Page 70 - Canine-Diseases
P. 70
Toxicity – Gasoline and Petroleum: Gasoline and other petroleum tobacco plant and used in medicine and as an insecticide. Pets most
products are not among the top animal poisons, but they can cause often become intoxicated after ingesting cigarettes or cigars.
illness if ingested or exposed to the skin. The most common
products associated with illness include motor oil, gasoline, Toxicity – Permethrin and Pyrethrin: The most common
kerosene, propane and diesel. types of insecticide used to kill fleas are pyrethrins. When used
according to label directions, pyrethrins are safe and effective.
Toxicity – Grape and Raisin: Ingestion of grapes or raisins can Toxicity related to pyrethrins is usually associated with applying
be toxic to dogs. Ingestion of grapes and raisins does not appear more of the product than directed.
to cause toxicity in all dogs but can cause acute kidney failure in
some dogs Toxicity – Polyurethane glue: Polyurethane glues are water-
activated expanding adhesives commonly used for home
Toxicity – Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is a popular and effective over- improvement and repair projects.
the-counter medication available to treat pain and inflammation in
people. The most common cause of ibuprofen toxicity is a well- Toxicity – Potpourri: Potpourri is a common finding in many
meaning owner trying to alleviate pain in his dog. home but it can be toxic to pets, as it contains essential oils and
cationic detergents, which are both toxic. Cats and curious puppies
Toxicity – Iron: Iron is a chemical element that is normally are most commonly exposed.
important to red blood cell production in the body. Iron toxicity
typically occurs after accidental ingestion of the supplements or Toxicity – Rimadyl® (Carprofen): Is a non-steroidal anti-
from overdoses of supplements. inflammatory medication used for the treatment of arthritis,
and toxicity is normally associated with accidental ingestion or
Toxicity – Ivermectin: Ivermectin is a parasite drug that causes accidental over dosage of the drug.
neurologic damage to the parasite, resulting in paralysis and
death. Ivermectin toxicity occurs when an overdose of the drug Toxicity – Rodenticide: Rodenticide poisoning is the accidental
ivermectin is administered or consumed. ingestion of products used to kill rodents such as mice, rats and
gophers. Accidental exposure is frequent, and the symptoms and
Toxicity – Lead: Lead toxicity refers to poisoning due to ingestion problems your pet will exhibit depends on the type of poison.
or inhalation of products containing the element lead. Pets may be
exposed to lead from several different sources including lead paint, Toxicity – Scorpion stings: Although not all scorpions are
automotive items and even nuts and bolts. considered deadly venomous, you shouldn’t take a scorpion sting
lightly. The venom of a scorpion contains digestive enzymes,
Toxicity – Lizard venom: Lizard venom toxicity is characterized which can cause extreme pain.
by the bite of the Gila monster or the Mexican beaded lizard, the
two venomous lizards in the United States. The bites of these Toxicity – Snakebites from Coral Snakes and Cobras: Coral
lizards cause a myriad of clinical signs. snakes and cobras are the primary members of this family of
venomous snakes. Bites from these snakes are uncommon but are
Toxicity – Metaldehyde: Metaldehyde poisoning results from the very serious. Immediate medical care is strongly advised.
ingestion of products containing the active ingredient metaldehyde,
a common ingredient used in molluscicides, which are products Toxicity – Snakebites from Pit Vipers: Less than half of all
used to kill snails and slugs. snakebites result in envenomation. And if the snake is venomous,
the risk of toxicity is based on the type of snake, the size of the
Toxicity – Metronidazole (Flagyl): Is a commonly used and very animal bitten and the amount of venom injected in the bite.
effective antibiotic most frequently used to treat gastrointestinal
parasites. Toxicity is uncommon and generally associated with Toxicity – Strychnine poisoning: Strychnine is a toxin derived
prolonged use (many weeks) or high doses of the drug. from the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica and S. ignatii. It is used to
control rats and other predators, although when ingested by dogs,
Toxicity – Mushroom poisoning: Not all mushrooms are it is extremely toxic, and can cause death.
poisonous, but each type of poisonous mushroom can cause
different signs of illness. Mushroom toxicity is most commonly Toxicity – Toad: Most toads are bitter and cause drooling but
associated with curious puppies, and symptoms may occur certain species are poisonous and secrete a toxic substance that
anywhere from minutes to hours after ingestion. can cause serious, or even fatal, illness to the dog.
Toxicity – Naproxen: Naproxen is a popular and effective over- Toxicity – Zinc: Is a fairly uncommon disorder caused by ingestion
the-counter medication available to treat pain and inflammation in of zinc-containing foreign bodies, most commonly pennies minted
people. The most common cause of naproxen toxicity is a well- after 1982, and is most often seen in young dogs.
meaning owner who gives the medication without knowing the
toxic dose. Toxoplasmosis: Is an infectious disease caused by the protozoal
organism Toxoplasma gondii that infects humans and other warm-
Toxicity – Nicotine: Is a poisonous substance derived from the blooded animals. It is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be