Page 61 - Canine-Diseases
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Symptoms  of  retrobulbar  abscess  are  bulging  eyes,  discharge  contents. Infecting the dog include two important  species,
         from around the eye, fever, foul breath, anorexia, pain on eating,  Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. They are usually white
         redness around the eye, squinting, swelling around the eye, and  or light brown and a few inches long. Dogs may become infected
         unilateral nasal discharge.                            by sniffing or licking infected feces and can also be spread by
                                                                other animals  such as rodents, earthworms, roaches and birds.
         Reverse sneezing:  Also known  as known  as paroxysmal   Roundworm larvae  (immature  worms) can  migrate  and  encyst
         respiration, is a common phenomenon in dogs and it may look   throughout the host’s body. The most common consequence of
         disturbing. When dogs reverse sneeze, they typically stand, extend   roundworms is growth reduction. Signs are usually mild, but may
         their head and neck, pull back their lips, and inhale repeatedly   include diarrhea, pot-bellied appearance, weight loss, coughing,
         and forcefully through their nose. A distinctive, loud “snorking”   dull coat, poor growth, and worms vomited up or visible in stools.
         sound is heard each time they inhale. It is suspected to be caused   Roundworms are extremely common parasites in dogs. Almost all
         by  irritation  or  inflammation  of  the  nasal,  pharyngeal,  or  sinus   dogs have roundworms at some point in their lives, most often in
         passages. Nasal  mites,  small  parasites  that  can  infest  the  nasal   puppyhood. Roundworms do pose a significant risk to humans.
         passages and sinuses of dogs, are another possible cause of reverse   Contact with contaminated soil or dog feces can result in human
         sneezing. A tracheal collapse is of a more serious nature than a   ingestion and infection. Children should not be allowed to play
         reverse sneeze. It affects all types of dogs, but more commonly   where animals have passed feces.
         smaller  dogs such as Miniatures,  Terriers, and brachycephalic
         breeds.                                                Ruptured cranial cruciate  ligament:  The cranial  cruciate
                                                                ligament  (known as the anterior cruciate  ligament  in humans)
         Ringworm: Dermatophytosis is the medical term for the fungal   is one of several ligaments in the stifle (knee) that connect the
         infection  affecting  the  skin,  hair,  and/or  nails  (claws)  that  is   femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). It is one of the most
         more  commonly  referred  to  as  ringworm  which  is  caused  by   important  stabilizers  inside  the  canine  knee  (stifle)  joint.  This
         Microsporum  canis (70%),  Microsporum  gypseum (20%), and   ligament can be torn as a result of an acute traumatic event or
         Trichophyton mentagrophytes (10%). Ringworm fungi feed on the   due to a slow progressive breakdown over time due to genetic,
         keratin that is found in the outer layers of skin, hair and nails.   conformational,  and/or  immune mediated  processes within  the
         The affected hair follicles are brittle and break easily, which helps   joint. 40-60% of dogs that have cranial cruciate ligament disease
         spread the disease. Dogs often catch  ringworm through direct   in one knee will, at some future time, develop a similar problem
         contact with animals or people who have ringworm themselves,   in the other knee. Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament is one
         some of whom may have little or no clinical evidence of the disease.   of the most common reasons for hind limb lameness, pain, and
         Ringworm fungus can also be spread through contaminated objects   subsequent knee arthritis. Ruptured cruciate ligaments most often
         like bedding, brushes, clippers, and cages. Typical signs in dogs   affect  young,  large  breed  dogs.  Certain  dog  breeds  are  known
         include hair loss (circular patches), dandruff (scales), dry brittle   to have  a higher  incidence  of cranial  cruciate  ligament  disease
         hair, rough, brittle claws, poor hair coat, reddened or ulcerated   including  Rottweilers,  Newfoundlands,  Staffordshire  Terriers,
         skin, and crusting of the skin. Ringworm is contagious to people   Mastiffs, Akitas, Saint Bernards, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, and
         and is caught through touching an infected dog.        Labrador Retrievers while others are less often affected including
                                                                Greyhounds, Dachshunds, Basset  Hounds, and Old English
         Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF): Is an infectious,   Sheepdogs.
         tick-borne  disease  caused  by  the  organism  Rickettsia  rickettsii.
         The organism is carried by ticks and transmitted through bite to
         a host animal.  The most common tick  to transmit  this disease                 S
         is the  American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis). Others
         include the wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni) and the brown
         dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Infected  female  ticks can
         pass the rickettsial organisms to their eggs, and male ticks can  Salivary mucocele:  A salivary mucocele,  or sialocele,  is a
         transmit the organism to females during mating. Ticks can also  collection of saliva that has leaked from a damaged salivary gland
         become infected by feeding on an infected animal. The signs and  or salivary duct, and has accumulated in the surrounding tissues.
         symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever vary according to the  Types of salivary mucocele are 1. Cervical mucocele - the saliva
         type of disease the dog has. Most dogs will develop a fever within  collects in the upper neck region, under the jaw, or in between the
         five  days  of  contracting  Rickettsia  rickettsii. Other symptoms  jaw; 2. Ranula mucocele - the saliva collects beneath the tongue
         include depression, lethargy, anorexia, hematuria  (blood in  alongside the tongue; 3. Zygomatic mucocele - the saliva collects
         urine),  arrhythmia  (irregular  heart  beat),discolored  spots along  around the eye; and 4. Pharyngeal mucocele - the saliva collects
         the  skin,  ataxia (inability  to  walk  normally),  edema,  bleeding  mostly in the back of the throat. Salivary mucoceles are typically
         from nose, difficulty with blood clotting, swollen lymph nodes,  soft and non-painful,  unless a secondary  bacterial  infection  is
         and inflammation, hemorrhage, or conjunctivitis in the mucosal  present. Trauma such as from choke collars, bite wounds, sudden
         membranes, most commonly in the eyes.                  hyperextension of the neck, or chewing on foreign materials
                                                                is generally considered to be the most likely initiating  event.
         Roundworms:  Also  known  as ascarids, are parasites that live  Symptoms include swelling of the neck, swelling under the tongue,
         freely in the intestine, feeding off of partially digested intestinal  difficult  swallowing,  breathing  difficulties,  secondary  bacterial

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