excessive urination), dysphonia (hoarseness), weight
        circulation  results  in  systemic  hypoxemia.  The  hypoxemia  is   loss, and change in bark. Thyroid tumors are commonly seen in
        often severe enough to cause cyanosis (bluish cast to the skin and   middle aged to older large breed dogs such as Boxers, Beagles,
        mucous membranes), either at rest or with exercise/stress. Other   Golden Retrievers, and Siberian Huskies.
        symptoms include dyspnea (shortness of breath), weakness, and
        fainting. Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital disease that likely is  Tibial tuberosity avulsion fractures: Usually occurs in younger
        influenced by genetic factors. Breeds predisposed to tetralogy of  dogs due to the area of the tibia not being fully fused to the rest
        Fallot include Keeshonds, English Bulldogs, and Wirehaired Fox  of the bone. Puppies diagnosed with this type of fracture usually
        Terriers. This defect has been recognized in other breeds of dogs.   have had some sort of trauma such as falling from a couch or bed
                                                               and landing with the knee flexed. The tuberosity of the tibia or
        Thrombocytopenia: Is a common condition in dogs characterized   tibial tuberosity or tibial tubercle is a large oblong elevation on the
        by low blood platelet counts. Platelets are fragments of cytoplasm   proximal, anterior aspect of the tibia. The tibial tuberosity attaches
        from cells called megakaryocytes that are produced in the bone   the  patella  to  the  tibia  with a  strong tendon  of the  quadriceps
        marrow. Platelets are used in clotting the blood, so dogs with this   muscle group. A fracture of the tibial tuberosity can result in an
        condition may have spontaneous bleeding or prolonged bleeding   avulsion fracture and pull the quadriceps muscles. An avulsion
        following  surgery, injury, or during  an estrous cycle.  Causes   fracture happens when a bone has been broken and a fragment of
        include some rickettsial  infections  such as ehrlichiosis, cancers   the bone is being separated by the pull of an attached muscle or
        such  as  hemangiosarcoma,  or  immune-mediated  disease.  Dogs   tendon. Symptoms include sudden onset of the hind leg, refusing
        with a low platelet count may display symptoms such as fever,   to bear weight on a hind leg, and swelling and pain around the
        lethargy, heart  murmur, urinary bleeding,  excessive  coughing,   front of the knee. Small breed dogs, especially toy breeds of any
        excessive nasal mucus, and collapse. Thrombocytopenia can be   age can also have a tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture occur if they
        inherited or acquired. There are inherited platelet defects such as   fall or jump off of furniture or steps.
        von Willebrand’s disease  that  are common  in certain  breeds of
        dogs, especially Doberman Pinschers. Congenital platelet defects  Tick bite paralysis: Tick paralysis, or tick-bite paralysis, is caused
        also  occur in  Otterhounds,  Great  Pyrenees,  American  Cocker  by a potent neurotoxin found in the saliva of certain species of
        Spaniels, and Basset Hounds.                           female tick and which is injected into the blood of the dog as the
                                                               tick infests the skin of the dog. In North America, Dermacentor
        Thrombocytosis:  Is a  condition characterized  by an  increased   andersoni (the Rocky Mountain wood tick) and  Dermacentor
        number of circulating platelets. Thrombocytosis is a hematologic

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