Page 67 - Canine-Diseases
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disease characterized by the presence of antibodies to nucleic acid inactivity of the hair follicle. On epilation, the root or bulb of the
and/or antibodies to red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytes, clotting hair appears rough, non-pigmented, with a club or spear-shaped
factors, and thyroglobulin. The disease can result in deposition of appearance. The normal hair coat generally consists of hairs in
immune complexes or autoimmune disease. Immune complex either anagen (active growth) or telogen phase. Intermediate
deposition can cause vasculitis, meningitis, neuritis, and joint catagen hairs are less commonly found. The hairs in telogen are
and skin disease. Autoimmune disease may result in hemolytic more easily shed than those in anagen.
anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, proteinuria, dermatitis
and symmetrical polyarthritis, which are the most common Telogen effluvium: Is when some stress causes hair roots to be
manifestations of SLE in dogs. The definitive causes for SLE are pushed prematurely into the resting state. Many female dogs who
unidentified, but exposure to ultraviolet light may exacerbate the are nursing puppies will lose a large amount of hair. Such a dog is
disease. Specific signs of SLE may include lethargy, anorexia, often said to be ‘blowing her coat’ or ‘telogen effluvium’. During
lameness that appear to move from limb to limb, fever, ulcers pregnancy and other stresses including infections, hairs may
at mucocutaneous junctions like lips, enlarged lymph nodes, enter telogen prematurely, and do so in large numbers. Hormone
enlarged spleen, enlarged liver, muscle atrophy (wasting), and skin changes in female dogs may also play a role in this change.
signs may include redness, thinning, localized ulceration, loss of
pigment, and thinning or loss of hair. Some breeds are predisposed Testicular torsion: Also known as torsion of the spermatic cord,
to developing SLE. They tend to be medium to large dogs. These causes rotation of the testicle, ultimately causing obstruction to
include German Shepherds, Old English Sheepdogs, Afghan venous drainage. It is uncommon in dogs and usually a sequel
Hounds, Irish Setters, Shetland Sheepdogs, Collies, Beagles, and to neoplastic transformation of a retained testicle because the
Poodles. increased mass and greater mobility predisposes to rotation along
the pedicle. Descended testicles that undergo torsion are usually
T non-neoplastic. The affected testicle is larger than the contralateral
testicle with a diffusely hypoechoic parenchyma. The scrotum,
epididymis, and spermatic cord are thickened. With chronic
testicular torsion, the testicle will become smaller and may become
more heterogenous. The predominant clinical signs are pain, stiff
Tail gland hyperplasia (Supracaudal gland hyperplasia): stilted gait, and the presence of an abnormally swollen testicle (if
Also known as stud tail, is the inflammation or infection of the located within the scrotum). If an intraabdominal testicular torsion
supracaudal gland (aka tail gland, violet gland), which is modified is present, pain, lethargy, anorexia, and vomiting can occur.
sebaceous gland that secretes sebum. Cell hyperplasia may occur Testicular torsion is also referred to as orchitis and epididymitis as
with primary or secondary seborrhoea, or as a result of elevated these terms refer to symptoms of inflammation that are caused by
blood androgen levels. Tail hair may initially mask the early infection, trauma or metastasis.
signs of hyperplasia, but friction over the area or pressure from
hyperplastic cells on the hair follicles may result in hair loss. Testicular tumors: Are considered one of the most common
Underlying skin may show any / all of scale, greasiness and tumors of the male reproductive tract (90%), most commonly
hyperpigmentation. Secondary infection is rare, appearing as in older intact dogs. The three most common types of testicular
acne-like gland infection. Advanced cases may appear nodular tumors are Sertoli cell tumors, interstitial (Leydig) cell tumors
either due to uneven hyperplasia, cyst formation or infection. and seminomas. About one third of dogs that develop a tumor
will have more than one of these types of tumors present. Other
Tapeworms (Cestodiasis): The most common tapeworm of dogs types of testicular tumors (i.e. embryonal carcinoma, lipoma,
is Dipylidium caninum, which is spread by ingesting fleas and lice. fibroma, hemangioma, chondroma, teratoma) can occur but are
Also common is Taenia pisiformis, spread by ingesting rabbits rare. These tumors are slow to metastasize but may spread to
and rodents. Rare tapeworm infections are caused by species of lymph nodes. Testicular tumors produce excessive hormones such
the genera Echinococcus, Mesocestoides, Diphyllobothrium, and as estrogen or testosterone. Sertoli cell tumors have a higher rate
Spirometra. Adult tapeworms reside in the small intestines of of spread than other testicular tumors. Studies have indicated that
dogs. Motile proglottids (dried, white to cream colored segments, cryptorchidism (absence of one or both testes from the scrotum)
or pieces, of tapeworm) may be seen in the perianal region as is one of the most important contributing factors to testicular
they exit the animal, in the pet’s environment (e.g. on bedding), cancer. Exposure to environmental carcinogens are other factors
or in the fecal material itself. Dogs may bite or lick the anus, or that attribute to tumorogenesis. Clinical signs of testicular tumors
drag their hind quarters across the floor in response to the itching. include soft swellings in one or both testicles, a single enlarged
Cestodiasis poses a zoonotic health risk. Treatment to destroy testicle or asymmetric testicles, generalized scrotal enlargement,
tapeworms is critical to avoid transmission to humans (typically and infertility. Hair and skin changes may include symmetrical
children). hair loss, brittle hair, poor hair regrowth after shaving the coat,
thin skin, hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and a stripe
Telogen defluxion: In dogs it is a form of alopecia. Telogen of red inflammation along the midline of the prepuce. Other signs
defluxion is a disorder which causes excessive hair shedding in include nipple elongation, mammary enlargement, penile atrophy,
dogs. It is caused by extreme stress on the body which has occurred preputial swelling and sagging, testicular atrophy of the unaffected
in the last 1 to 3 months. Telogen describes the period of rest or (noncancerous testicle), prostatic atrophy or enlargement, and