Page 28 - Canine-Diseases
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reabsorb the electrolytes and nutrients, and instead ‘spill’ them swollen due to inflammation or trauma.
back into the urine to be expelled. The electrolytes and nutrients
that fail to be reabsorbed and are excreted in excess in Fanconi Fistula: A tunnel-like passage within tissue which may connect
syndrome include sodium, potassium, glucose, phosphate, different body tissues or cavities. For example, perianal fistulae;
bicarbonate, and amino acids. Causes for Fanconi syndrome tube-like formations which occur in the in the skin and deeper
include Inherited in most cases, particularly in Basenjis; use tissues around the anus.
of gentamicin, streptozotocin, and amoxicillin; and secondary
to primary hypoparathyroidism. Symptoms include excessive Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD): Also known as flea bite
urination (polyuria), excessive thirst (polydipsia), loss of appetite, hypersensitivity is a very common pruritic, papular skin disease
weight loss, lethargy, poor body condition, and reduced and/or caused by hypersensitivity to flea salivary antigen. When feeding,
abnormal growth (rickets) in young, growing animals. Fanconi fleas inject saliva that contains a variety of histamine-like
syndrome has been reported in several different dog breeds, but compounds, enzymes, polypeptides, and amino acids that span a
the vast majority of reported cases have occurred in Basenjis up wide range of sizes (40–60 kD) and induce Type I, Type IV, and
to 75%. Estimates of the prevalence within the Basenji breed in basophil hypersensitivity. Flea-naive dogs exposed intermittently
North America range from 10–30 percent. to flea bites develop either immediate (15 min) or delayed (24–48
hr) reactions, or both, and detectable levels of both circulating IgE
Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE): is a condition in which a and IgG anti-flea antibodies.
piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal
cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center Florida keratopathy: Also known as Florida spots, is an eye
(the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral condition characterized by the presence of multiple spots within
blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal both corneas. Florida keratopathy appears as multiple cloudy
cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of opacities in the stromal layer of the cornea. The spots appear
the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons concentrated at the center and become more diffuse at the
in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off. An FCE periphery. They can range in size from one to eight millimeters. In
typically results from an injury to the spinal cord caused by the United States, it is found most commonly in the southeastern
jumping or landing awkwardly. Sometimes vigorous exercise can part of the country.
trigger it. Dog fights, rough play, and any sort of accidental trauma Fly bite dermatitis: Also known as fly strike dermatitis or myiasis,
can also lead to an FCE. Symptoms of FCE can include sudden, is the inflammation of the skin resulting from trauma due to biting
severe pain which may subside after few minutes to hours, paresis, flies. Flies such as stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) generally
paralysis, lack of pain response, and wobbly, uncoordinated or attack the face or ears of dogs and black flies (Simulium spp.)
drunken gait (ataxia). The highest number of cases tends to occur generally attack areas with little or no hair. Symptoms include
in giant and large breed dogs. Miniature Schnauzers and Shetland intense itchiness, scratching, licking, pawing and/or biting at areas
Sheepdogs are reported to be more prone to this injury.
of skin; skin redness; foul-smelling skin; rubbing the head on the
Fibroma: Uncommon benign neoplasm (tumour) of the skin floor or ground; inflammation of paws, legs, tail base, flank, neck
originating from fibroblasts in the dermis or subcutis. The tumours and/or armpit areas; hair loss in affected areas; hot spots (raw,
may resemble collagenous nevi or skin tags. The head and legs weeping, painful sores); red raised skin eruptions or bumps; dry,
are the most likely sites. Fibromas appear as isolated, generally scaly, crusty skin; dandruff; ear infections; and foul odor from ears.
raised, often hairless lumps originating under the skin surface. Flies tend to cause most damage to the tips of ears in breeds that
They feel firm and rubbery (fibroma durum) or soft and mushy have erect ears e.g. German Shepherds, Collies, Malamutes and
(fibroma molle). Fibromas occur in all breeds but are primarily the crease of ears in breeds with flop ears e.g. Labrador Retrievers).
a tumor of aged dogs. Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Rhodesian Fold dermatitis: An inflammatory bacterial skin disease which
Ridgebacks, Brittanys, Rottweilers, Dalmatians, Great Danes, occurs within the humid environment of a skin or lip fold.
German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers are most at risk.
Examples include skin fold dermatitis, tail fold dermatitis, vulvar
Fibrosarcoma: Are slow-growing, malignant tumors most often fold dermatitis, lip fold dermatitis, and face fold dermatitis. This
found in the connective tissue of the skin and beneath the skin. condition occurs due to the heat and humidity that builds up in the
The tumor is diverse in appearance and several different cell lines folds of skin, which is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, yeast,
produce tumors of similar appearance and these connective tissue and fungi. Certain breeds are more susceptible, which include
tumors may have several different names, including fibrosarcoma, Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds, English Bulldogs, Pekingese, Pugs,
schwannoma, neurofibroma, peripheral nerve sheath tumor, and Saint Bernards, Shar Peis, Shih-Tzus, and Spaniels.
hemangiopericytoma. Larger dogs and Golden Retrievers seem to Follicular cyst: Also known as epidermoid cysts, they are the
be affected more than other dogs, and male dogs more often than most common form of skin cyst in the dog. They are dilated hair
female dogs.
follicles containing fluid or dark-colored cheesy material. They
Fissure: A secondary skin lesion. A linear crack or cleft either are predisposed to developing a secondary infection (pyoderma).
within the epidermis or extending through the epidermis into the Dilated pores and comedones (blackheads) are related to follicular
dermis. Generally occurs where thick, inelastic skin becomes cysts but have wide openings on the surface. They are secondary
problems that occur because of local injury, blockage of the opening