Page 26 - Canine-Diseases
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Epidermal hyperplasia: Also referred as acanthosis, describes focal (limited to small area or diffuse (widespread). Dogs with focal
thickening of the epidermis. It is classified into flat (the entire episcleritis develop a raised, pink, smooth, painless, firm, tumor-
site thickens moderately; e.g., in chronic eczema), proriasiform like mass, and is more common in Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs,
(epidermal protrusions are extended), papillomatous (the and American Cocker Spaniels. Dogs with diffuse episcleritis have
epidermis projects upwards; e.g., with viral warts or seborrheic dramatic reddening of the conjunctiva and sclera and enlargement
keratosis), and pseudo carcinomatous (pseudo squamous cell of the episcleral blood vessels and is more often in the American
carcinomas project irregularly downward; e.g., chronic ulcer Cocker Spaniels, Airedale Terriers, and Rottweilers.
margin, deep mycoses)
Epidermal oedema: An increase in fluid within the epidermis
resulting in swelling of tissue. May be either intracellular (within Epitheliotropic lymphoma: Also known as mycosis fungoides or
the cell) or intercellular (between cells, ‘spongiosis’). Commonly cutaneous lymphoma, is a malignant cancer of the skin and mucous
a feature of acute or sub-acute inflammatory dermatoses. membranes originating from T lymphocytes. Epitheliotropic
lymphoma in dogs can present in four main ways: 1. generalized
Epididymitis: Is the inflammation of the epididymis, the elongated red inflamed and scaly skin-the skin maybe so flaky that the flakes
cordlike structure along the edge of the testis that provides for appear to be shed in sheets; 2. loss of pigment and ulceration/
storage, transit and maturation of sperm. Epididymitis is commonly crusting of the nose, lips and around the eyes-owners may
diagnosed in dogs, generally striking in the adult years; the average notice a black nose slowly lose pigment to become completely
age of dogs affected with this condition is 4 years old. It can be depigmented; 3. single or multiple skin nodules; and 4. thickening
triggered by infectious organisms, as well as by other conditions, and ulceration of oral tissues. Dogs will have enlarged lymph
including viral causes (i.e., distemper), infections associated with nodes and some will be systemically ill.
inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), inflammation of the
bladder (cystitis), contamination by urine from severe abdominal Epulis: Are tumors or tumor-like masses on an animal’s gums,
trauma, and direct trauma to the scrotum. Bite wounds on any which do not come from the teeth. Also known as “gum boils”,
area of the body can also lead to the development of epididymitis. they originate in the tissue that connects the teeth to the bone of
Symptoms include pain, swelling of the scrotum, lesions in scrotal the jaw. They appear early on as small masses sprouting from the
skin, abnormal masses in the scrotum, and licking of the scrotum. gum, which seem to hang from a stalk, and often displace tooth
structures as they expand. Most epulides stick to the bone, do not
Epilepsy: Is a chronic condition that causes repeated seizures, have a capsule, have a smooth to slightly nodular surface, and are
and is the most common chronic neurological disorder in dogs. firm, and pinkish. These irregular growths are found on the gum
The scientific term for seizure is “ictus”. A seizure may also of middle-aged dogs (about 8 years of age on average). They are
be called a convulsion or ‘fit’ and is a temporary involuntary generally benign, but some varieties are prone to invading nearby
disturbance of normal brain function that is usually accompanied tissues and require removal of the growth and the surrounding
by uncontrollable muscle activity. Three main characteristics of tissue. Symptoms include bleeding from the mass, difficulty
epileptic seizures include loss of voluntary control, often seen chewing, displaced teeth, drooling, loss of appetite, edema of jaw
with convulsions (jerking or shaking movements and muscle bones, loss of teeth, halitosis, and weight loss. Epulides are the
twitching); irregular attacks that start and finish very suddenly; fourth most common oral tumor in dogs and occur most often in
and attacks that appear very similar each time and have a brachycephalic breeds. Boxers seem to be slightly predisposed to
repetitive clinical pattern. There are many causes of seizures. developing these growths.
Idiopathic epilepsy, the most common cause of seizures in the
dog, is an inherited disorder. Other causes include liver disease, Erosive or ulcerative dermatoses: An erosion is a shallow
kidney failure, brain tumors, brain trauma, or toxins. Breeds that defects in the skin that only affect the skin’s upper layers but
are prone to epilepsy include Beagles, Belgian Tervuren, Bernese has not penetrated the basal layer of the epidermis. Erosion may
Mountain Dogs, Collies, Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds, English be caused by self-trauma or epidermal disease and does not
Springer Spaniels, Finnish Spitz, German Shepherds, Golden result in scarring. With ulcers, the surface layers of the skin are
Retrievers, Irish Setters, Irish Wolfhounds, Keeshonds, Labrador compromised completely, since the defects go deeper into the skin
Retrievers, Miniature Schnauzers, Poodles, Siberian Husky, Saint and often scar on healing. Dogs with ulcerative dermatosis present
Bernard Shetland Sheepdogs, and Vizslas. with bright red lesions and ulcers in their ventral abdominal and
inguinal region. Wide variety of diseases or conditions may result
Episcleritis: Redness of the white part of the eye (episclera) is a in erosions or ulcers of the skin; common causes are burns, trauma,
medical condition referred to as episcleritis. It may also involve drug reactions, skin infections, certain types of cancers, and auto-
the conjunctiva. The inflammation will appear as either a small immune diseases of the skin. Viruses may also cause erosions
nodule or a thickening of the sclera with no related discharge or or ulcers that appear identical to burns or trauma. Ulcerative
excess tearing. The nodule may be smooth, painless, pink, or tan in dermatosis can develop specifically in Shetland Sheepdogs and
color, or it may look like a firm mass. Although the inflammation Collies.
is typically contained to the specific area, it is possible for the
inflammation to spread to other areas of the eye. Episcleritis is Erythema: Any abnormal redness of the skin. Erythema is
thought to be related to the immune system. Episcleritis can be caused by dilation and irritation of the superficial capillaries; the